
The Pattena Heroes

Every 5,000 years, the celestial planets Platymus, Cantrus, Glarion, aligns in perfect harmony with their moon. This is a cosmic event of greatest power and potential. The evil Emperor Zalthar long long ago directed his archmage, Mordak, to forge a mystical disc - the Pattena that has the ability to absorb the combined energy of these celestial bodies. Legend foretold that whosoever used the Pattena during the alignment can either dominate or destroy the celestial realms. Five millennia ago, a coalition of heroes - the Planon Alliance - shattered the Pattena and stopped Zalthar's insidious scheme. The disc fragments were scattered across the planets and peace ensued for generations. However, Mordak’s agents have now diligently collected the hidden fragments and are much closer to restoring the dreaded artefact. It is up to five heroes - Kael, a skilled warrior with his own tragic past; Elara, a cunning rogue and a master thief; Zephyr, a charismatic bard with his own secrets; Thorne, a lone ranger with natural abilities; and Lyra, a young and inexperienced but gifted mage - to unite and prevent the Zalthar and Mordak from achieving their dark ambitions as the time of the alignment once more draws near. They must journey on across treacherous landscapes and enemy territory to locate the remaining disc fragments and learn more about their ancestors’ legacy. Failure is not an option for it would spell doom for all life as they know it.

gabobian · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 4: Legacy token: Blade of Luptarus

Elanon paused for a while as Lyra and the others continued assessing their tokens. "Now that you have gotten your legacies, there is one more to be given out. So follow me everyone." He said as he walked and pushed a door on the right side of the hall. The door led into a large chamber.

"Somewhere within this chambers lies the Blade of Luptarus. With this blade, the legendary warrior and leader of the Planon Alliance heroes - Luptarus defeated Zalthar, the dark emperor. The ancient and mystical sword is imbued with the essence of Luptarus and whoever the blade chooses will have their offensive capabilities enhanced. Moreover, they will have incredible precision, speed, and strength in combat. You have thirty minutes to locate this blade so use your time well." 

The group walked into the chamber. There were large open boxes scattered in the chamber and all sorts of antiques and other items. Each individual veered off in different directions in their search for the blade. As Kael ventured deeper into the chamber, he felt a strange pull towards the far end on the left. Moving to the edge of the wall as if by instinct, he removed a large painting on the wall and discovered a stone door.

Pushing the heavy, stone door, he discovered a room that was covered in a soft,golden light. Meanwhile, the other companions had wandered off in different directions. 

Kael walked towards the centre of the chamber and saw a magnificent sword. This sword rested on a pedestal right in the centre of the chamber. This sword was unlike any weapon Kael had ever seen or imagined. From the sight of it, Kael could tell that the sword was forged from an indestructible alloy that gave off a faint, ethereal glow. The hilt of the sword was also adorned with runes that glowed brighter as Kael approached as if it sensed the presence of its chosen bearer.

His heart was pounding in rhythm with the glowing blade it seemed as Kael approached cautiously. With trembling hands, Kael reached out and immediately his fingers touched the hilt, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him. 

It felt the presence of the ancient warrior Luptarus as images of the warrior's battles flashed before his eyes. "You are my chosen warrior Kael." a deep voice, filled with ancient power resonated in his mind. "Carry my blade well and bear forth my legacy. Fight evil with courage, lead with honour, and no darkness shall prevail before you." 

The energy stopped coursing through his veins but the runes on the stone of the blade's hilt kept glowing as if it was still affirming Kael's role as the chosen bearer. The blade felt light and almost weightless and Kael could tell that his senses were heightened and his reflexes sharper.

Kael looked around and saw a sword sheath by the side of the pedestal. He took it and returned to the entry hall and into the outer hall to find the other companions waiting for him in the hall. They were unsuccessful in locating the blade through their explorations and had returned to the outer hall. They all stared at him and the sword in awe. 

"The Blade of Luptarus has found a new bearer." Elanon proclaimed. "With this blade, Kael, you are ready to lead your companions against any foe that crosses your path." Elanon concluded.

With a determined nod, Kael sheathed the blade and internally vowed to bear and use the blade with the honour and courage that befitted a true hero of the Planon Alliance.

