
The Path to Genesis

The Path to Genesis is no longer updating on WN. To access more info on where to read, click on the last chapter posted ( Ch 21 ) "…Do not let yourself fade into grey..." A statement of warning belonging to an innocent teenager with but a humble goal: protecting his family, putting his guardian to rest, repaying past debts, and living a life surrounded by the joy of nature and music. …But also a teenager who doesn’t know exactly how dark and grim the world beneath the morning is; a world which welcomes him openly as its long-lost son. In a world bordered between purity and corruption, Elias Nor challenges the secrets hidden within its depths and shows the journey of a humble pawn's path to its very beginning—a path amidst blood, sweat, and tears.

DigitalFootprint · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Mr. Abernathy

The silver moon shone with undiluted radiance as the sound of crickets and cicadas reverberated through the forest. The leaves and branches swayed by the gentle breeze created a calm and natural feeling, making the forest resemble a peacefuly still painting. The sound of measured footsteps rang out as the shadows in the area seemed to come alive, creating a path for the owner of the footsteps to follow.

The sight of a man in a deep purple robe, garbed in a black hooded cloak could be noticed slowly strolling towards the site of the crash, the luminescence of the sky drowned by his dark and imposing figure. He walked towards the carriage at a measured pace, seemingly not in a rush for time.

Upon arriving in front of the collapsed body of 2nine, the man studied all the victims spiraled around the carriage, noticing that a couple of them were still breathing. He then allowed his gaze to land on 2nine, his hands raising upwards as the shadows around him took the form of numerous blade like silhouettes above him. As he was about to will the swords to impale the unconscious DSS officer, a serene and calm voice reverberated within his mind.

"Don't kill him. He is an important future part of our plans."

"That is what 'He' wills."

The mans hands swiftly halted, an air of hesitation surrounding him as he slowly dissolved the shadow apparations he had crafted in the air. He turned his gaze back towards the other bodies, his hoarse voice asking in a low voice,"What about the rest of them?"

The voice once again replied, an aloof tone flowing through his tone, "I shall leave that to your discretion. The rest of them aren't important to us."

The man once again remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the unconscious survivors for a fleeting moment before shifting to the open wooden container resting beside them. His hands slowly reached inside it, eventually emerging with an eerily beautiful ornamental box within its grasp.

"I hope we can count on you to uphold your own end of the bargain?"

The man continued to study the beautiful box, not offering an immediate response to the question poised by the voice as his hand traced over the numerous mystical engravings adorning its intricate structure.

"Of course you can, after all…"

He slowly walked back into the depths of the forest, his tone shifting to one of piousness and solemnity as he slowly declared,

"The reemergence of Death's faith is our ideal!"

The sound of footsteps moving away in the opposite direction of the hooded man suddenly echoed out, an amused chuckle following its departure as the lush scene was once again overcome with the calming silence of the night sky.

The scorching afternoon sun hovered above the horizon, it's reflective rays creating a beautiful ordinance with the image of the bright blue sky. People of different works of life trailed the busy streets of Lowe, their faces glistening with sweat as they hastily tried to get to their various destinations, seeking respite from the intense glare of the sun.

The hands of a grand municipal clock which stood in the center of the city hit it's 12th hour mark, causing a loud chime to sound out, reverberating and echoing in all the boroughs and districts within the city. It marked the commencement of the lunch period, a time for leisure and relaxation!

Civilian workers from different industries and sectors all filed out of their various workplaces in an attempt to beat the afternoon lunch rush in different parts of the city. The bustling chatter of footsteps and voices instantly causing the entirety of Lowe, particularly the central district of the city, to be plunged into a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

The Central district of the city had the highest concentration of workforce and industrial production, causing it to be very active during all 7 days of the week. The district served as the backbone of the employment sector of the city, as it is seen as the link between the Nobles and Elites who live in the upper district and the commoners and low class civilians who stay in the less privileged areas of the city.

At the back of a good looking, modern bakery which sold yummy looking bread and other popular pastries at the heart of the central district, a hardworking young man was offloading bags of floor and sugar from the back of a transportation cart, moving with swift efficiency despite the scorching heat from the sun.

The young man was rigorously concentrated on his current task, his head beaming with reflective drops of sweat as he didn't seam to notice the chime signaling the start of the lunch break, or maybe he just didn't care. The young man offloaded bag after bag of flour and sugar from the cart and after putting the last bag in it's designated pile, crashed unto the ground with his chest pulsating in steady, but rigorous heart beats.

As the young man was contemplating the idea of standing up to transport the offloaded bags into the bakery, an outstretched hand offered him a glass of cold water, giving him some much needed respite after the round of tasking activity. As he gulped the glass of water down his throat, the owner of the hand that offered him the water, a burly man in his late 50s, said after some thought.

"I don't know how you do it Elias. You do the work meant for three people more effectively and even in less time! Who would believe me if I said that only one person offloaded a cart with almost 30 bags of sugar,salt and flour in fifteen minutes! Just fifteen minutes!"

Elias offered an genuine smile with beads of sweat dripping down his face, seemingly used to these type of overreactions from his employer. "If you payed me as much as you complimented me Mr. Abernathy, I might be a Baron and maybe own a small villa in Clifford Street by now!"

