
Meeting the girls.

I wake up to the sounds of an alarm which is like a thousand needles piercing through my eardrums. I wonder who told me that 'a woman yelling for help' was a good alarm.

Just as I'm about to go back to bed , the door barhes open and in comes one of my maids coming in withy foods . well it's about time .. I'm starving.

"Good morning mr barlow. hope you slept well" she said to me as she droppes the food on my nightstand. she then left the room. I opened up the plate and find six layers of waffles glazed with syrup and a glass of juice at the side. it looked so yummy but I have neither brushed nor had my bath.

it is the worst day of my life. today I meet with the choice of girls that my dad wants me to choose from to wed. it was stressful cause I wasn't really in the mood to start dressing all pretty. so I freshen up and dress up nicely in my casual tshirts and jeans. with that I ate my breakfast and head downstairs.

I then see my dad with a group of ladies whom I think are the girls who my dad wants me to choose from. They don't seem that bad though 'so let's get this show on the road'.

The first girl was introduced to me as lady Heinrick Stephanie, she seems nice but she does not seem like someone that you'd be proud to go out with . No offense. Her fashion sense is awful and she has a butt load of makeup plastered on the face like wet cement plastered on her face. it was that horrible. I am not interested.

The second lady was introduced to me as mademoiselle vivian from France. Her dad owns the biggest shoe manufacturing company in france. my dad arched his brows from me to choose but I guess she's not my type, seems like a spoilt brat and does not cleave onto me . "son, that's the daughter of nicky Fernando, the manufacturer of Kumani.co and you just let her slip right out of your hands" he asked me " I don't want her as a wife , dad" my dad just sighed and moved to the last girl.

Her name is lady jennifer. Her father, the sole owner of legends and co, the 2nd biggest manufacturers of shoe in France. "Bonjour monsieur jace . je mapelle mademoiselle jennifer. comment es tas?" she knew what she was saying because 'comment es tas' is a spanish question.

"I'm fine dearie. but I'm sorry I can't do anything about you or with you . you look pretty but I believe you are too young for me" she looked lost .

" son, jennifer doesn't understand english only french and espanyol" my dad whispers.

' what the hell? then how am I supposed to communicate with someone who doesn't speak english "I questioned and he just shrugged.

" I'm not doing this anymore. stop trying to fix me up cause you obviously don't have good taste in girls" I snapped and he flinched . Then I walked away, going back to my room. and slamming the door.