
Vitality Equipment Infusion

Editor: Larbre Studio

The shards and bits of the Thunder Shield flickered down like stardust, glistening under the sunlight, decorating the arena. In that same arena, Lei Qian stood motionlessly, staring at the youngster ahead of him, frozen in his step.

Lin Qian stood staring back, snorting coldly at the dumbstruck Inner Disciple. Suddenly, his right palm opened, sweeping rapidly towards the latter's cheeks.

"Buddha's Palm!"


A crisp slap echoed across the arena. One tight slap sent Lei Qian flying, zooming an inch above ground as he twisted. Then, he landed and tumbled several times unceremoniously.

As the disciples spectating saw this, they could not help but caress their own cheeks.

Gosh, that hurts so much!

As Lei Qian struggled to his feet, a crimson red five finger palm marked his cheek. Seeing that conspicuous marking, Lin Qian smirked as his own palm, sighing long and slowly, "that was AMAZING!"

Those words were like pouring diesel into a fire. Lei Qian's molten rage erupted as his wheezing breath hastened. Glaring at his enemy, his face curled like a hunting beast and his Soul Energy crackled on the verge of losing control.

"Idiot! Get yourself together and calm down!" Just as Lei Qian was about to set off, Lei Heng's roar boomed from the front of the Judgement Court. Like a strike of thunder, his voice echoed loudly through all the disciples' ears.

Under the loud bellow, the disciples beside the Death Battle Stage cupped the ears and frowned. Facing the angered roar from Lei Heng, several Named disciples had even passed out. 

Owing to the interruptive reminder from his grandfather, the beastly, uncontrolled rage had slowly dissipated from Lei Qian's face, returning to standard bit by bit. His hasty, unsteady wheezes too regained momentum and regularity.

"Have you forgotten? As a Nirvana Stage Practitioner, what is your advantage? Which idiots fight others' strengths with their weaknesses?"

Hearing Lei Heng's words, Lei Qian immediately shut his eyes, bringing his tranquillity back to himself. Heaving a long deep breath, Lei Qian reopened his eyes. He had regained his calmness. 

On the Arbitration platform, Qin Wushunag's expression was dark and dissatisfied. His dark, menacing eyes glared at Lei Heng, "Master-Uncle, in a death battle, what are words of reminder and cautions counted as?"

Snorted coldly, Lei Heng began his unreasonable excuses, "This Lin Qian has used unfair techniques to disrupt my grandson's peace and calmness. Compared to those lowly ploys, my simple words of advice are nothing. If you are unhappy, why not throw in some pointers for Lin Qian too?"

Hearing the outrageous rebuttal, Qin Wushuang gritted his teeth angrily.

His intelligent Mater-Nephew had utilised his strengths to mock and embarrass Lei Qian, the whole purpose was to disrupt his mind and cause him to lose control.

This had nothing to do with cultivation stages, it was just a common and purposefully strategy that was commonly used in battle,

Yet, when he succeeded, this sly old fox dared to come forward and forcefully drag Lei Qian out of the chaos, awakening from the anger and shame.

This unfair and disgraceful intervention in the fight of juniors had even disgusted the Disciplinary Elder. He sternly looked at Lei Heng in the eye, "Just this once, never again. Master-Nephew Wei, as compensation and for fairness, you can also throw in your suggestions once."

"There is no need for this!" Softly coughing twice, Wei Wushuang rejected the kind gesture and replied weakly, "My disciple does not need such lowly and unsightly methods to win this deadly battle. Since it's a deathmatch, if he dies when he loses in terms of skills and technique, he only has himself to blame."

"Hmph!" An ice-cold snort escaped from Heng as he stormed back to his seat, not forgetting to glare threateningly at Wei Wushuang. 

In the arena, Lei Qian stared at Lin Qian, "I have to admit, your sturdy physique and dense Soul Energy. Just as they say in the rumours, overbearingly powerful battle capabilities. The mental disruption strategy was a resounding success for you."

"Even if you have calmed down, you still only can be pummeled by me!" Lin Qian looked at the battered yet composed appearance of Lei Qian and laughed, " Just now, I mentioned that you should believe the rumours because my physique and Soul Energy are indeed powerful. However, sometimes, you ought to have some distrust in them too."

"Nonsense! Lin Qian, mark the date, this day will be your death anniversary!" As he spoke, sparks glimmered on Lei Qian's palms. From within, tiny and intricate metallic objects formed. They were the Vitality Equipment Core and 5 Vitality Equipment Pieces!

