
The Peculiar Investigations - A Series Of Short Stories

Peculiar Investigations In the city of Avalon, curious mage Merlin seeks purpose beyond his noble roots. He joins "Peculiar Investigations," a detective agency solving enigmatic magical disturbances and mysteries. Led by experienced Hal, the agency's approach combines research and quick response teams. Merlin's mastery of elemental magic aligns with the company's mission. As he delves into this new world, he envisions a life of exploration and purpose, far removed from his privileged past.

Zifu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Eerie Forest

Chapter 3

Merlin arrived at the Peculiar Investigations office to find Quill already there, nose buried in a massive tome.

"Morning, Merlin," Quill said without looking up. "Hal has assigned us together for today's mission. Let me just finish this passage..."

Merlin waited patiently as the scholar scribbled some final notes. At last, Quill closed the book.

"Right. This should be fascinating! We're off to investigate the Forest of Forgotten Memories."

Quill unfurled a map, tapping a densely wooded area. "For centuries, people who venture in here tend to disappear. Weeks or months later, they reemerge with no recollection of their lost time."

Merlin's eyes lit up. "Curious indeed! Do you have any theories?"

"A few," said Quill. "I've been studying the folklore and accounts of this phenomenon. Many blame sinister fey creatures that supposedly dwell there. But I suspect the cause is something arcane."

Soon they set off, Quill guiding them confidently through the wilderness. Merlin was impressed by the scholar's woodcraft.

As the ominous forest came into view, Merlin felt a trickle of apprehension. The woods appeared unnaturally dense, with gnarled trees blanketed in moss that obscured paths into the shadowy interior. He could understand why superstitious folk feared this place.

Sensing Merlin's unease, Quill offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I've got protective charms and spells prepared." He patted the bulging satchel on his hip. "We'll unravel this mystery, you'll see."

Bolstered by the scholar's confidence, Merlin followed him into the dim woodland. The dense canopy instantly muted the sun, leaving them in perpetual twilight. Quill marked trees as they went so they could retrace their steps.

"What do you make of these trees?" Quill asked. "The bark has peculiar markings, almost like..."

"Runes!" Merlin blurted in astonishment. Indeed, the etchings resembled glyphs used for channeling magics. He traced his fingers over the arcane symbols, pulse quickening.

"Remarkable..." murmured Quill. "An entire enchanted forest! It seems we're on the right track."

Deeper they delved, scanning for clues while ensuring they went in a straight line to avoid getting lost. At one point, Merlin spotted movement ahead. A dark, horned figure flitted behind a tree.

"You saw that too?" Quill whispered. "Could be one of the fey creatures of legend. We must proceed cautiously."

The spectral shapes continued to flash at the edge of vision, accompanied by faint laughter. Merlin readied defensive spells, nerves prickling. He was glad to have Quill's arcane expertise alongside him.

"Fascinating..." Quill murmured, glimpsing the entities. "I wonder if they are causing the memory loss, or just opportunistic scavengers drawn here by magic."

Suddenly, spectral forms emerged from the shadows ahead, surrounding them. The dark fey were misshapen, with sharp claws and teeth. Glowing sigils marked their shadowy flesh.

Quill hastily cast a glyph on the ground that emitted a protective glow. "Stay within the circle! These beasts are not our true foes."

The creatures hissed and swiped at the barrier but recoiled from the light. Emboldened, Merlin wove flaming orbs between them to keep them at bay. His magic blended with Quill's protective enchantments.

After a tense standoff, the creatures retreated into the gloom. Quill gave Merlin an impressed look. "Well done! You've got quite the talent. Very precise spellwork back there."

Merlin grinned, flushed with pride. "I'm just glad your barrier glyph worked! What next?"

Consulting his instruments, Quill pointed ahead. "The core of this forest's power lies that way. Be on guard for more of those creatures."

They pressed ahead briskly, eager to reach the source before twilight deepened. Soon, the trees thinned into a clearing bathed in unearthly emerald light. At its center floated a crystalline altar ensconced in tangled roots and foliage.

"Incredible..." Quill gasped. Merlin shared his awe. This altar exuded ancient power; it was surely linked to the forest's strangeness.

Quill circled the relic, scrutinizing the intricate glyphs. "This language is old...a druidic tongue. Let me decipher it."

As he puzzled over the script, Merlin kept watch for fey creatures. His eyes kept returning to the mesmerizing altar. There was beauty in its primal symmetry that stirred something within him.

"I've got it!" Quill exclaimed. "This altar was enchanted by ancient druids to protect their grove from outsiders. Those who enter forfeit their memories which are stored in the crystals."

Merlin's eyes widened. "Can we restore the lost memories?"

"Hmm...I believe so." Quill ran his fingers over the crystalline surface. "Yes, this incantation should release any stored essences."

He began chanting in a sonorous voice. The glyphs flickered, and motes of light drifted up from the altar, vanishing into the air.

"It is done," Quill declared. "The stored memories have been freed to return to their owners."

Suddenly, visceral sounds of snapping jaws and claws erupted from the trees. The fey creatures rushed into the clearing, jaws gaping, eyes feral.

Quill hastily erected a barrier while Merlin sent fireballs driving back the frenzied horde. But the attacks only enraged them further.

"They feed on the lost memories!" Quill shouted over the din. "Without that energy, they'll perish! That's why they're so aggressive."

The onslaught was relentless. Merlin called on all his power to keep the barrier intact while Quill frantically strengthened the glyphs.

At last, their combined magic turned the tide. With a collective shriek, the fey horde dissolved into mist. The final glyphs flickered out, leaving only silence.

Merlin sank down exhausted but exhilarated. They had survived a harrowing ordeal and cracked the forest's secret. He turned to Quill with a weary but triumphant smile.

"We make a good team."

Quill laughed. "We certainly do! Let's get some rest, then we can head back and report our findings."

They made camp just outside the forest's border. As the fire crackled, Merlin studied Quill's thoughtful face.

"Might I ask what made you join Peculiar Investigations?" he ventured.

Quill remained silent for a while before speaking. "I told you before that knowledge is my purpose. But there's more to it."

He gazed into the flames. "When I was a boy, my twin sister became gravely ill. Our parents spent all they had on remedies, but her sickness could not be cured."

Quill's voice dropped. "In desperation, my father sought out a warlock rumored to possess an elixir for all ailments. But the price was one family member's life essence."

Merlin stared in dismay as Quill continued. "My father volunteered his own life for the elixir that saved my sister. I'll never forget his vacant gaze as he wasted away, having transferred his vitality to her."

Quill looked up with burning intensity. "I vowed to learn the deeper secrets behind such magic so that nobody else need make such sacrifices. Peculiar Investigations has granted me the resources and contacts to delve into forces beyond mortal ken."

Merlin placed a hand on Quill's shoulder. "I'm so sorry you endured that. What you're doing honors your father's sacrifice."

Quill managed a sad smile. "Thank you. It feels good to finally tell someone after all these years."

The journey back passed swiftly as the two friends chatted and swapped stories. Merlin's heart swelled with camaraderie; Quill felt like the brother he had never known.

Back at headquarters, Hal greeted them heartily. "Outstanding work, lads! You've lifted a centuries-old curse from that forest. And you've both returned in one piece!"

Later in the tavern, the team gathered to celebrate. Over mugs of ale, Merlin recounted the glowing altar, the ancient incantations, and the fierce fey creatures.

But Merlin's fondest memory was of a bond forged with the unlikeliest of companions, through courage, magic and friendship.