
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Chapter 18: Escape (1)


Chapter 18: Escape (1)


The next day.

Alex evaluated the current situation which was stimulating a lot of trouble for the old man Malcolm. A noble alongside the person who governs the city was about to search his whole guild. But for someone with influence and power, they didn't act rashly, before besieging the guild.

Being vigilant Ava slept in his shadow staring down with a conflicting expression, "What to do now." Alex needs someone who can tend to Ava's wounds and talk with that girl.

Certainty about the outcome worried him for a moment he started considering his options and the thought of retaliation came to him.

Entering the guild none focused on him from all the spies that were around. Feeling pity for the old man his thoughts stopped when Lisa said "Alex." Turning to the counter she said, "The guild leader wants to see you."

Distracting himself with his thoughts Alex walked down the stairs with Lisa behind him. 'Why is he always so calm meeting the guild leader, why does the guild want to meet him for.' she wondered staring at his back. Reaching below the guild master was waiting with a few doors leading in different directions.

"Young one." Malcolm said sitting on a chair.

"Guild leader." he bowed slightly with a smile. "What are your orders."

"Huh.... seems, I don't need to explain much." He sighed and continued, " Things are turning into a deadly situation on my part, and can't hold them for long. Momentarily they have hindered anyone from taking a quest and I have harsh orders for you Alex." he said.

"What is it," he asked even if knowing what his imposing. 

"Leave the city with Little Sasha as you know each other but the trouble that will follow you will be immense. I know it's a harsh order from someone who you didn't know much of, but I put an offer." He explained and further said " 100,000 gold coins, an ancient scroll." he said staring deep into Alex's eyes.

Alex was startled for a moment he had enormous thoughts about what would have happened and this wasn't one of them, which was a miscalculation on his part. With a smile, he asked, "Why the high prices."

"She can't do much at the moment she needs someone to help her leave this place." He answered the calmness on his face not even removing.

Alex shook his head and said, "What am more confused about is why would you choose someone as weak as me than those higher ranked." said Alex as the old man sighed at those words.

"Young one It's your choice, choose now." Alex just smiled and waited for him to answer his question. Their eyes met and Lisa from behind started getting scared when the pressure inside the room started increasing. Sighing once more he said "I know you aren't weak and even a noble is looking for you. I don't care what you did or what happened between you and that noble but you also don't have a choice."

"I do I can just leave her behind and remove some weight on my shoulders," he answered. "Then old man give me a reason to even accept." Hearing the words Alex said Lisa was in shock and almost tried to stop him from talking further. But the old man just lowered his head slightly.

"Because there is no one who I can trust at the moment and she also recommended you. So now what."

"I don't want your offer except for the ancient scroll and for you to accept my request in the future. Also, can you heal her?" His shadow moved and a wolf came out. Lisa was shocked but also started wondering who Alex was. His dignified visage with him embodying the very essence of an emperor, his calmness, and his eminently aura.

Alex didn't waste much time and went into a room nearby with Lisa knowing that her words in such places would be ignored. "You should better leave today," Malcolm said.

Alex nodded and asked, "Can I see her." He did say anything and just stared at a room in which Alex followed his gaze. Sensing two other souls inside Alex wondered if she had the boy, knowing that it would become even more difficult.

Entering the room Sasha the short-haired beauty sleeping beside her was a young girl looking worriedly at her at this moment Alex sighed. The little girl stared at him and asked "Who are you."

"Don't mind me." he answered, "Are you awake little Sasha." He asked with a smile. She reacted with an annoyed expression on her face without answering or opening her eyes. Alex chuckled and sat not far from them closing his eyes 'What now.'

Considering his next course of action when Sasha said, "Why are you doing here."

Opening his eyes slightly he asked, "Am I not welcomed." she didn't answered and he continued "I can't let you leave without completing our deal." 

She frowned which Alex didn't notice and said "About that..... can we postpone that for a few days or weeks."

"Huh... is it because of your injuries." he inquired now noticing the worried and angered expression on her face.

"No, It's personal, and must do it as quickly as possible." She didn't say much which Alex didn't mind and didn't even answer her. He was deeply considering what to do because the realm only opens once every 3 years.

The contract Alex signed with Ava was for her to help him explore a realm for the information that Alex held. Confident in her abilities she accepted, but the realm would be opened after two weeks knowing that Alex didn't have much time to spare. "Sasha, Time isn't something that I can spare at the moment."

"Please, We don't know how long we going to be there and the situation outside may get worse. So please am begging you." She couldn't move at the moment but the tears in her eyes showed it all. 

'Huhhhhhh.... I can just wait.' he told himself, 'I can also prepare in the meantime.' finding no other reason to stay in this town except for the realm he said "Okay then but where are we going."

"We....." She exclaimed


Sighing a little she said "Fluisa Village." 

"Fluisa Village.... isn't it the village near the border between Seona and Isaine Empire," he said confused a little about going somewhere so far. 'And she said a few weeks.' he rolled his eyes knowing that she would need to cross the whole territory of the third monarch to reach there.

She desperately stood up "Sis don't."

"Am okay." she said petting her head, "That's where I came from, but suddenly it was attacked by slave traders being not connected to both empires. That's why I want to return."

"If they were attacked by slave traders then why do you want to return, they are mostly dead or enslaved," he replied a considering expression on his face.

Sasha didn't notice this and didn't react," I didn't know, I just found out." She stared at the little girl beside her and she showed a worried expression, "I heard a rumor about a boy who uses any item without any conditions so came and checked it out at the slave auction house. Then when I found that she was being sold as well, and followed them here." she explained briefly

"Huh..." Alex nodded staring above slightly. He was sensing a very powerful soul above, one that could be above the old man outside. 'Strange, why do I feel a sense of danger.' he wondered his beautiful eyes shining with bright light.

Blood-thirsting eyes landed below his bloodlust not even hidden, and Alex felt it moving fast and rushed out of the room. Malcolm throws him a scroll and says "Take the wolf and the girl and go."

"Where to his waiting upstairs," he answered.

Going to a wall nearby he just touched it and input his mana, and that's when the wall moved. A path showed itself, "Take this path and leave the city."

{Monarch's curse activated}

[Why in a rush, wait for me.] A voice sounded like an echo in both of their ears. Alex's calm mind wasn't affected but Malcolm was there for some seconds and he took Sash, Lisa along the little girl into his shadow using Ava's shadow power. Amber was already sleeping in there so he didn't have anything that held him back.

Pushing forward he rushed through the path without stopping and stared back for a moment seeing the illusory figure of a man. [Where are you going.]

Something red suddenly appeared just beside him and flashed toward his location and only an explosion happened before the path was closed.