
Golden Retriever

Alexander leaned over the balcony, he was immediately met with the sight of corpses and carcasses of dead humans and wild beasts, the rotten smell traveled all the way over to even the 17th floor.

Alexander could barely see the corpses if they were placed individually, however there was a literal hill of bones down there.

"holy hell…"

He was shocked to see such a sight, Alexander retched abit but he was able to hold in his vomit.

"I should get used to this level of goriness… the world has already changed, i must adapt faster."

Alexander set his priorities straight.

Number one, was to of course survive well.

Number two was to get food and water. He would need it to survive in this world. His body was already very frail compared to the rest of the humans that are still alive.

Humans had long adapted and their bodies had strengthened considerably. Now living to the age of 120 was no problem and lifting a 500kg rock was average.

However, for Alexander's extremely malnourished body, this was an insurmountable mountain he would have to face one day.

He needed to start training and getting stronger.

He started moving. Alexander figured that if he wanted to survive better, he had to know his surroundings like the back of his hand.

He was fairly knowledgeable in his neighborhood, he had lived here for quite some time after all. He moved out of his room before shifting about the rest of the house, any supplies like canned food or cup noodles he kept in a bag he had found in the house. It most likely belonged to his uncle.

He was incredible hungry and thirsty right now, the canned tuna and chicken flavored cup noodles held a temptation beyond no other.

"Hmm… i have 9 cans of tuna and 3 cups of cup noodles, i should save them wisely."

He opened a can of tuna and savored the fishy smell, it was more like enduring but he had to deal with it for now.

The floor was dusty and and this made it impossible to live here, Alexander decided to move to the second floor to check out living conditions there.

The second floor was closer to the ground, which made moving about much easier. Alexander took his bag and made his move. He opened the main door of his house and made a dash for it.

He swiftly moved across the corridor before reaching the stairs, making a hasty descent on these stairs, he almost tripped but picked himself up.

Who knew what dangers lurked in the area? Alexander was not waiting to find out. His body was considered frail and he could not compete with the mutated monsters.

He knew this for a fact seeing how skinny his body was and considering the strength of the average human, but humanity was still pushed to the brink of near extinction with half the population wiped out in six months.

After a while, he had managed to reach the second floor. the second floor was equally as devoid of life as the surroundings, there might have been survivors taking refuge in this building but Alexander didn't know about that.

He went to the doors individually and tried to open them but found out most of them were locked. He kept moving until he found a door that was unlocked.

He slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door gently. The door made a soft creaking noise and Alexander rushed through the door.

He had already planned to clear a room like this previously. He walked past the door to see a room with quite a dusty floor, but a spacious living room.

The space of the room was the least of Alexander's worries, he was afraid there was a mutated monster living amongst the darkness of the unchecked corners. This caused him to be very paranoid.

He mustered enough courage to check all the rooms until there was one left. It was a room at the end of the living room, it had an eerie aura surrounding it and this caused Alexander to avoid it until now.

He knew he had to check the room if he wanted to inhabit this place as his living headquarters. This was a must.

He searched around the living room to find a wooden broom as a makeshift weapon, He then tip-toed to the door and slowly rest his palm on the door knob.

Then- with a sudden explosive movement he swung the door open almost tearing it down, and struck out with his broom.


The broom hit something fleshy but hard and the loud barking attracted Alexander's attention.

It was a small semi-mutated dog, and it had the build of a golden retriever but it was much more aggressive, normal golden retrievers were not as aggressive as this but it must've been the effect of the mutation.

It's teeth were much sharper and saliva was dripping from its mouth, it's eyes- blood shot. They held a terrifying gaze to whomever looked at the mutated golden retriever in the eye.

The dog also seemed to be much more intelligent as it actually learned to wait and ambush its prey. If not for being paranoid, Alexander most likely would've been taken down by the dog.

The dog was flung backwards and crashed into the aide of the wall. Imagine being hit by a full force blow by broom stick that carried a force of a man wielding 100kg of strength. The outcome would not be good.

The dog quickly regained its senses and dashed forward with all its strength, Alexander was not a sitting duck however. His heightened senses allowed all his physical properties to increase explosively.

He swung out again with full force, a the wooden broom stick smashed into the side of the dog. This time it flung to the right side of the living room.

Alexander then made his advance, he stepped forward and struck out again, this time from above!

The broom stick smashed onto the head of the dog and the broom stick broke in half.

Alexander held the broom stick like you would a sword and he struck again, before the dog could even recover from it's dazed state.

He pierced the eye of the dog and it made a loud howl in pain. It struck out with it's paw and managed to scratch the forearm of Alexander.

Alexander winced in pain but he struck the dog's eye again, this time, piercing it's brain and killing it once and for all.

"pant… pant… pant… "

'I used up all my strength to take down this dog… now i'm exhausted. I need some rest.'

He went to the main bed room of the house and decided he wanted to do abit of spring cleaning but first, he needed to treat his wound.

He found a first aid kit placed conveniently in the room where the dog was lurking.

He found some alcohol and washed his wound.


Alexander grimaced in pain, he was new to this kind of experience and he didn't know what to do, he wasted quite abit of alcohol there.

He picked up the bandage and he bandaged his wounds, he tied the bandage around the scratched area and did a simple knot he had knowledge on.

After that, he walked around the house, using the broken broom stick and he swept the floor and everywhere he threw all the dust into a bin and he emptied the bin outside the house.

He wanted to get some rest, he was tired after the battle and even more so after his round of spring cleaning.

The walked over to the bedroom and just as he was about to get onto the bed, he accidentally clipped his nail on the wooden floor and he almost tripped.


Alexander looked down to see that there was a hidden compartment in the floor!


He squat down and looked intently at the hidden compartment before he reached his hand out and lifted the the wooden piece up.

He was surprised to see a wooden bow that was in relatively well condition, the bow string was well strung along the ends of the bow.

Accompanied beside the bow was a quiver that looked big enough to hold 15 arrows beside the quiver were the 15 arrows.

The arrows were wooden with a metal tip that was still surprisingly sharp and not rustic.

Alexander picked up the short bow and inspected it. He had never held a bow before and this was his first time even touching one.

"This is one pretty good stuff, i guess i should get used to the bow, it's my only weapon right now after all."

He decided that he would start training with the bow from tomorrow onwards.

As of now… sleep was much more crucial.

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment if you want to help me out

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