
The Path of Ruin

The sky was painted gray forever. The light of the sun was restrained. The darkness of the night was deeper than ever. At such a time, he belonged to a class people didn't even recognize as 'human'. He was at the bottom of the social stratum, a slave. And when his only family was taken away from him... he no longer had a purpose in life. Yet, he clung to life because of his promise. And he set an impossible goal for himself, just so he'd have an excuse to live. When he finally reached a place he never expected to be, in pursuit of a purpose he expected to fail and die miserably trying to fulfill... he awoke to a night that would change his entire life. He was an insignificant fly, a mere speck in the destruction of the Empire. But he... survived. And, despite being a slave, he gained the blessing of a king. Or rather, the curse... ******* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/eRZTrv6Y49

WindskyW · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Eon Training

--Volume II: Awakening of Ruin--

The darkness of the sky was, as usual, over the central continent, which had just left December. Cold, a little chilling... but at the same time adorned with stars, beautiful... alluring. Mesmerizing, even.

The sky frightened many people, but it also gave peace to many others, especially the dark but stunning sight of the star-studded night. And it was still the same now.

But it was in its last moments... at least for this particular moment. Because the moon, accompanying the stars of the night, was slowly setting. Slowly rising from the east, another tiny, pale star, as bright as it was pale, appeared among the gray that replaced the darkness.

The central continent was waking up to a new day. And so did every other city... and so did the capital of the Empire.

The dawning of the new day slowly woke people from their slumber as the sun began to rise.
