
The Perfect Bastard


Intan_Yuniarti_3359 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 4: Ask The Daughter

"Papa is happy if you two are in a relationship, so Papa can be family with Hans." Albert said after joining the family room.

Arion could only exhale roughly, his Papa's words were an order for him. Moreover, he saw a very happy smile etched on his father's face. Arion thought, it looks like he should marry Peony. At least Peony is an obedient girl. Arion escorted Peony to his yard. Because Peony brought her own car. Before Peony got into her car, she confirmed Arion's seriousness.

"Brother, are you really going to marry me?"

"Are you not ready to marry me yet?" asked Arion back.

"I'm ready bro. I'm ready to be Big Brother's Wife!" replied Peony excitedly.

"Good then, go home, it's getting late!!" Aaron's orders.

"Yes sis, I'm home huh!!" goodbye Peony.

"Careful!!" replied Arion.

Peony returned home, to her home. His heart was very happy to hear Arion's seriousness with him. For Peony, it is okay to marry young, as long as she is married to the man she loves.


Hans, who had been informed by Albert, immediately interrogated his daughter. Because Hans felt very strange, Peony never told Hans about her relationship with Arion. While usually Peony always told Hans whatever happened to him. After getting a definite answer from Peony, Hans was quite happy that Arion really loved Peony.

At first Hans was a little afraid that Arion was just playing with Peony's feelings. Because all this time, Hans knew, Arion was very indifferent and curt towards Peony. The days went by as usual, Arion was busy with his work. Likewise with peony who is busy with his online business and his thesis trial. Moreover, his online business is now getting more and more enthusiasts.

"Peony, come here. I want to ask you about something. Hurry up," Hans shouts to Peony.

"What is it?" answered Peony.

"Hurry up. Don't to much asking. Come on peony come here,"

"Whats is your business with me papa?" asked Peony.

"Please come on dear,"

"Okee, wait a minute,"

After Peony done her business she come to her father.

"Whatts happen papa? What do you want to ask me? It's important?" asked Peony.

"Yes dear. Its important. I want to ask you about Arion," Said Hans.

After hear that Hans mention Arion's name, Peony's face has face off. She afraid that her father will ask unvorable things for her. She confuse to answer the question later.

"Yes papa, what is the question?" asked peony.

"Are you sure you will marry him?"

"What did you say papa? I'm sure about my decision." Peony answered stammering.

She tried to be calm as possible. She want to her father wouldn't ask anything again. But unfortunely, She couldn't hide her nerveousness. She is veru uncomfortable with this question of his father.

"Are you sure?" asked Hans

"Yes papa, I'm sure," replied Peony convincing.

"But, why do you don't talk me anything about him? Are you kidding me?" asked Hans.

"Why do you say abiut that papa, do you don't believe with me?" said Peony.

"Oke dear, but why do you don't talk me anything about him?"

"Sorry papa. I am still busy with my business and don't have anytime to tell you about it. I am so sorry papa," answered Peony.

"It's okay dear, but I feel you still hiding something from me. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I say honest papa. I have nothing to hide,"

Hans still suspect about her daughther decision. He still ask another question to Peony.

"How long do you know about him? Do you really know each other?" asked Hans.

"I have known him for a long time ago papa and I've known him very well," replied Peony.

Peony continues to reply that she's very convinced about her choice and she want to her father decision too.

"He is very kind to me papa, I love him so much," said Hans.

Peony sais that she loves Arion so much and she really-really miss him so much.

"Papa, do you doubt out relation?" asked Peony.

Peony is very sure if her papa still has doubt about her relationship with Arion. She was very afraid that in the next day her father disagree about her relationship and make their don't get married.

"What do you think about his papa? Do you like his," said Peony.

"I think he is a kind people and may be become a good husband too," replied Hans.

"Its sure papa. He is very kind people and he's love me so much. I know about that," said Peony with a smile on her lips.

With the night getting late, Peony still asked a few question from his father.

Hans is just a father who wants his daughter's happiness. He loves her so much and he does not want her daughter decided to marry with a wrong person. But after hear that her daughter sure about her decision finally he agree about her daughter secision to marry wth her beloved boy.

"Oke if you sure about your decision, I hope you will be happy with Arion dear," said Hans.

"Sure papa. I'm very happy with my beloved boy. I miss you papa, your beloved daughter will marry with her boy. Are you glad about that?" asked Peony.

"Sure dear. I am glad for you," replied Hans and hug her daughter.

Hans and his son embraced very warmly. A sincere hug from a father for his son who welcomes his son's wedding that will be held soon.

"Thank you papa," said Peony.

"Its oke dear. If you want a something please tell me,"

"Oke papa thank you,"

Night's getting late. Hans left his daughter and let her sleep. Currently, hans just want her daughter get achieved the happiness. Hans jus wasn't sure before because his daughter had never told him about the man.

After Hans left Peony, finally Peony returned to her room and sure that she had managed to convince her rafher to accept her marriage.

"Oh my god, why do my father ask about that. Oke keep calm Peony. I sure that my father support my decision," said Peony.

"Now I must take a rest for the next day. I sur that tomorrow is the beautiful day."