
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Vice Principal's testing

Gabriel made way to the testing area in the north side of the campus which is a building with red and green flower designs. He entered there and found a wrestling ring and the seats are arranged in the form of stairs. There is also separate testing room adjacently in the same building for non combat superpowers.

"You two should take a seat. I'll be back as soon as my testing is done." said Gabriel.

Penelope nodded and took Lucy to one of the seats. Gabriel just stood outside the ring waiting for Balthazar to arrive.

After 5 minutes, Balthazar arrived with an old man. He is not the only visitor as the students started entering the building in waves taking seats. There is a reason for them behaving like this. It is too rare for Vice Principal to test someone.

The testing is usually left to one of the teachers who are in charge of a class to test. The old man beside Balthazar is Victor Stewart, the principal of the academy. Gabriel could sense a power of Continental realm coming from the old man, while Balthazar is in the middle of the Country realm.

He could not understand why there is such a vast difference between two of them. As the seats got filled with first years and even the second year students, Vice Principal and the Principal approached Gabriel.

"Gabriel meet the principal of this academy "Victor Stewart"" said Balthazar.

Gabriel gave a bow in noble way and said "Good to meet you, Sir Victor."

Victor gave a small smile and said "You are not arrogant or prideful like other nobility. Showing respect to a commoner like me even though I am not nobility."

Gabriel lifted his head and adjusted his stance back to normal. "My father has taught me not take person's value based on their background rather than their will and capabilities." replied Gabriel.

"They are words to live by. Keep it up." said Victor. "The reason I've come here is because it has been 5 years since the Vice Principal has tested someone on their abilities. It is a rare opportunity for me to see him in action." said Victor.

Gabriel just nodded as he did not want to express that will cause problems for himself as he felt like Victor was a battle maniac.

"So, are you are a battle superhero or auxiliary superhero?" asked Victor.

"You could say I have powers of both." said Gabriel.

Victor could not understand those words. "What are you saying, Gabriel?" asked Balthazar.

"I have a combat power which can transform my body parts to weapons and auxiliary power of Lie detection." said Gabriel.

Gabriel told them half truth because he wanted to keep his other powers as secrets for unexpected circumstances.

Victor and Balthazar could not believe it because it is rare to find someone with two powers. The most surprising thing for them is that Gabriel has a combat power and Auxiliary power.

Usually anyone with two powers have either two combat powers or two auxiliary powers, but Gabriel surprised them with two different powers.

You must be faking." came a shout from one of the stands. Gabriel looked at them and they were the 4 students who stood there enjoying while others hurled insults.

The one who gave the shout is the leader "Lucien Rayne", the son of Raymond Rayne, the CEO of Rayne group of industries.

"Yeah, there is no one in this world with Two types of abilities in them." shouted a girl. This girl Clara Mark, the daughter of Anthony Mark, the CEO of Mark Industries.

"You have the gall to lie in front of our principal." shouted a guy with red hair. This guy is the Carl Baxter, the son of Rex Baxter, the CEO of Rex Corp.

"You nobles are all the same. Always trying to deceive people." came a girl's voice. The girl is Barina Raiden, the daughter of the knight general Jack Raiden under the king.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes and understood their intentions very clearly. They want to cause problems for him while he is in the academy.

Gabriel looked back at Victor and said "I am not hear to entertain them. If you have any doubts about this you can test it out."

Victor was also doubtful about his abilities, but as soon as he heard those words he understood that Gabriel was telling the truth.

"Very well. Let's test your combat power first." said Vice principal. The principal looked at the four and said "During the test, if you dare open your mouth's I'll send you guys to detention for 2 months."

The 4 rich brats widened their eyes and understood the warning from the principal. They closed their mouths and sat silently. Many students there felt happy inside because 4 of these guys bullied students there.

In the academy there are many arrogant ones that are hard to control by other teachers and can only be dealt by Vice Principal and the Principal. The people who are humble constitute only 20% of the academy.

Gabriel climbed the ring and Balthazar took a jump onto the ring and landed on it. There was big dent on that place. Gabriel understood that vice was trying to intimidate him using that strength.

It is rare for people to have two powers and Balthazar has two powers. His first power is Superhuman strength and the second is Nuclear energy manipulation.

Many supervillains got their asses kicked by this two powers. Sadly, nuclear energy is inferior to Primal energy in Gabriel, so he can only dominate by the strength even though he does not have bulged muscles or physique.

Victor took the seat for Principal on the top and looked eagerly at the test. A teacher came into the ring and said "We hereby commence the test of Gabriel Dexter's superpowers."

"Are both of you ready?" asked the teacher.

Gabriel nodded and Balthazar did the same.

"Now begin." said the teacher and jumped out of the ring.

Balthazar quickly launched himself towards Gabriel and appeared in front of him in an instance with a fist towards Gabriel's face. Gabriel was a little surprised but with calm mind bent his head right and the punch missed.

Balthazar launched another punch and Gabriel blocked it by transforming his left hand into a shield. The audience were surprised as Gabriel blocked a punch from Balthazar.

"Good. You have not only evaded my punch but also defended other punch with your power. I wish to see how this battle will go." said Balthazar with the crazed smile.

Penelope became tense on seeing the display while Lucy was innocently clapping at two of them. Penelope knows that the Vice Principal is too strong for Gabriel to handle.

Balthazar jumped back and started emitting nuclear energy from the body. The particles in his body are fusing. He raised his palm and released a ball of nuclear energy.

Gabriel transformed his other hand into a gun with big hole and launched a ball of primal energy. Balthazar was caught off guard on seeing his nuclear ball vanish with Gabriel's attack.

"You're stronger than I thought. I'll increase my power." said Balthazar.

Slowly the body of vice principal transformed and his physique increased a lot along with his power.

As soon as transformation is finished. His body is riddled with muscles and nerves. "So, shall we dance again?" asked Balthazar.

"Sure." said Gabriel entering the martial arts stance no one would have expected.
