
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 26: Metal Rogue (7)


Chapter 26: Metal Rogue (7)


On the carriage 

It had been two days since they parted with Sasha's group at Metal Rogue, and that ambush was taken care of without a problem. Ava who was carrying the carriage, Asher who was showing her the way with Alex, and his sister called Stella.

Stella and Asher were some of the people he saved from the slave house where Ezra was being held. They were attacked again but to their fortune, they weren't being targeted as he escaped with his sister to Metal Rogue. Stella being ill with an unknown disease Mr.Hun couldn't even find a potion that could heal her but just lessen the effects.

Promising to heal her, Alex along with Stella were inside the carriage as she had Silky golden hair, and golden eyes, her beauty being around 15 years old. Stella and Asher had nothing similar showing that they weren't of blood. Considering something Stella noticed his stare and said

"Morning sir." she greeted.

"Morning," he answered and went back to his thoughts. 'Maybe by...' Without a warning, a suddenly sharp pain came from his eyes. "Aragaa," he growled a little the pain increasing from before. Stella stared at him in confusion with a worried expression.

"Are you okay." she inquired.

"Am fine just a little bit tired that's all," he answered feeling a small amount of blood coming from them. Wiping the blood coming from his eyes, he thought by just ignoring this pain it would disappear but now it's just increasing. The question is 'Why.'.

That he couldn't answer as he stared at his status for answers.

[The six worldly eyes – The Truth of the universe, of creation and destruction can be seen by you. {Warning the possibility of going insane is 95%}. The eyes also have the following skills, [Wrath of heaven], [Mystic realm], [Susanoo], [The eternal flames], [Limitless].

'It's not saying anything else except for the warning. Then what's wrong.' he found himself worried about something he couldn't understand fully because the warning of him becoming insane scared him a little. Ignoring that he started creating his other skills.


[{G-}Vitality - Your physical defenses are increased from every upgrade. Being limited to C rank. If you fuse it with Speed and strength the limitation can be broken]

[{G-} Speed - Your physical speed is increased from every upgrade. Being limited to C rank. If you fuse it with Strength and Vitality the limitation can be broken]

Staring at his new skill the world suddenly becomes covered with darkness a feeling he can't forget that happened once before. He stared around to find the figure of the demonic creature standing before him. "Master." It kneeled.

"Why did you call me." he inquired.

"It's because I sense one of the broken pieces that was taken away from me," he answered his demonic voice still sounding scary.

"huh, Broken pieces," he remembered some event of creating the greatest weapon which the person will need to gather the pieces together before forging them. The funny part is that where their going is the location of one of the bosses in that event holding a piece.

Alex doesn't remember writing that they came from this sword so he was really surprised as he inquired further "Who was the one who broke those pieces."

"That I don't recall, but I sense myself in them," he replied Alex wondered about something before answering.

"Do you know what's happening to my eyes," he asked not expecting an answer but to his surprise he answered.

"Yes lord, your eyes are reacting to the amount of power being suppressed in them."

"mmmmmm.... Okay then will get those pieces for you," he answered and further asked,

"What will happen if I keep suppressing that power."

"MMMM, You will most likely become blind or die," he replied with a calm tone. "Lord why are you suppressing your power."

Alex didn't respond and he thought 'Seems like am forced to use them or become blind or die.' he sighed. "Let me take my leave." he nodded as his figure disappeared.

In the real world 

Alex had only closed his eyes for a moment with nothing that was noticed, Sensing souls in front he smiled wanting to test something he was waiting for. "Master." Ava's mind linked to Alex, but he had already come out and waited in front of the carriage.

Using the full power of his realm he reached the peak of B rank in a moment staring in front as he shouted out. "Come out." because he was wearing his mask the bandits didn't sense the pressure around him. His sword wasn't in hand as he stared in front with a smile under the mask.

20 bandits appeared surrounding the carriage with smiles on their faces, but what disappointed Alex was the level above their heads.

[LV 20] [LV23] [LV28]

The highest being


If it was before Alex would have had some trouble with them but now they were all ants AND the feeling he longed for wasn't far from his reach. Raising his hand brilliant red ray of light showed.