
Chapter 19: Gossips: the full-length version

- The second one, meanwhile, was sneaking away. - Finding an appreciative audience, the storyteller was singing her praises. - But not far, she hurt her leg in the fall. Finished with the first, the Untouchable, as he was without pants, ran for the second.

The cook spared no description.

- He caught up with her closer to the center of the village, ran up behind her in full view of everyone, pulled up her skirt and threw her down. The growl of the Untouchable merged with the loud moans of the girl. They scared all the crows away, sissies.

At this turn, the Lady realized that her ward wasn't all that rowdy. At the very least, someone's imagination would give him a hundred points ahead.

- Seeing such savagery, people were dumbfounded. - The cook went on. - But there was a brave girl there who decided to protect the poor one with her breasts. Her breasts weren't big enough, so the Untouchable fell for her, too. But as soon as he got a hold of her, he sensed something was wrong. Without thinking too much, he tore her clothes into picturesque shreds and examined her. The girl turned out to be a guy, just a nice-looking one.

- So? - Lady wondered.

- Tore his junk off and raped to the bone. - Proudly proclaimed the narrator.

The lady opened her mouth. Who's got a fantasy like that?

- And then the Untouchable drank blood from the throat of the last victim and turned into an evil spirit. After looking at all with blood-red eyes, he laughed resoundingly and with wild laughter flew to the women's baths. And there was just one group taking a bath.

The cook smacked her lips and continued the story.

- They had just rubbed their bodies with fragrant soaps, when the Untouchable came through the wall and started touching them all. Mostly on their asses. The girls, frightened by the sudden intrusion, scattered. But one of them didn't make it. He caught her by the breasts. A size six, after all. So he raped her. With imagination, and there were basins, sponges, and brooms. He bitten all over her breasts, pervert.

The lady was delighted. What details.

- Finished with this one, Untouchable flew out of the bathhouse and began to scour the area in search of new victims of his irrepressible temper. And he found them. There was a sweet couple playing kissy-kissy behind a bush. The untouchable grabbed the girl, threw her on his shoulder, and flew up with a laugh. Enjoying the advantage of flight, right in front of her boyfriend, he undressed the girl. He took off each piece of clothing separately and threw it to the admirer.

The cook rolled her eyes dreamily, mentally savoring the scene, and continued.

- Then Untouchable dragged the already naked girl to the Untouchable peak, where he raped her right on the "do not throw people down" sign. And he raped her exactly until the hero-lover climbed the peak after them. Then he grabbed the guy by the scruff of the neck and lifted him into the air. And stripped him, too. He took the opportunity to touch the man's neck and drink his blood. Then he caught up with the girl, grabbed her in the other hand, and flew to the cliff. Hovering over the cliff, the Untouchable laughed angrily and threw them both down. He threw the sign down with them. They say he's been throwing the sign down every midnight since. That's it. - The cook finished the story.

- Didn't you mention somebody else at the beginning? - The Lady remembered.

The narrator glanced at the door.

- That was unverified information.

Lady froze in shock. And all the previous information is verified and reliable?

- I see. Thank you. That was delicious. - The listener stood up.

- You're welcome. - The cook nodded patronizingly. - If you get hungry, come again, don't be shy. I'll tell you how O Pruck was looking for a bride. Or how Chu the stable boy created the dual cultivation technique.

The Lady came out of the kitchen ninety percent sure of the authorship of the story she heard today.


The lecture was quite enlightening. One could feel that the speaker was knowledgeable about his subject. After the informative monologue was over, Yee Rhys approached the elder and asked for the materials of the previous lectures.

- Nineteen days, huh? - The lecturer assessed the young man. - Very good.

And right on the spot he wrote down the necessary information on a jade slip.

When he had finished, Yee Rhys left the square. To his own surprise, only a group of young men standing a little apart from the others was interested in him. However, after looking at their uniforms with the stripes of the Discipline Department, the young man calmed down. They were not the enemy. Most likely, the Lady had already bothered to brief them accordingly. Accordingly, they must have been given their new identities on the Untouchable. Apparently, they were comparing.

The Knowledge Tower, where the cultivation techniques were stored, was the next thing on Yee Rhys' list. It was a round four-story building with high lancet windows. The first level techniques were located on the three lower floors, from the lowest rank on the first floor to the middle rank on the second floor to the highest rank on the third floor. The fourth floor held the second level techs, which were exclusively for the elders.

After showing permission, the young man went inside. And found himself faced with a difficult choice. Even though only two floors were available to him, there were still plenty of techniques. For starters, Yee Rhys decided to weed out the ones he didn't need.

Cultivation Technique. The Seven Gems technique was considered the best available in the sect, and therefore did not require replacement. The technique included the small techniques "Gem Blade", "Gem Scatter", and "Gem Shield". They were designed to attack, move, and defend, respectively.

In principle, Yee Rhys knew the basic attack and movement techniques from his previous sect. And then he had access to the highest rank techniques and even some of the second level techniques.

Therefore, the current task is to find something really interesting. It would be good to have a technique for moving quickly and over long distances. Previously the young man preferred combat techniques. Therefore, all of his decent movement techniques were inclined either for mobility or short accelerations. And in the near future, he would probably have to run.

Going up to the second floor, Yee Rhys began to look through the descriptions of the techniques. The techniques themselves were not posted here by smart people, apparently wary of geniuses with overdeveloped memories. Marking a couple of the most appropriate ones, the young man made a cursory study of the other techniques on the floor. Even if he wasn't interested in them, that didn't mean a potential adversary wouldn't be. And understanding your opponent's techniques is half the battle.

Going down to the first floor to familiarize himself with the techniques there, Yee Rhys suddenly came across techniques that interested him: "Flickering Star" and "Invisibility". Both were of the illusory type. The Flickering Star was an auxiliary technique to the movement technique, hiding the real position of the cultivator's body and making it flicker in the eyes of the opponent. It combined perfectly with movement techniques of the mobile type, such as the Gem Scatter. Invisibility spoke for itself. It allowed one to conceal his presence.

He had never been interested in illusionary techniques before, so he knew of none. However, he understood that in a complex situation, Invisibility could be priceless. He had intended to use mental illusion techniques to disguise himself, but suddenly realized that if he were caught using them (and with the Lady he would be) it would be difficult to explain how he did it without any illusion techniques in hand. He was also able to combine both techniques well with the ancestral techniques. And who in their right mind would look under a Qi illusion for a mental illusion?

It would be good to find a quality illusion or disguise technique later, but for now, these low-level techniques would suffice.

When Yee Rhys brought the selected techniques to the responsible elder, the latter looked at him strangely and asked if he was sure of his choice. The young man confirmed.

After completing his choice of techniques, Yee Rhys looked sadly at the Library adjacent to the Tower of Knowledge, but resolutely turned away. Not now. For now, he must prepare for the tournament. And reach the first current in mental energy to completely hide his unique aura by the beginning of the tournament.