
The Path Towards Lunaticy (TPTL)

Synopsis: As an avid fan of novels Yuhen never in his life though he would end up in Fantasy novel who he once trash in the ground In a fit of anger. The main character is a crazy lunatic who only knows how to kill, Even the extras and villains are all lunatics. How will he a certified lazy guy survive in a world full of crazy bastards?

EIKKINZK · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: 'Mother'

Chapter 5: 'Mother'

A Family, for someone like Yuhen it was the most precious treasure. Having lived his life full of hardships, like ordinary orphans he too once dreamed having a perfect family. He was but a child yearning for familial love. A warm place called home.

Unfortunately reality was cruel. Having lived his life full of misery in a world where he has no one to lean on.

"Did you call for me?"

Standing still facing a certain someone who worries for him makes him feel guilty. He wanted to ask Raphaelion. What has this lady ever done to him for him to hate her so much? He understands him, yet even in the end he still blamed her in everything.

He and Raphaelion have something in common, the both of them held no compassion. If Raphaelion can't feel emotions then Yuhen doesn't have the need to feel it.

They are both cruel in a different way. If Raphaelion can be considered a cruel savage beast then he can be considered cruel crazy beast.

"Uhh... Your here. I am very worried about you, can you really do it?"

Celestine said before standing up. It may sound awkward for she knew this son of hers hated her, but she was telling the truth. She knew the reason behind his son's action, and she understands it. He should have been feeling threatened by Glyne's presence, but he didn't really need to for Celestine will willingly hand over Glyne's right for the succession of the Grand Duchy.

"Yeah I can manage".

He answered without giving it a thought. How can he possibly say he can't? It was he who pleaded his father for this! It may sound like a joke but he has his own rules and principals.

"I see, I'm revealed hearing that. You should make haste for the event will be starting tomorrow morning".

Worried as she may be, she believes in Raphaelion's word. He at an early age was considered as a genius. If it were capability they were talking for then his dear son could be able to handle it himself.

"Well then I'm leaving.... Please take care of your health.... Mother".

After giving a bow he left his mother hanging still. She was shocked hearing his words.

"Did she just call me mother?"

She questioned herself. She can't be wrong. He called her mother, he really called her mother!

Feeling like she was in heaven she almost fell after staggering his way towards the chair.

She has always been frustrated that he wouldn't call him mother but to think that she actually heard him calling him mother!

That day the entire mansion was in an uproar. Even the so called indifferent duke was shocked silly after hearing his wife words. The maids has almost fainted.

'My God! What to do? Our cold blooded young Master called the Duchess mother?'

Even the ever so loyal Butler Johel was unconvinced. His young Master, the young Master who from birth up until now never even called his name was actually calling the Duchess mother? He felt betrayed, how can it be? He was the one taking care of him from birth to now. He washed him, feed him, he was even the one changing his diaper! Yet he never heard him call him by his name. He felt heartbroken.

Hello again, I'm annoying right? I know I am but I need your support please vote or leave some comments behind.

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