
The Path to Rediscovery

Georgina Wells—thief, burglar, whatever you call it. Aaron Miller—librarian, goody-two-shoes, and a stickler for the rules. An unlikely encounter in the most random of places leads these two to meet, instantly on each other's bad sides. Can they find common ground despite their seemingly totally different backgrounds? ~~ "What—what are you—" "I was wondering if I could get my phone back?" he asked politely. "Phone?" Georgina repeated owlishly,

curious_narwhal · Urban
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24 Chs


It was interesting to look at swirly paintings and various oddities. It was interesting to read a good novel and converse about it with an intellectual person.

It was also quite interesting to run away from cops who chase after you for the simple reason you stole something from an unsuspecting woman in a crowded street.

Footfalls pattered on the cobblestone as Georgina sprinted to avoid capture.

She couldn't risk it, not when she had a very high chance of escape due to the density of the streets and how the area was formed like a maze, which made it easy to slip through gaps and lose the cops on her tail.

A carefree laugh escaped past her chapped lips, feeling the blood rush to different parts of her body as she exerted effort to escape, narrowly missing a cop who got too close to her arm for her comfort.

The realization dawned on her that she couldn't keep running like this, and so switched gears as she turned a sharp right and scanned the new secluded street for any hiding spot.

Her head whipped around, spotting a car that was parked on the sidewalk, lone and faded red.

Georgina squinted, her bad eyesight catching sight of a man inside, most likely waiting for something with the way his back was slouched and his posture was lax.

Swift footsteps told her of the new incoming presence, Georgina's mind kicking into overdrive as she took her chances, clinging tight to the wallet and dashing to the car, opening the passenger side with not a care in the world and slipping inside like an old friend, startling the man behind the wheel.

Georgina was quick to stop him from uttering a word with a hand on his mouth, glaring at him threateningly and sliding a thumb on her throat to get her point across, which the man understood as he nodded fearfully.

They waited in silence for a few more moments, listening to faceless voices and angry explosions of having a runaway.

Both of them unconsciously held their breaths as they waited a little more until their footsteps were absolutely gone.

Only then did Georgina let go to stare at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

He stared back with eyes blown wide and a vivid forest green, surprising the woman at the intriguing color before observing the way his chestnut brown hair fell on his forehead in messy waves, obviously unkempt and unmanaged. He was quite young, maybe her age or older. He donned a white dress shirt covered by a brown trench coat, legs covered in classic black slacks.

She couldn't see his footwear but judging by the smart appearance she could guess expensive shoes was on his feet.

"Who are you?" he asked quietly, eyes guarded and figure tense with nervous energy.

She saw him give a quick glance to his phone lying in the compartment, and her deft hands snatched it up before he could even breathe.

He stared at her incredulously, mouth gaping like a fish out of water.

"Can't have you calling the police on me," she said with a bored tone, waving the gadget tauntingly in front of him.

His eyes follow the movement, evidently waiting for a chance to have it back.

She smirked; stupid man.

She pocketed the little electronic, leaning comfortably on the side of the car and narrowing her eyes distastefully at him.

Obviously he lived a good life, made apparent by his choice of clothing.

Despite having wild hair, his appearance and the air he emitted spoke of business and nothing more or less.

Georgina could tell he was a stingy person, one that cared for detail and who was incredibly observant of those around him.

He stared back with slanted eyes, gauging her and trying to figure out her motives.

"This is clearly breaking and entering, as well as a breach of privacy. You, good madam, should have the—"

A piece of crumpled-up paper was promptly shoved into his mouth, rendering him speechless.

She clicked her tongue to showcase her apparent annoyance, further highlighted by the scrunch of her brow.

"Shut up. No one needs to listen to you babble about the law, unless you're a lawyer." She studied her nails—an interesting variation of blunt and sharp. "But even listening to a lawyer is boring, so you should just shut up."

She directed a sickeningly sweet smile his way, and a giddiness twinkled in her eye at the way he flinched.

One of his hands came up to pluck the offending object out of his mouth, blanching at the taste of paper and putting it neatly to the side.

"It'd be best to leave now if you don't want me to call the cops on you," he said calmly, looking at her.

Georgina stared back with a fiery gaze enough to send him cowering further into his side.

What a coward.

"You actually have the balls to threaten me?" she hissed out, slamming a hand on the compartment and muttering incomprehensible curses as she flung open the car door to step out into the chilly wind.

She threw him one last glare before stomping away, flats clicking noisily on the uneven ground.

What a prude. He was too much for her tastes. He actually better be thankful that she left him with not a head on his hair scratched or even touched. Most people usually suffer from her mean right hooks or knee to the groin. He didn't suffer either of those and so should be grateful for that.

As Georgina slowed to a reasonable walking pace, she observed how the world worked at this day and age; wondered too on how advanced it would be once the time came.

Would flying cars be a possibility in the near future? Would clean water run out, resulting in a World War III?

Would science be able to find a way to kill or even detect cancer cells before signs or symptoms?

A frustrated click of the tongue sounded through her mouth. She hated being too inquisitive on matters that didn't concern her. She should just stay in her business and stay hidden. For sure the police would release 'wanted' posters of her face after swiftly stealing from that rich woman.

A sigh escaped her parted lips.

Another day in the life of one Georgina Wells.

She skipped home, glasses bouncing once in a while with every hop.

It wasn't a good day, but another day nonetheless.

Hope this makes sense ^_^

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