

Time passed quickly and before I noticed another year went by but instead of all the Basilisk terror this second year was simple and there were no dangers , I had to do the job and remove Lockhart from the post as a teacher and his place was occupied by Lupin who I had helped by giving him a potion that not only made him stronger but allowed him to evolve and have 100% control of his werewolf side even in full moons.

And just like that the year passed , this years was uneventful other than me training and Salem approaching godhood by comprehending my time and space laws plus the darkness , light and corruption laws. The last one really surprised me but she said she understood the law and had an high affinity with it , probably from the corruption she was undergoing back in Remnant , nonetheless it was good so long she could control her laws.

Today was the first day of the last and I was in the library with Luna and Mione , we were playing a 3 way chess game while talking mentally , though this year I had become really close with Luna since she and Mione were on the same house and thus she became my third student.

With Mione things were going well too , after some time I decided to help both girl and gave them pills like the one I consumed after getting the arc that gave me perfect eidetic memory and cleaned all impurities from the body but the ones I gave them also boosted their magic so they became more attuned with it. Apparently they also became smarter , Mione overly so now that she could remember every single book she had read word by word but they still couldn't beat my library.

So while we were playing both girls were reading books , Luna on magical beasts and Mione on Human Transfiguration that I gave to her because undeniably the magic was useful. I was just watching over Salem that was comprehending her last law which was the corruption one and since it was a double edge sword I had to watch over her just in case , she was doing it in a separate space I created so she basically had all the time in the world.

After a bit our game finished and Luna said to me "Oz have you ever seen a Crumple-Horned Snorkack in your travels?" this picked Mione's attention from her book too mainly because she was one of the people who said the creatures didn't exist.

After thinking for a bit on how to answer the girl I said "Well I have seen one , but they are very rare and almost extinct. Hence I'm one of the 4 people in the world who saw it and is still alive" after hearing me Luna had stars in her eyes but Mione had a unbelieving look and said "Who are the other 3 people then?" , "My dear wife Salem , my good friend Nicolas Flamel and apparently Luna's father" Mione just continued looking at me while squinting her eyes but Luna fired a quick round of questions.

"Really?! What do they look like? Where are they? Can you take me to see them?" I just smiled wryly before patting her head and saying "Calm down Luna , there is a reason they are so rare. They are very seclusive creatures so it's almost impossible to find them but one day when I visit them I'll take you" she smiled happily before getting up and hugging me , I just chucked and patted her head.

After hugging her she left after saying goodbye to the annoye Mione and me , seeing Mione like that I asked her mentally <Why are you like that? She is such an adorable girl> and Mione just humphed before saying <To me it looks like you like her more than a student> I chuckled and said <You jealous Mione? Well I won't lie to you , she will have the same choice as you when the time comes>.

Mione gave me a stinky eye before getting up and leaving I just stayed there and sighed before teleporting to the attic in our house since the separate space was in there , after I got inside the space I saw Salem sitting in the lotus position being surrounded by a dark purple with sunny yellow edges. The space surrounding her was emitting the same energy and if anyone came in this space they would probably break , I was safe because this level of corruption could do nothing to me but the same couldn't be said to the separate space.

I could see it was changing and becoming something else so I quickly destroyed the corruption and created a destruction effect on the space so it would specifically destroy any residual corruption energy while not influencing Salem. After 1 week went by in the space Salem finally mastered the law and I could see she wasn't planning on stopping and wanted to rise to godhood and I didn't stop her , instead I started guiding using our mental connection and the library.

The process of gathering all laws was very slow because she had to somehow blend the laws not allowing them to fight , I didn't know why the process was easy for me but she took another week just to accomplish it.After she did it I then guided her through the creation of the first stage of DE that would allow her to enter godhood but before I could guide her through it I felt a disturbance in the forces surrounding me , I hurried and put Salem inside a bubble that would protect her and tried to lock this space but the entities started fighting back while trying to reach and locate this space.

After feeling this energies I felt the immortality within me resonating with them and I recognised who it was , after I knew who I was facing against I just smirked and instead of just trying to stop them I started taking control and reversed the process finding their location , after I did that I completely blocked this planet and made it impossible to find through any method with the space law before using saying mentally while targeting the energy that made me immortal and resonated with their energies 'Devour'.

A small black hole appeared within me and swiftly devoured the energy before transferring it to the source of my ajin immortality blending the two and boosting it. I couldn't do this because I never even knew that what made us immortal was their energies , but now that I knew I looked at Salem who was almost completing the process before locating the energy and saying "Devour".

After the energy was devoured I channeled it to the ajin part in Salem thus repeating the same process that happened with m , while this was happening Salem was almost reaching the point and after 5 minutes she was surrounded by the golden glow of DE and it was integrating with her making her stronger and she was growing , her boobs became bigger becoming some cute perky H boobas while her ass became a bit bigger and more plump.

This made me drool because her clothes were ripped while this transformation was occuring , she looked like a goddess and like those cultivator like to say she had jade skin and was a beauty that could topple kingdoms. After the golden glow died out she opened her eyes and when she saw me drooling she smirked and walked up to me before pushing me down and laying on top of me while saying "Like what you see?" I just lifted myself and kissed her before pushing her and getting her while carrying her on the bridal position before teleporting to our room , we had sex for 1 week and at some point I had to use my law to dilatate the time inside our room so we could enjoy our precious time.

Welp here is the chap fams , hope you liked it for a change. Please tell me if there are any mistakes or things I should correct and wish me good luck for the exam I'm gonna have tomorrow because I hate physics.

Have a good night and reading fams , ja ne

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts