
The Path to Relieve Boredom

A lone being covered in a light golden robe, was sitting in what appeared to be empty space. One could say they were sitting amongst the stars. The robed person seemed to be doing nothing when suddenly, they moved and grabbed their head as if something was bothering them. “I AM SO BORED!!!!” yelled the being. “There are countless worlds with their own entertainment, but I have already experienced everything.” The figure sat there thinking how he could relieve his boredom. ‘I am the God of All, I should not be having any issues finding something to do.’ He thought. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Author here I hope you enjoy the story. I will be doing my best to upload as often as I can. Enjoy :)

InkedOtaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

18. A Winner, a New Name, and a Little Romance

Iris went to the Royal Palace where her father, the Emperor, was currently speaking with his advisors and Duke Glacier. They were discussing not only Abel's transformation into a fiend, but also the possibility that there are other fiends out there that were in hiding since the last world war.

For those who participated in the last war against the fiends understood just how serious this situation was. Even if they won in the end and had the help of the World Creator at that time, there was a significant amount of losses. Nobody wanted a repeat of that tragedy.

As Iris walked up to her father, who sat on his throne, everyone present turned and looked at her. The advisors and the Duke bowed in respect to her, the royal princess.

"My dear daughter, shouldn't you be getting ready for your bout with Orval? What can I help you with?" asked the Emperor, wondering why his daughter came to him now when there is still her final match.

"Father, I believe it would be a good idea for me to forfeit this next match. I could feel that even if I had hundreds of years to prepare, I would never be able to beat him. At least not with my current methods. I could feel the energy of Abel when he transformed, I knew in my core, that I would have been killed on the spot." spoke Iris with seriousness. She continued "But Orval, he handled it as if he was just swatting at a gnat. Therefore, I believe it would be best to declare him the winner and champion."

The Emperor looked at his daughter with loving and caring eyes. He too understood her concern, since he felt the same way. He just did not want to take this opportunity away from her.

"If that is how you feel, it certainly would not be a bad idea to forfeit. Nobody can blame you with the amount of power and prowess he has shown." agreed the Emperor. "I will make the announcement now. And will you still be moving forward with our other agreement?"

Iris looked her father directly in the eyes with a look of pure dedication and said "Of course. It would be no greater pleasure of mine that to be able to spend the rest of eternity with him."

The Emperor smiled before nodding. With that Iris left the palace, while her heart was still steeled with conviction. No matter how much you love someone, it can still be a nerve racking moment to actually announce to them how you feel.

Outside the palace, everyone had calmed down at this point, now that the danger has passed. The festival that was the competition continued on, almost as if nothing had happened, with the exception that everyone was discussing the might of the new hero, Orval.

The Emperor appeared in the sky above the Royal Capital. He began to speak in a majestic voice befitting an emperor "Princess Iris, has voiced her forfeit in the upcoming final round against contestant Orval. She felt that with the pure might and strength he has shown, he is more than qualified to be named the champion of the competition." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I, of course agree. With that I announce the winner of this is Orval of the Emerald Gem Sect, would you please come here to received your reward."

Orval, was a little dismayed as he was looking forward to competing with Iris, but none the less he waved his hand and his clone vanished then proceeded to fly up towards the Emperor.

Orval and the Emperor floated above in the sky face to face. The Emperor smiled before reaching his hand out and congratulating Orval on his victories and outstanding performances. Orval clasped his hand and shook it with a firm grip.

"It was nothing, I simply had a little more strength than the others. If they are given time they will be able to do as much as well." spoke Orval with a serious voice.

"Haha! Spoken like a true gentleman. I would also like to thank you for handling Abel. If you had not reacted and taken action the damage would have been terrible. So, with that being said, for winning the tournament you receive ten thousand high grade spirit crystals and for defeating the fiend and defending the capital I will add in another ten thousand high grade spirit crystals." spoke the Emperor in a joyful voice. He was happy that his daughter found someone like him.

"That is an amazing amount. Unfortunately, I will have to decline. I do not have a need for the crystals. If I might, I think it would be good for you to give those to the princess and also the contestant that was heavily injured earlier by Abel." Orval voiced his opinion on the reward.

The Emperor was taken aback. He never expected that Orval would decline the rewards and even recommend that he give them to others. He was liking this boy more and more. He was ruthless when needed and even more generous when needed. He agreed to Orval's request as he could tell from the look in his eyes he would not budge on matter.

"Oh and I would like to make an announcement to everyone present if I could." Orval asked.

The Emperor could not see how that would be a problem and said he could.

