
The will

As soon as I signed the papers regarding my inheritance, my uncle tried to sweet talk me into letting him manage everything again. "Darling, shouldn´t I manage everything like before? Let me handle it, you can relax."

"Mr William, rest assured I can handle everything one my own. Thank you for your "care" all this time." I said, finally revealing my true self.

There was a silence folling my words. Everyone present was shocked, William, Charles, Ryan and Cassandra. These bastards were silent for a moment, their faces were worth all the wait.

"Sorry? What you mean by that?" Charles shouted after recovering.

"It´s as you heard, the time has come." I replied. "Don´t think that I don´t know what you all planned. Till this day I played the fool, the spoiled good for nothing girl, who knows nothing. I behaved exactly like that to let ur guards down. I prepared and waited and planned. Now, I can be myself now." With that I send the notar and the witnesses away before anyone could react.

These fools were still dumbstruck.

My back straight,coupled with my resting bitch face, my aura exploded, they shivered upon my sight.

I felt so high when I left.

Cassandra, the bitch, tried to come with me, clinging to me like she was my best friend.

"Serves them right! How dare they try to take your inheritance. Come, Sara, let´s go. They are not worth our time." If I was not reincarnated I would still believe her, but her image of letting men rape me all over was burned inside my soul.

As soon as she tried to touch my body , I threw her to the ground.

"I believe our strings end here. Wish you and Ryan a very bad ending, go to hell and never return."

With that I left for real.

The next days I destroyed the manison, fired everyone working for me and searched for a new home.

I was finally free but my revenge was not over, not yet.