
The Path to New Era

The current era of the universe is coming to an end and to begin a new prosperous era and stabilize the current dangers faced by the universe there is a need of a unparalleled genius to be a lead to initiate the new era. Watch the battle between heavenly geniuses of many factions fighting to be a top figure of the generation and start a new era. But will the journey of such top figure end there.... let's see

Daoist_Nothingness · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

On one of a floating island which is as large as a small city stood a group before a building which has a plaque written [Awakening Hall]. This group contains men, women and children of Ashborn clan who are here to attend the [Awakening Ceremony] which will be held very soon.

Among the group of children Tyche stood in the lead and looking at the hall with curious and excited expression, behind him stood other children who have turned ten all showing myriad of emotions.

Looking at the [Awakening Hall ] Lily couldn't help but say, "I can't wait to awaken,...Big bro why don't you let me test the [Awakening Formation]first".

Others found it funny as Lily didn't hide her intentions to be the first to awaken her talents, then another girl among the group named Emma said, "Lily, stop being a trouble maker let's follow the order of awakening".

Tyche said still looking at the [Awakening Hall ], "It's fine, if you guys want to awaken first go ahead".

Lily immidiately became happy and said, "Hehe, thank you Big bro".

Since Tyche didn't mind others going ahead of him the rest also showed their interest in going first and soon the children started debating the order of who will go ahead of who.

Tyche didn't pay much attention to their debate and he was not interested in awakening first because he wanted to take note on what talent others will awaken and if he went ahead he can't take a note on that.

Unlike the childrens innocent quarrel their parents were having a serious conversation.

"Clan leader, it's seems like many first calss and second class powers are planning something big and the situation of Abyss doesn't seem to be good", said third elder of the clan.

Fifth elder who is cold looking woman said, "There seem to be quite a few forces who obtained inheritance of some destroyed clans or sects and individuals obtaining inheritances".

"To summarise there are hidden currents rising among the forces in the lower dimension and there are signs of chaos everywhere", said Raiden.

Kaiser processed all the info and said, "This is a period of both prosperity and danger where you could raise to the heaven with a single leap or fall down with a single mistake".

After a pause Kaiser said, "Now is the time for the growth of younger generation and they will be the main focus of our future actions and for the situations in the rest of the lower dimension let us act according to the time, let's not bother with them for now".

As they finished talking the door of the Awakening Hall opened, three old man walked out and bowed to Kaiser's group and greeted, "Greetings Clan leader and Elders".

Kaiser nodded at them and said, "At ease Deacons, let's start with the Awakening Ceremony".

Having received orders from Kaiser the Deacons went to the children to guide them, "Young masters and ladies let's go inside the main hall for the ceremony".

The children nodded and followed the old men into the main hall along with the elders and clan head, as the reached the hall they all saw a hexagonal formation drawn at the centre of the hall.

"This is the [Awakening Formation] a Grade 1 formation which will help unlocking the talents of a person", introduced one of the old men.

"Now which young master or lady will be the first to perform the ceremony", said the old man in the lead looking at the children.

Immidiately Lily sprinted out of the group pushing down everyone in he way to the old man fearing that others will beat her to it while shouting, "Me, me, me, I will be the first to start the ceremony".

The rest of the childrens all had black lines on their fore head as she is being mischievous as always and even though they are children they were all thought about elegance and how to behave in a social gatherings but Lily didn't bother with anything like that.

The old man taken back by agressive approach of Lily but didn't say anything about it and guideed her to the formation, "Young Lady all you have to do is to sit down on the middle of the formation inside that circle the rest will be taken care by the formation and us".

Being pointed to the location Lily went to the middle of the formation and sat down closing her eyes. As she sat there the old man performed some hand signatures to activate the formation, soon the formation glowed and light started to gather towards Lily.

After the light entered Lily's body a vission appeared above her, a towering tree which radiated with strong vitality.

Seeing the vission the old man showed a surprised expression and said, "Immortal Grade physique, Evergreen Physique".

Soon the vission retracted and was replaced with another vission, a large stream of water flowing which brought a refreshing feeling just by watching it.

Again after seeing that the old man was surprised and said, "Immortal Grade meridian, Heavenly River Meridian".

After the vission of meridian retracted a strong and pure soul pressure was executed from Lily and immidiately the old man said what it is, "Immortal Grade pure soul".

After noting Lily's talent grades the Old man lifted her using spiritual energy and made her sit at the side of the hall as it will take some time for Lily to wake up as she have to adapt to the new changes in her body.