
The path to becoming a global Rapstar

"What have i been reborn?" This is a story about a guy named Lin who wanted to be a rap star from childhood to be recognized by the whole world.But by coincidence he was cheated by the label and he lost all the rights to the music.Unable to stand it he took a killer dose of dru*s and died.By some miracle he was reborn in another reality with a system and decided to change everything ------------------------------ P.S.All this is author's imagination.All possible coincidences are coincidental Cover art made by AI This is my first novel.There may be plot holes in some places,please criticize me to make me better Since English isn't my first language,writing a novel is like practicing,so there may be grammar problems,I apologize in advance

shino_power · Urban
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After thinking it over, Lin decided to record the tracks and release them as a mixtape. But first he had to get dressed.

Lin found a closet of clothes, trying to find a fresh look.

--What should I wear? Not a suit.

--Ooh! There it is! Black pants with a zipper print and a white T-shirt with Gucci written on it. It's good for the first time.

Then I'll have to buy more clothes. Lin said enthusiastically.

-Wait! Do I have any money left?

Even though Lin was from a wealthy family, the conflict with his parents had made him feel bad. Even though he had a house, he didn't have much money.

He had already spent most of it on "cool friends" who would help him rap.

--Why was the last body so wasteful?" said Lin with some disappointment. After getting dressed in his new clothes, he first went to look for his cell phone

--Gotta find the phone. It's probably in the bedroom. Lin quickly went to the bedroom. As he looked around, he noticed a new QPhone on the nightstand.

--Ah, there it is. Taking it, Lin unlocked the phone with his fingerprint.

--First we should check the bank account, Lin thought . Finding the WM Bank app on his phone. he looked at his account and saw that only 25,000 dollars remained from the initial 1 million dollars.

--What the fuck?! How can you spend so much money in six months and not release a single track?! Lin shouted furiously. Realizing that his financial situation had deteriorated so much, Lin tried to calm down.

Having examined the bedroom, he found several grams of weed and a pack of luxury cigarettes.

-- Before I became a rapper, I was already dabbling in all sorts of things. Well, if you've got some, it's a good idea to try it. Lyn said snidely.

Lin took a pack of Ricmond gold cigarettes and took out one cigarette and lit it. The night city showed the noisy life, fun and vices of the city. --

Soon I'll be the king of this noisy life. Well, the night is still young. Thinking over the whole situation, Lin began to adapt to his new life. And he began to decide what he would do next.

-It's 2010 in this world. What songs should I start with?

In Lin's past world, the drill genre began to appear in the early 2010s, and gained popularity thanks to rappers Kief Reef, Lil Dyrk, Lil Rese and others.

So it would be logical to choose songs from one of them. But Lin wanted to become successful in other variations drill such as UK DRILL.

-In order to become a Rapstar, I need to develop other genres, but first I will choose drill. Lin firmly stated.

Previously, before his rebirth, he listened not only to English-language music but to Russian-language music, because his parents were from a Russian-speaking country, and only then moved to the USA .

Thanks to this, Lin knew English and Russian perfectly, which helped him understand Russian-speaking music

-As far as I remember, there were some good drill performers in the post-Soviet music scene. You need to choose what from their creativity and change it for yoursel .

Lin said, thoughtfully,

-t's decided. When choosing the song "I don't like" by KiefReef and Lil Rese, "Loading" by Tentral Gee and something from the Russian language, I'll choose "For Mula" byy Oblad

Exhaling smoke, Lin said confidently. Lin picked up his phone and searched his contacts for one name.

-There he is! After choosing the one he wanted, he started calling.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~Ring~

After about a minute, the recipient picked up the phone.

--Hello, Mark. It's me-lin. One of Lin's closest friends, Mark had been supporting him all this time and trying to keep him away from his new friends. But unfortunately, the old Lin was as stubborn as a sheep and wouldn't listen to anyone who wanted to talk sense into him.

--Lin?! Where are you? Do you need help? Mark asked.

--Oh, my friend. Yes, I really need your help.

Lin said theatrically.

--What's wrong? Send me the address, I'll be right over. Mark said quickly.

Knowing Lin, Mark thought he was in trouble again for his pride.

--Will you help me find a good studio? I want to record some tracks.

-Are you sure?

Mark said he wanted to go on, but Lyn interrupted him.

--I'm damn sure. We'll have a hit or two tonight.And get some of the guys from the family together, you can get some more supercars and girls.

--What's all this for? You gonna rob somebody or something? Do you run out of money? Do you want some? I can give you some.

--No, no. I'm not robbing anybody. I just want to make a music video for my next track.

-Okay, I'll help you. But on one condition. If these songs are not successful, you will go back to your family. Lin, confident of success, replied.

- Okay. It's a deal.

--Well, then I'll send you the address of the studio, so you can come, I'll be waiting.

-- All right, got it. Thanks.

Mark After that, Lin made a call and started to get ready to record the track.

--That's right. I should make a social media page, but what nickname should I use? Young Lin? Lil Lin? No, that's not good. How about Lynx? I like it. It's settled.

After choosing an nickname, Lin quickly signed up for Gram. It's done.

Hello. A few changes. This novell was supposed to have a system, but I changed my mind and removed the system from the novel.And everything has been edited. If you see strange moments, please let me know.

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