
Profound deviance

Nathanael's POV:

"I am not playing any games," I state again as I walk by Devana's side, "Have you met her? How can you tell it's her scent?" I immediately ask after my statement.

A quick snortle escapes her before she speaks, "I saw you dance with her at the ball before you two disappeared together. When you joined us for the meeting with lord Grady, you had this scent all over you," she explains.

I deduce from this, she's not the only one who'd picked up on that. Devana is right. I am playing a game here. I am playing with fire. 

I suppose keeping my hands to myself is harder since Rosemary is the second woman I ever bond within this sense. After Ashina, I mean. 

With every other person I've bonded with, it hasn't been this difficult. I've bonded with them in a different way. For instance, Respect for my parents, protectiveness over my sister, and mostly friendship with the rest.