Without delay, purple Lightning Soul Energy rushed in, forming a blade body, while the Vitality Equipment Piece melted and flowed in as a viscous fluid.

"Vitality Equipment Infusion!"

As he bellowed, the Vitality Equipment Piece flowed about on the command of his Soul Energy. They wrapped around the Vitality Equipment Core, hardened, and formed into a sharp, purple, blade body. Around the blade body, Purple Lightning Soul Energy wrapped, dangerously crackling every moment.

"HAHA, this is the skill gap between the two of us. You cannot achieve Vitality Equipment Infusion!" Brandishing his roaring blade, Lei Qian mocked. Then, he pointed it at Lin Qian, "let me show you, the fury of Lightning and Thunder."


Lightning crackled along the surface of the arena as Lei Qian closed in with the infused Rushing Thunder Blade. Within the blink of an eye, he had already reached Lin Qian.

As the Rushing Thunder Blade mercilessly sliced at him, Lin Qian sensed an impending strike without delay, he shielded himself with his arms, ducking backwards at the same time.

Shockingly, as the purple Lightning was intercepted by his Soul Energy, Lin Qian felt a paralyzing tingle on his skin. For the first time, he had to circulate additional Soul Energy to repel the attack entirely.

Furthermore, the sharpness and lethality of an Infused Vitality Equipment from a 9th Tier Peak Nirvana Stage Practitioner was nothing like the Nirvana Stage Practitioners from Mt Ba City. Lei Qian was in a league of his own. 

The Rushing Thunder Blade pierced open Lin Qian's Pure White Soul Energy, it cut into his hands. On his arms, a slit had been opened, pure crimson blood oozing out.

Rapidly, Lin Qian dove backwards, swiftly avoiding every attack from Lei Qian. However, the latter quickly followed his every move. The Blade Aura from the Rushing Thunder Blade formed from lethal Lightning cut across the arena from Lin Qian back. With every slice, a blast of explosion erupted, dirt and dust shrouding the stage.

Quickly, the dust cloud dissipated. The duo duels it out at breakneck speed, churning up a gust of wind, blasting away the dust.

"Hahaha, Lin Qian, weren't you very suave just now, why are you now like a poor little stray dog, only knowing to run away?" Lei Qian chased the retreating Lin Qian and brandishing the Rushin Thunder Blade in his hand, smirking.

Unknown to Lei Qian, a window that he couldn't see had appeared in front of Lin Qian.

At the same time, no one noticed the glimmer of Soul Energy in Lin Qian's eyes.

 In front of Lin Qian's eyes, on the window which only he could see, the data of Lei Qian's actions which he had observed poured onto the record.

Simultaneously, more than 100,000 top scholars of the Tiangong Ministry were gathered in the Jiagong Hall facing a Battle Mirror which was dozens of feet long. As the battle ensued, they were continually conducting real-time analysis of Lei Qian's abilities.

Suddenly, Lei Qian stopped the chase and looked at Lin Qian. Shaking his head, he laughed: "Lin Qian, I'm tired of the cat and mouse game."

Putting the blade flatly between two fingers, Lei Qian brushed it, "The next move is my best killer move, The Rushing Thunder Slice. Thunder runs berserk constantly, and the sword splits the world into two, so my Martial Soul is also called "Rushing Thunder Blade."

"In front of this, no matter how fast you are, there's no avoiding it." Lei Qian glared at Lin Qian, his eyes leaking with pomp. He was absolutely confident in the next move.

Lin Qian stood still and speechless, turning a blind eye to Lei QIan's threats. He continued looking at the window which only he could see, and watching the results analyzed above.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, Lin Qian's Soul Energy changed qualitatively. Above the pure white energy, a Crimson Gold thunder hovered. It was roaring madly, suppressing its surroundings with a powerful aura. Then, a sword-like Vitality Equipment Core and three crimson gold VItality Equipment Piece suddenly appeared in front of Lin Qian.

The Lightning compressed into a blade, while the golden fluid flowed like a stream from the melted Vitality Equipment Pieces. On the arbitration platform, the two sworn brothers leapt onto their feet, their widened eyes fixed onto the youngster in the arena. Clutching onto his chair, Lei Heng's pupils shrank as he leaned forward in surprise. Slowly, he rose along with the duo,

Similarly, the Disciplinary Elder was shocked.

"Could it be… Brother Lin…" By the stage, Bai Ren's heart pounded hastily, his entire body trembling from excitement and adrenaline as he watched the life-changing event.

On stage, Lin Qian smirked victoriously while he stared at the dumbfounded Lei Qian, "Vitality Equipment Infusion!"