
Chapter 3 : Night of The Attack

The Path To Slaying A Supreme Being

Chapter 3 : Night of The Attack

Two Hours Before The Attack

4th Hokage Minato's POV~

Alright everyone I've gathered here today are people I trust because what I'm about to tell you is a S ranked secret punishable by death if leaked. Do you understand?

Everyone: Yes Hokage-sama

My wife Kushina is giving birth to twins today everyone is aware of this yes?

Anbu: Yes Hokage-sama

Usually this would be a good thing but ad everyone here knows my wife is the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. What you dont know is the seal weakens during child birth and there is a chance that the Kyuubi could be free.... And this is where me and the anbu come in while I keep the seal from collapsing and a calamity descending upon us all. The anbu will make sure during the birth no one gets in and no one gets out.... Any questions?

Everyone: No Hokage-sama

Alright lets get to work!

Everyone: Yes Hokage-sama

Present Time~

Kushina: Arghh Minato you did this to me! Just wait till I get my hands on you!!ARGHHH!!!

As my wife was screaming about killing me we heard what sounded like a baby's cry I was relieved that this was over and at the same time scared of what my wife would do to me after this. Suddenly the doctors screamed "We got another one. Congratulations Hokage-sama it's a boy and a girl." I was momentarily stunned by the time I came back to my senses Kushina's abdomen where the seal was begin to glow with a bubbly red chakra that continued to spill out until suddenly it stopped and came gushing like a tidal wave until it formed a gigantic nine tailed fox. It happened to fast and sudden for anyone to process and for me to strengthen the seal. As I was trying to process what just happened the village was in an uproar.

Random villager: It's the Kyuubi everyone run for your lives!!

(Author'sNote: Im skipping straight to the sealing of Kyuubi cause everyone knows what hapens already and it's a waste of time to write)

Mc's POV(Hasnt been named by Minato and Kushina yet :P)~

As me and my sister lay on the grass in baskets my father Minato is trying to seal Kyuubi in us Kyuubi of course agreed on the condition the seal is slightly opened at first my father was hesitant but Kyuubi said " The Yang chakra will nourish the boy while the Yin the girl." At this point he conceded. Before my father died from the reaper death seal and my mother from having Kyuubi extracted and exhausting herself further by using her chakra chains they gave us a speech about how to eat healthily bathing everyday etc... But most importantly to love and to protect each other my father then wrote things in a scroll to The Third Hokage Hiruzen...

By the time he finished writing he only had enough energy left to seal Kyuubi into us imprint both their chakra into our seals and say"We love Asura Naruko." And then came their death.

Ten minutes passed and a random villager spotted us and told Hiruzen. When he got there he saw the seals on our bodies and the scroll and he knew what happened and instantly applying pressure using his chakra on everyone present declaring this a S ranked secret punishable by death.

Some looked confused while some seemed to realize something but choose to remain silent lest they be punished by the Hokage.

While these things were going on I had my eyes closes seemingly sleeping but in actuality i was talking to Kurama because since he was just split in two and that should hurt like hell.

"That fucking hearts damnit!!" Kurama cried. "Dont be such a baby it could have been worse way worse like having your soul split in two." Asura stated bluntly. Which reminds me do you even have a soul since you're pure chakra?"Asura asked

"How in the hell am I supposed to know? I might since if you take into consideration that I would be just like a rock but with massive amounts of chakra if I didnt. Then again there is a chance I dont since whenever I die I reform since I am technically just chakra with physical form." Kurama stated.

"Kurama do you think if I refined my blood enough I would unlock the rinnegan or rinne-sharingan because Uzumaki comes from Senju which comes from Otsutsuki?"Asura asked trying to get a second opinion on his theory.

"There is a possibility since your blood comes from the same source as the Uchiha who can potentially awaken it. I say try it out." Kurama said with a little anticipation in his voice.

"Well I best get to it since I cant enter body tempering official untill I am around six or so but atleast I can us qi to temper by body a tad bit like I was doing while in the womb but I just cant go over board."

Ok I sorta lied cause I cant give u more than one chapter cause lazy and dont wont to use my brain to write so I will try to give one per day if I can. Also I have been informed that reading my novel is like reading a diary.... So I tried to fix that mistake I dont know if I did or not...

AbyssalDragonKingcreators' thoughts
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