
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

System, question. If I get you the body of Uchiha and their zenki will you pay me for them OD?

System; You can sell the system resources in exchange for OS and OD, including slaves, the corpses of genome owners, and the dojutsu themselves, but the system purchases the product 10 times cheaper than the cost of purchasing it in the system store.

If it wasn't for the 10-fold price reduction, I probably wouldn't have been able to stand it and started crying in the middle of the street and laughing like a familiar vivisector. But all of these cakes I the Uchiha clan slaughtered, fuck Danzo, not the eyes!!!!And not have to endure MSTUCA ku ku ku ku ku ....

System; Attention!!! You are forbidden to kill Uchiha Sasuke before Suna attacks Konoha!!!

Ah and okay, zenki only'll take out, he same without them not dies?

Attention!!! Don't touch the Nipple, what does he do that!?

Nothing yet, but knowing him very soon he will begin to enrage me.

Attention!!! You are forbidden to pull out the eyes of the avenger. To kill Stuka, to seal MSTUCA. Send it into space. Throw it into another world, bury it. drown him before this by sucking out his entire chakra. And in General, too much damage to it, the penalty for failure to comply with 1 trillion OD. Reward for patience; asauchi with the ability to upgrade to Bankai like Ichigo from Bleach

Vooooot, immediately another matter, I for such ready a pacifier in a Hickey kiss, and there is no I not gay, but usual asauchi is worth 1 billion OD, and such as have Ichigo is worth 100 billion OD, of course useful he me still not soon, however hope, that I get gene God by the time when me will be given reward for patience.

Walking through Konoha and literally glowing with happiness, I decided to explore the iconic Canon place Ramen Ichiraku .Going inside and looking at the not rich internal filling of the eatery, I was able to conclude that either they cook delicious food here ,or Narik went here just as the only place where he was allowed and where prices were not inflated, or this place and the cooks used as a place of binding this idiot .And most likely Teuchi or agent of the root ,or what is likely the Trustee Hokage tasked to be treated well and bind Junkies to the village .And the fact that this old man is so kind all of I do not believe myself, because as far as it was visible from the Canon, he only got stuffed with friends to Narik ,and on others he absolutely did not care ,and his friendliness to the rest is just a mask of behavior that has become boring to the face .

That in principle and confirmed, when he saw me, won as eyes sparkled, Ah increasingly as I and thought, cost fall into ramennuyu as silent an old man suddenly became talkative more talkative women, began to ask about all consecutive, as live, than am, and the answer

- Uncle just cook me my ramen I don't want to communicate with you

I decided to ignore it even though the turnip fell, and started campaigning that I need to speak out, that if I am so silent I will never have friends, and offered myself as a friend.

I have even on moment emerged idea realistically do kind of that I with him friends, and on fact pump on it naruto therapy, and when'll pump convince his to tell on whom he works, and after convince his that him better die, or that he wants to learn to fly and that best this to do, when you jump with cliff khokage, and although this was tempting, I decided not spend so much time on dubious on benefits skill, when this same time can be spent on pumping in barrier.

In General, for 15 minutes I had to listen to the agitation speeches of this old senile before I was finally served pork ramen. Although as far as I noticed, the others served it much faster, and it is possible that this is just my paranoia, but I used to trust her...

System; Attention!!! The resulting passive skill PARANOIA!!!

PARANOIA - And although it may seem that there are no enemies in this Cup of ramen, but we both know that this is not the case?

PARANOIA 1 ur -you see enemies where they are not, but if they are not visible it does not mean that they are not! increases your paranoia and chance to find a masked enemy where it can't be by 10% per level, can evolve into a passive SKILL - THEY are EVERYWHERE!!!!

reputation with Shimura Danzo + 500, Reputation with all psychos + 500

Which is to be expected. It's strange that I didn't get this skill before…