
The path to heavens Light

A universe filled with demons and chaos into the world of adventure a girl may be more then she may think with her new magical power who Knows whats going to happen

CupORamen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A start of a new adventure

"Astellia!" I heard my name from across the hallway from the door there I see a Ken standing there huffing and puffing, he ran over to me and embraced me in a hug " don't ever do that again we were worried si-" he was cut of by the sight of haku standing there next to me" Haku what are you doing here?" Haku had a frown across his face "you haven't seen me in ages and that's what you come up with" Ken and Haku stared at each other for awhile and started to laugh "sorry about that dude" Ken chuckled as they hugged each other "not very mocho if you ask me you guys" James said coming from a distance walking up to me as with his arms out "Astellia!" he said as he wrapped his arms around me " James i um…" i feel a little flustered. I never have had to feel the warm embrace from men before let alone a couple of hotties like these "well come on let have dinner" ken said we all agreed as we went into the dinning room.

"Hey Astellia" Hiroshi banged his hand onto the dinner table making a loud thud come across the table "huh what is it" i ask raising an eyebrow at his question "what are we going to do" "what?" i ask again Hiroshi scrowled at me " am i the only one that sees the elephant in the room here" everyone looks at Hiroshi with a confused look" "what are you talking about" we all say confused looking and eachother then at the angry black haired demon, Hiroshi continued to talk " Astellia was just attacked and her mother died because of that asshole we should be training her, going after this guy and killing him, i mean, don't you want revenge Astellia" "revenge?" i looked at him, I hadn't really thought about taking on revenge against that guy a quick flash of him enter my mind and i spit out my food, i then feel a hand on my shoulder "Hiroshi's right, we should be training her" i take a look and see Haku "this is no laughing matter she is going to be hunted down by him" "who is this guy why do he want this power so much" i ask Haku he turns toward me " he wants it for the sake of power to rule all demons and human he wants people to suffer and bath in there own blood" he says with a bitter disgust in his mouth the taste the was so bitter that his face turn into a scowl "well how do we do that she doesn't even know about her own self" James said he looks over to Hiroshi "she'll learn on the way" "are you sure that's ok?" i said with a worried look on my face Hiroshi looked at me in disbelief on how weak i was. "Are you really that weak! you can learn on the way, don't you want to take revenge" i think about what Hiroshi was talking about this man took my mother, my only family that i had and she protected me through thick and thin i can't just let her die in vine. I stand up and say with all of my power " all right where going, i can't just stand here and do nothing. This guy wants a fight and we"ll give it to them "YAHOO!" Hiroshi put his fits in the air " It's time to slay some demons, yes we're going to fight and win!" everyone look over to me "are you sure about this Asteilla" ken said "yes I am" i say certain yet slightly sceptical "alright we start tomorrow" " yes yes yes here we come Lark we gonna kick your ass" Hiroshi said excitedly as I look at him " why is Hiroshi so happy all of a sudden" Ken smiles and my as my gaze slid from Hiroshi to him " that's because he likes to fight" Hiroshi puts up a glass " To a start of a new adventure let Astellia rain supreme against Lark and though slithery demons" " to her revenge, we as Astellia guardians will protect and serve" as we give a toast i drink my cup with uncertainty but what's done is done there's no going back now lark i'm come for you .Later that day I was in my room when Haku walked in "Astellia!" "come in" i said happily "come outside for a sec ok". I quickly agreed and followed him outside.

"Training!" i yell out " well you don't expect this to be a journey without fighting …...and your kinda weak" Haku said looking me up and down "what's that supposed to mean" i said under my breath. Haku then put do some weapons down onto the ground " what is all this stuff" "pick your poison" i look at the weapon that are laid out "there weapons i want you to pick one of these to fight with" i look down at the weapons that haku lad out for me there i see many sword, axes and and a scythe i look and all of them unfortunately they don't all speak to me. My gaze then turn to a white bow and arrow "that one" i say pointing to the weapon "A bow and arrow a great weapon for Astellia" haku said picking up the weapon he hands it to me " its kinda heavy" " here try shooting the arrow" "right" i then take out one of the arrows and shot one of the arrows "hit it!!" I said as I shot one of the arrows a large beam of blue light came out of the arrow and landed upon a tree a huge loud explosion ignited "woah what was that" i mutter to myself "you did it!!" haku said "what was that" i ask in astonishment " that is your power, the heaven light power" "heaven's light?" "yes heavens light is your power remember your power is the strongest power in the universe it's what the zubaky or the angels of darkness want, try it again this time" i nod and try it again "Hit it!" i yell to better take the shot and another beam of light shine the arrow and boom an explosion erupted onto the earth " it happened again" "Amazing Astellia, know then i think that's all we need to do for know you'll learn more into the journey ok" " yeah thanks haku for helping me train" haku blushed and said in a soft tone "no problem.." he quickly snapped out of it and then said " we should probably get going now it's getting late" "right" and with that we headed back to the house and off to sleep tomorrow the real adventure begins.