
New life

Suddenly the door to Zhao Yan's room was lightly pushed open and a person walked in, The person who had just walked in looked like a young man in his twenties "Master I suggest you take your rest as the ascension ceremony is tomorrow".

Zhao Yan looks at this young man and immediately realizes who he is. He was the reason for Zhao Yan talented had fallen from 'earth rank - 3' to 'man rank - 5' by poisoning his food and water on a daily basis completely damaging him and completely ruined his constitution and and almost causing severe disability for his entire life if he hadn't found a treasure by some random chance due to his luck that cured him from the severe poisoning and reverted his constitution close to its former state and revert his talent original state but the damage had already been done he was ostracized by his entire entire clan and was made into loner and constantly taken advantage of.

Zhao Yan replied to the young man in a harsh manner to leave and not disturb him. The young boy was shocked and surprised as he and Zhao Yan were always together and immediately started sweating and left the room . The young boy after hearing these word left Zhao Yan's room

Talent increasing treasures were very rare, even Zhao yan with his 1000 of experience had only found it once.

Zhao Yan after seeing this man was flooded with memories of his childhood. He was thinking about how naive and innocent he was and what foolish he had once made.

Zhao Yan started to chuckle on thinking what was to come "Life is truly going to become interesting" Zhao Yan looked at the beautiful moon lit night through his window he could see the moon light glisten through raindrops as they fell on the window sill.

Zhao Yan closed his eyes and started to get his rest and night passed by…..

Zhao Yan woke up early in the morning as the sun had just risen, he had gone down to eat breakfast on the way down Zhao yan looked at his uncle eating breakfast along with his aunt and cousin, He sneered inwardly as he looked at them as he walked down the stairs into the hallway into the hallway to get his breakfast.

Zhao Yan looked at his Aunt and uncle as he started to eat his breakfast suddenly the Uncle started speaking "today is the ascension ceremony of our clan, many people of your age will be there as well, hope you do well and bring honor to our family, we are worried for you." he spoke in loud voice to Zhao Yan and to his son Zhao kei, Zhao Yan sneered at the hypocrisy of the words coming out his uncle's mouth as it was under his uncle order's that the young man who had come to Zhao Yan's room earlier had poisoned his food and severely affecting his constitution and talent.

"Worried…huh" At the thought of his aunt and uncle, Zhao yan laughed silently. He could still remember clearly how the parents of this world had both lost their lives in one of the clan missions. When he was only 2 years old, he became an orphan and was taken in by his uncle and Aunt.

The uncle continued to lecture both Zhao Yan and Zhao Kei "this ceremony is extremely important, you must not embarrass us by acting foolish or unbecoming in any way."

Zhao Yan was often mistreated by his Aunt and uncle and because of pressure from his Aunt and uncle and the outside world he would often keep a cold indifferent expression to protect himself, reducing the possibility of revealing any secrets and being mistreated. Over time the coldness would become a habit that he was accustomed to expression. As soon as breakfast was over Zhao yan went outside of the house to a secluded corner and hit himself in the stomach and puked out all the food he had just eaten, the puke started to glow green in colour and suddenly evaporated into the air leaving without in trace "it seems I was right uncle was able to get his hands on a special poison for today it looks like it's the 'hell eyed demon snake poisoning.'"

"Now it makes sense" Zhao Yan thought as he looked at the evaporating vapor floating to the sky "I understand now that's how uncle was able to reduce my talent so much he used hell eyed demon snake poison, this compounded with previous poisons present in body by the daily food poisoning uncle did and drastically reduced my talent to unbelievably low at mere 'man rank - 5' from a 'earth rank - 3.'"

One known characteristic of the poison was that even though it was almost on it own it was able to compound other poisons or diseases present in the body and form an inexplicable new poison that would poison the host resulting in death, this poison was widely used to assassinate people as if the target had any disease present his body this poison would just compound with disease present in his body and killing the intended target and if any body tried to investigate it would look he died a natural death due to his disease, hence it widely used to assassinate people all over and gathered infamy to its name

Many people used to combine the hell eyed demon snake poisoning with other poisons to result in the formation of new poisons that were much more lethal, hence it possessed another name called demon's elixir

Zhao yan looked at green flowing smoke as just last of it was about to fade he took small vile from his clothes and collected the green vapor "this will be use full to me later on" he kept the vile filled up vapour in his pocket "how was my uncle able get his hands on this poison the hell eyed demon snake poison is supposed to be rare as it is widely for its coveted for its properties, and it's incredibly difficult to find one as they are widely hunted there could be some in the misty forest but even if my uncle found one he too much of a coward to face one, so it seems my uncle has a supplier that can supply him even rare poisons if i can find him or her then it's incredibly useful to me then I can get a supply of rare items and other stuff I can use this to acquire many items on a mass scale"

with the odor of the hell eyed demon snake poison as if uncle sees him, he might suspect Zhao Yan of removing the poison and would increase his wariness of Zhao Yan, which would be bad for Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan entered his room and started cleaning himself up and removing the stench, he started recalling his previous life. ZhaoYan in his previous life hated his own lack of talent, the feeling of powerlessness and not being powerless to control his own future and where his future was in the control of others.

he hated how heartless the clan was, hated how fate was so unfair. But now, with his 1000 years of life experiences, using this to rethink this course his heart was actually calm, not a shred of hatred.

What was there to be gain from resentment?

Thinking about if from another point of view, he could understand his younger brother, aunt and uncle, even those enemies from 1000 years later who attacked him.

The strong eat the weak, survival of the fittest; these have always been the rules of this world. Everyone has self-ambitions, always struggling to grasp the opportunities. Among all the war and killing what is there not to be understood?

1000 years of life experience have long allowed him to understand all of this, that's with all his heart he wants to gain immortality.

If someone tries to prevent this pursuit of his, no matter who it is he will kill and live through it. The aspirations in his heart were too big, stepping onto this road was to be making the world your enemy, and it was destined to be alone, destined to kill.

This was the conclusion of 1000 years of life.

"Revenge is not my intention, the Demonic path does not compromise."

Zhao knew that this path would be rough and his goal of immortality might not even exist, this would deter any normal person, but instead of getting deterred Zhao Yan grew more determined and even excited, if anyone saw this they would say he was crazy, but shouldn't a person be at least little crazy in order to achieve their goal after all were there any sane people who succeeded in achieving their goal.

Zhao Yan finally cleaned himself and as he got ready, the gleaming lays of right fell in him, one could see his gleaming black as the shone it and There one could see a man with a cold expression but with slight smile on his lips, with an ambition. An ambition so big that even his failure would be great. This was a man who would shake the world itself! "What's the use of having ambition if it were not greater than heaven itself!" Zhao thought as he as planned for the future, for his new life