Clifford street was one of the more relatively affordable, but enticing parts of the upper district of the city. Because it was centered in the Upper District, it could generally only be occupied by aristocratic politicians and elites of the society. Not just anyone could live there! But because it was more affordable than most streets in the upper district, it was the point of reference for most commoners and civilian workers, as well as their dream.

"Tsk… here we go with that sly tongue of yours again young man, you know how bad the economy treats ordinary workers like us. If I could pay you that much, how would it make sense for me to be running a bakery, selling sweets and pastries? Do you think I like getting sugar and flour all over my hair?"

Elias cast a contemptuous glance at his employer, seemingly used to his usual routine of guilt tripping in order to pay him less each day. "But I see the smile you have on your face everytime you get your hand on a mixing bowl. That doesn't look like the smile of someone that doesn't like what they do, besides…"

Elias cast his gaze to the long line of people, mainly civilian workers and university students, lining up outside the bakery in order to buy some of the fresh bread and pastries adorning the bakery's shelves, their gazes containing longing and expectation. "You own one of the most successful bakeries in the entire city! I've heard that certain nobles are part of your hidden clientele, and even send their servants to order a batch of pastries which you specially prepare for them after hours. I won't be deceived by your shabby techniques, I know you are loaded!"

Mr.Abernathy was a relatively successful baker in the city of Lowe, and was quite popular too. He had made a name for himself about ten years ago after he stepped up to serve a specially made cake to a viscount who lived in the city for his daughters coming of age birthday, after the previous baker canceled for unexplained reasons. The pressure was high so none of the other city bakers wanted to take on the job, fearful of incurring the wraith of the sharp tempered noble if the cake was below standard due to the limited time. But Mr Abernathy not only successfully delivered the cake on time, the aesthetic and taste of the cake was without equal, totally shocking the noble and his family. After that day his fame and fortune would continue to grow, as he became one of the elites in the field of baking in the city.

Mr Abernathy felt aggrieved at the fact that he could never beat this hardworking and calm young man in a battle of words. He wondered why this young man didn't pursue a career in law, as he felt like even the best legislators in the city council would have a hard time winning against him in a debate.

"I sometimes get the feeling that you are pursuing the wrong career path. With your brains and annoyingly calm disposition, it wouldn't be hard for you to get into the Law Department of the Lowe University for studying justice or even judicial law. Maybe one day you can become a lawyer and annoy someone else for a good cause instead of wasting your talents on me!"

Elias scoffed as he slowly stood up, an amused smile adorning his tired face. He then paused for a couple moments before giving a response, a mischievous smile slowly creeping up on his face. This smile caused his employers eyes to narrow, as he felt like he was about to experience another round of teasing from the young man.

"Sir shouldn't you be inside tending to the customers? What if, pray tell, one of them snags some pastries off the counter without you knowing? Wouldn't that be be very, very sad?"

Mr. Abernathy smiled in amusement before his gaze froze, his head turning to the front of the bakery where the sight of a man in worn down clothes could be seen, his hand slowly reaching for the pile of cheesecake and banana bread.

"Oh shit!"

He urgently darted back into the bakery, his loud voice echoing throughout the street as he chastised and chased out the quick fingered thief. The sight caused Elias to chuckle as he turned around, saying to himself in a barely audible tone. "Thanks for the save Lars, I didn't know how I would get him to go back inside the store so I could heal myself and finish up my work. Once he starts talking like that it's hard to get him to stop."

Lars voice echoed a response to his brother, his tone laced with arrogance and mockery. "This much is nothing, I could have made him storm off in other numerous ways. You just aren't sly enough"

"What other ways?" Elias asked, clearly intrigued by his brother's sly tactics.

"I could have gotten you to make an inappropriate joke about his daughter, since he is very protective of her, this would obviously make him storm off in anger.

"You might be out of a job because of that though but that's alright, isn't today your last day here? Maybe ask him something about her cup size? That would definitely make him mad. She is definitely on the smaller end thou-"

"Enough!" Elias interrupted, clearly shaken by Lars' inappropriate remarks. That was just too much!

"What? You asked me didn't you? I was just answering your question. I didn't even finish it, I have two more." Lars seemed aggrieved. He was just answering the question he was asked, did he do anything wrong?

"I'm not falling for that you snake! Go back and stop distracting me, I need to work."

Lars sighed like a person that had been wronged, his voice hesitantly trailing off as he sighed heavily. "So this is what I get for helping… life isn't fair to me at all. What wrong did I commit in my past life to deserve such unappreciation?"

Elias had an amused expression on his face, obviously aware that his brother was just acting extra dramatic in order to guilt trip him. As he prepared to use healing on himself and go back to work, a disturbance down the street drew his attention.

The image of a rough looking, middle aged man could be seen, hastily darting through the street, knocking down the stalls and pushing aside the people in his way. He seemed to be holding a bag of gold jewelry, which were glistening in the light of the sun. His face was covered in sweat and he had a fearful look on his face, like he was being chased by the devil.

Upon closer inspection, Elias could see a figure swiftly catching up to the fearful man, darting through the densely covered streets with speed and precision!