
The Penitent

The world has been hit by a fascinating and terrifying occurrence at the same time, in around 1350 a couple of years after the plague started to sprawl over europe some terrafying modifications started to occur in some people's immune system. People started to not be conquered by sickness but conquering, them manipulating them as if it's some kind of weapon. Some years after that the world was in chaos, the people of some regions even started rebelions and took over lands and kingdoms. People called this event as "The Surge", those who had this type of mutation on their body started being chased by people to be selled. After this occurence, the world changed for the worst, where death follows you around, people who lost everything, family, wealth, friends and sanity are now lurking around meaninglessly. A boy was born in mists of this chaos, "Guto Mörker" the one who carrys the blessing and the darkness of the world.

OrangeMouse · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The Grasp of Opportunity

"Work with you? Alright, but I have no idea what kind of work you're into, and that mask still has me curious."

Frøya's eyes held a glimmer of determination as she responded, "I work as an independent mercenary, and it's clear that you haven't been treated well by those mercenaries you were with.

Considering those nightmares you've been having, I can't even fathom what you've been through. So, what do you say we team up, make a substantial amount of money, and get out of here? We could even head to a city where there's still a ruler that hasn't been corrupted or taken over by beasts"

Guto fell silent for a moment, memories of his past traumas flooding his thoughts. He contemplated whether such a future was even possible.

"Sure, I've got nothing to lose." he eventually conceded.

Frøya's face brightened with a glimmer of hope. "Alright, then. What should our first mission be?" Guto inquired.

"Okay, listen to this."


A day prior

The Neglected City

5:48 PM

Frøya stood within the depths of a dimly lit alleyway, her back pressed against the cold, unforgiving brick wall. The narrow passage seemed to have a life of its own, swallowed by darkness and shadows. She melded seamlessly into this obscurity, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings with a cautious determination.

Her ears perked up, honing in on a faint sound that grew louder with each passing moment, a distinct chatter of two individuals. Curiosity drew her further into the abyss, akin to a moth captivated by a flickering flame.

As she inched closer, the conversation between two junkies became clearer. Their voices, marked by raspiness and desperation, cut through the heavy, tension-filled air.

"Have you heard about that train, man?" one junkie slurred, influenced by the effects of his vices.

"Yeah, the one that's supposed to pass through the nearby rail, right? I heard it's owned by some high noble," the other junkie replied with a hint of excitement.

Frøya's heart raced, the mention of a train connected to a high noble piqued her curiosity. Intuition told her there was more to this conversation than mere idle gossip. The first junkie let out a bitter chuckle, tinged with despair.

"Imagine the riches on that train. Gold, jewels, maybe even ancient artifacts. Can you imagine what we could do with all of that?"

Frøya's breath hitched, the possibility of unimaginable wealth stirred something within her. She knew all too well the dangers of temptation, yet the lure of this impending event was irresistible. With a careful step forward, she positioned herself closer to the source of the conversation. Shadows danced upon her face, offering fleeting glimpses of determination intermingled with caution.

The second junkie lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "If we could get our hands on more flu, we could jump onto the train while it's still moving. A chance to seize what we desire, if we're smart about it."

Frøya's eyes narrowed, her mind racing to formulate a plan. The allure of adventure mingled with the thrill of danger called to her like a siren's song. She understood the perils of meddling with matters of nobility, but her audacious spirit burned brighter than her fear.

As the junkies continued their hushed conversation, Frøya became a silent observer in the dark alley. The wheels of destiny began to turn, and she promised herself that she'd be ready when the time came. In that moment, Frøya realized that the approaching train held the promise of not only riches but also the opportunity to forge her new path.


23rd of December

1:32 PM

"Humm... What is a train" Guto questioned.

"I can't fault you for not knowing, they're relatively new."

"Regardless, dealing with a high noble could be very dangerous," Guto voiced his concerns.

Frøya, however, remained undeterred as she handed him what appeared to be a unique weapon. Guto examined it with curiosity.

"What is this?" he asked.

"It's called the 'Hunter's Arm,'" she explained. "It's a specialized weapon designed for stealthy assassinations."

As Guto tried to figure out how to put it on, Frøya continued, "This forearm gauntlet is made of lightweight, durable materials and is equipped with a concealed mechanism for launching small arrows, or 'Shadow Bolts,' at high velocity."

Guto scrutinized the mechanism while she elaborated.

"It also has a grappling hook attached, which you can deploy quickly from the gauntlet. It consists of a compact, high-tensile cable with a sturdy grappling hook at the end. To use it, you'll activate a discreet mechanism on the gauntlet, which opens a small compartment, revealing the coiled cable and grappling hook.

Then, you aim the grappling hook at your target, a structure, ledge, or elevated surface, launch it by pressing a button or releasing a mechanism on the gauntlet. The hook latches onto the target securely, allowing you to ascend, descend, or swing across gaps.

After you're done, you can retract the cable with another mechanism on the gauntlet. The grappling hook swiftly detaches and returns to its concealed compartment."

Guto activated the mechanism, revealing the hook, and marveled at the craftsmanship. "Wow, did you make this?" he asked enthusiastically.

Frøya chuckled. "No, I'm not that skilled. I had a favor owed to me, so I asked for this in return."

Guto continued to explore the gauntlet's features, still enthralled by its design.

"As you entertain yourself with that," Frøya said with a sigh, "I'll explain the plan."

"Oh, right, I'm all ears," Guto replied, momentarily tearing his attention away from the gauntlet.

"Alright, here's the plan. Given that the train is likely to be brimming with passengers, our point of entry will be through the roof using our trusty grappling hooks."

Guto raised an eyebrow. "You've got one too?" he inquired.

Frøya responded with a confident grin, displaying her own grappling hook. "Of course, I'm always prepared."

"Once we're up on the roof, our next move is to find a discreet entry point, potentially a restroom. Before that, though, we'll need to change into some more upscale attire to blend in with the other passengers."

"Now, supposedly there's usually a ticket inspector making rounds. Since we won't have tickets, we'll need to be careful to avoid him. Once inside, our ultimate goal is to locate the vault where the treasure is stored and liberate it. Got all that?" Frøya asked, observing Guto still puzzling over the gauntlet's functions.

Guto, finally grasping the plan, nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, absolutely, I've got it all down."

Frøya sighed softly, noticing his continued fascination with the gauntlet. "Alright, then. While I fetch the appropriate attire, you can keep yourself occupied with that," she suggested.

With that, Frøya departed the house to procure the necessary clothing for their upcoming heist, leaving Guto to hone his skills with the newfound weapon.