
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Maximus Volt's fear

In Jura kingdom's royal palace....

The throne room of the palace is completely filled with huge red clothes with symbol of the kingdom two lightning bolts and a horse on its back legs on them. Ahuge carpet crawled all the way to the thrones while the huge chandelier with candles illuminated the room with light. There are candles on the walls emitting lightning which completely reflects the royal family's affinity to lightning element.

Only the royal volt family in the entire kingdom is capable of using lightning element whether as a knight or as a mage. The throne of the king is embedded with runes which amplify the lightning elements when the person sits on it.

At present the king Maximus Volt is sitting on the throne while Minister of Agriculture Erwin Valdez is giving a presentation on the losses incurred by the farmers in the western part of the territory where the royal family owns some farm lands.

"Your majesty, the farmers are deprived of their livelihood due to the enormous rainfall and the wheat, cabbage and groundnut farmers have incurred losses in extremes.

They are the farmers that have been producing crops for the royal family for decades. It is better to divert the funds to our farmers rather than the territories of Count Pattinson and the baronies in the north who have sufficient resources." explained Erwin.

There are noble families present in the court and the brother of Count Xander Pattison whose name is Cailan Pattison was present there along with the baronies representatives of Osmond, Eastwood and Trevor. Cailan Pattinson was 25 year old and had experience dealing with internal and external affairs of the territory.

They knew that Erwin would pull some stunt to minimize the funds to their territories. That is the reason why the families sent representatives as their spokesperson so that they can counter Erwin's move.

"Your Majesty, permission to speak." said Cailan. The king looked at Cailan and said "Granted."

"Thank you, my lord. Our honorable Minister of Agriculture has pointed out the dire situation of the farmers of west region and I wholeheartedly agree that more funds should be provided to them, but our territories have been affected by the "Black Pale" and the cursed mist has been affecting many residents of our territories.

If appropriate funds are not allotted to the territories more people will become affected by the mist and succumb to the curse. The death rate in the territories will rise by 40% which is alarming to say the least."

Cailan kept on explaining the details of the mist which has affected their regions. Count Xander had an intuition that Erwin will openly put them down so he had to bring up countermeasures to counter him. It is truth that the territory is affected by Black Pale and there are casualties. The affects of the curse can be removed by making "Hellion Talismans" which require lots of funds to be paid to the druids in those territories.

The druids required those funds because the metal required to make those talismans is a rare metal calle "Thrasmus" which are only found in "Phantom forest" which is filled with mythical beasts.

Erwin had a ugly look in his face as Cailan came up with thorough preparation and documents containing statistical details of the territory. Erwin wanted to make the nobles suffer by decreasing the funds but Cailan kept on presenting the facts with dignity and respect.

King Maximus kept a straight face but inside he wanted Erwin to counter Cailan in someway to avoid sending money to those territories.

"Your territory has the businesses required to pay for the people. Why don't you use the money? Are you saying leeching off the treasury is one of your habits?" mocked Erwin.

Cailan had a urge to punch Erwin but he still kept a straight face and replied "Your majesty. Our territory has been contributing most of the tax compared to other territories for more than ten years without fail.

Even when we suffered droughts we paid the taxes to the royal family and didn't ask for anything more but the present situation demands the funds to be allotted to our territory to control a disaster. Otherwise the people might think that you have neglected the territories when a disaster rose."

Erwin tried to rebut by saying "Don't even think about it. It was the Dexter family which contributed to the treasury much more than you guys." with a smug face.

King Maximus had a tinge of fear in his eyes as soon as he heard the word "Dexter". There was a reason for his fear because the "Temple of Indra" oracle received a prediction that it is the Dexter family which will be responsible for the destruction of the entire Jura Kingdom.

That is the reason why he sent "Glondor Cult" members in which he was in a top position to kill the Dexter's. He knows the cult objective is to revive Glondor from higher dimension and bring about a new age where everyone only worshipped Glondor and the cult.

He received news from the cult members that the Dexter family died and awakened their powers. As soon as he heard the news he wa shocked. He knew that the youngest son had deduction skills and he can trace back the source to him.

Glondor required 1 million souls to break the chain binding him in the other dimension and 10 million souls for him to enter earth. The cult was only able to get 10000 souls till now as making too much of destruction can cause the forces to come after them.

King Maximus knew that Gabriel joined superhero academy and he knows that Gabriel is trying to find the truth about the attack on his family. It is not easy to send the cult members against him in the academy even though those members are in academy.

He decided not to rely on cult members this time and send assassins as students to infiltrate the academy and take care of Gabriel.

King looked at Erwin with a serious gaze and replied "The funding for the farmers in western region and the noble's territories will be divided equally without fail.

I am giving you two months to bring the situation in your territories under control and the same goes for the farmers. If anyone fails they will feel the pain from my anger."

Cailan bowed and said "As you wish, your grace." Erwin was angry inside but bowed to show respect towards the king.

King Maximus who is 40 years old could send shivers to his enemies had fear and Erwin could sense it. King Maximus left the throne room and Cailan looked at Erwin with mockery in his face as Erwin failed against him.

The barons were also happy to see Erwin getting pushed back and they left the room merrily. Erwin could not figure out why kind did it but he did not know that Maximus gave this judgement because he mentioned Dexter family.