"The time of the alignment draws near and Mordak's agents have been doing a lot of work. If it were not for your legacies that sensed the presence of the unearthed and discovered disc fragments, we would not have realized the current peril. In fact, it is also thanks to the legacies sensing your presence and leading me along the threads of destiny that I was able to identify your your approximate locations." Elanon led the group to a section of the wall that was covered with a large map. The maps showed various locations in the realms.

"So far, Mordak's agents have surreptitiously recovered five fragments. They are on the hunt for the sixth. The Alliance Heroes did well to hide the fragments after the last war, five thousand years ago. It is not easy to trace their whereabouts." Elanon walked towards the middle section of the maps and pointed to an area. "However, based on our estimations, the sixth fragment is located deep within the Ruins of Dargath. You must retrieve the fragment before our enemies do. Time is of utmost importance." 

Now, you have to prepare yourselves for what you must face. According to our intel, Mordak's organisation is vast and extends to the far reaches of the realms. You will be facing grand sorcerers who are masters of dark magic, illusions, and even mind control. Dark enchanters who can raise the dead, shadow adepts who are skilled assasins and trackers, and arcane warriors, well-versed in both combat and magic will lie in wait for you."

The training begins

Elanon led the group to a down the hall, out a door, and into a spacious training symposium. "Many of the greatest warriors, mages, and strategies that the realm has ever known honed their skills in this symposium." Kael looked around and saw various weapons, dummies, and enchanted artifacts. 

"You're already familiar - to some extent - with your legacy tokens. Today, you will push your limits, learn to understand everyone's strengths and weaknesses, and also learn to fight as one." Elanon stated. Several men walked into the symposium and Elanon continued. "The training today will begin with basic drills. These men and I will take you through coordinated maneuvers to test your responses and reflexes. First, pick as much weapons as you need for your mission. As for this training exercise, each of you will go with two trainers to your assigned spots."

The companions went as a group to the weapons that were arranged at a rack. Some of them chose daggers of various length and used their accompanying straps to fix them on their arms, ankles, or the small of their backs. Elara chose a short sword and cleverly designed hair pins that she could throw at unsuspecting targets.

Thorne picked an exquisitely designed sword and Zephyr took a short staff that could extend into a long spear at the press of a button. Apart from picking a dagger, Lyra did not bother to choose another weapon. "Magic is its own weapon." she thought.

The trainers explained the training exercises to the companions as they walked to their designated training areas. At first, everything went smoothly. Kael was able to systematically despatch dummies with the blade of Luptarus. Sudden projectiles were thrown at him and he was able to mentally activate the ring to shield himself from the projectiles. 

For her own part, the cloaked Elara was able to disappear into the shadows and reappear behind dummies and dispatch them with precision. Thorn's arrows consecutively struck true with increasingly distant targets. His accuracy was uncanny and so was the way the fifteen arrows in his sheath magically returned. 

Lyra stood with Elanon and another trainer and listened raptly as Elanon explained the intricacies in the use of the healing staff. "You are not just a healer Lyra; you are also a gifted mage. Extend your senses into the farther reaches of your mind and mentally conjure fire and then ice. Let the staff be the conduit through which you release your spells." That section of the symposium reverbrated and brightened occasionally as Lyra aimed her spells at various standing dummies. 

"That's a powerful lute you have there, Zephyr." Elanon said, as he walked towards him. Zephyr continued plucking the string on the wooden lute as a sweet, resonant note filled the symposium. "Your have been performing some simple exercises. In order to move to more complex enchantments, you need to focus on clarity and control."

As Zephyr continued to play, the notes gradually changed into a slow, uplifting one. He wove a tapestry of sound around the training dummies in the distance and the enchanted dummies straightened up. 

"Very good," Elanon encouraged. "Now, maintain your melody and introduce another enchantment to confuse your enemies." Zephyr reached into the enchantment notes in his mind and mentally synchronized with its complex tune. In turn, his fingers danced over the strings in a different tune. Elanon noticed that while the notes contained an inspiring melody, there was now a discordant undertone. As he looked on, the dummies began moving erratically. Some of them spun in circles and others aimlessly stumbled. A thin film of sweat began to build on Zephyr's brow as he struggled to maintain the balance.

"Well done," Elanon praised. "With time, you can better sustain your concentration and make your tones more effective. Remember, you may later have to deal with a greater number of enemies."