Orval turned to look at all the sects and the entire royal capital. He circulated his qi into his vocal cords to project his voice "Hello everyone I am Orval Emerald. As many of you have noticed the Emerald Gem Sect has seen considerable progress over the last ten years. You also may have noticed that not only did we bring a few disciples, we actually brought our entire sect here. The reason for this is because we will be moving to another location after we leave here. Not tied to any continent or nation. Now at our old sect location every one hundred years we will hold sect trials. Those who pass are able to enter the sect at its new location. It will only be accessible via the gate I have placed there."

The crowd was murmuring about this information. Some were even thinking about taking over the land around there and setting up a toll for those who wanted to pass to the gate. But they did not know that would not be possible.

"Now, the gate will not be easily accessible. I have spoken with my grandfather, who agreed, and attached his soul to the gate. He is now the guardian artifact spirit of the gate. He will live on eternally. His power far exceeds everyone here, with the exception of my own of course. He is the guardian, examiner, and, for those with evil thoughts, executioner." As Orval spoke with a very majestic and authoritative voice, it sent shivers down the spines of those who had the not so good thoughts.

Orval smiled, he was glad that he was able to deter those who had ill will. He continued "Now, for the final announcement. We will no longer be the Emerald Gem Sect. We will be now known and forever more as the Infinite Legacy Sect. Every one thousand years we will allow mortals to come and visit out Infinite Legacy City. Now I will give out our first token for entry to the sect."

Orval circulated a massive amount of qi into his palm. The qi began to condense into a token. The token was jet black with a gold infinity shimmering on it. He handed it to the Emperor and said "You are the first visitor of our new sect. You are free to come when ever you please."

Everyone present was going crazy with this information. Not only was he renaming the sect and moving it. They would even allow mortals to come and visit every thousand years. This was unheard of and a chance that most would never get in the life time of one hundred generations.

The Emperor was surprised to hear all this and even more shocked that he received the token. He was proud of it though. He was not sure why, but it made him happy that he was being given this privilege. He took the token and attached it on his cloak, right next to the royal crest.

Everyone present, even Orval, was in awe. This could be considered as the highest praise. This was basically the Emperor putting the Infinite Legacy Sect, at the same level of prestige as the Royal Family.

As everyone cheered the two separated, the Emperor back to the palace and Orval to his sect. The entire capital was in high spirits, everyone knew this was going to be the best festival ever and decided to enjoy it to the fullest. Why wouldn't they? It was history in the making.

When Orval arrived at the pagoda in his sect, Iris was there speaking with his family and Susie. They all had smiles, especially his mother for some reason. When they saw him return his mother ran over and hugged him tightly. It was a warm and loving embrace.

"I am so proud of you my lovely son" his mother spoke with a loving tone. She was beginning to tear up.

After the hug, Iris walked over. She looked Orval in his eyes. She had never noticed over the years, but his eyes were like looking at the night sky with trillions of stars. She had to admit his eyes were extremely beautiful, coupled with his handsome features, great strength, and his amazing personality. He was the perfect person.

As she stared at his eyes, her heart was beating to the point she could swear the entire capital could hear it despite all the loud noises. She was nervous. What if he did not see her like that? What if he rejected her due to her weakness? What if, what if? That was all that was running through her head right now. It was causing her to feel she could not tell him her feelings.

Orval could tell she was nervous for some reason, so he spoke first "Are you ok Iris? Is there something I can help you with?" As he spoke he had a gentle and caring voice. This helped calm her down enough for her to re-steel her heart.

"Orval, over the past ten years I have been given the opportunity to get to know you and your entire family. I feel I have gained a little sister in Susie. And you, when I first met you I thought you were interesting. Then as I came around more often, I felt there was nothing you could not do. After all that time, I realized in my heart there is only you. I fell in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life. No, I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. If you will have me?" Iris spoke in a soft, yet very determined voice.

Orval could feel the determination from her. He had honestly never really thought of anything like a relationship before. He was to concerned with the sect and progressing his cultivation. Thinking about it now though, he had to admit she was beautiful. She was also kind, gentle, and her personality was probably the best of anyone he ever met.

"Hmmm, honestly I had never really considered it as I have been focused on the sect and cultivating" spoke Orval honestly. When Iris heard this her heart began to sink. She could feel a pit in the bottom of her stomach. She looked down in sadness.

"But, if I were to form a relationship with anyone, it would have to be you. So, I would be happy to accept your feelings, if you will have me as well?" Orval said with a smile on his face.

Iris looked up quickly. She just stared into his eyes. Then flung her arms around him hugging him tightly, almost to the point that if he was a mortal he would have been suffocated.

Everyone around clapped. Of course his family already knew since that was what Iris was speaking with them about. It just dawned on Orval why his mother was so emotional before.