
The Path of Destruction

Laurent, an ordinary stargazer, discovers a mysterious falling star that grants her unimaginable powers. As she embraces his newfound abilities, she is drawn into a world of secrets and ancient prophecies. But when a group of malevolent knights seeks to claim the star's power for themselves, Laurent must rise up and protect her loved ones. She becomes a reluctant hero, determined to bring justice and restore balance to a world on the brink of chaos.

ZyRule · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Vendetta

04-11-XX23, 001, 02

The bustling sounds of the guild greeted Riona and her group as they stepped inside, the scent of ale and sweat mixing in the air. They attracted more than a few curious glances, but Riona ignored them as she approached the counter, a bloody head in her grasp.

The guild master, a gruff-looking man with a thick beard, raised an eyebrow at the sight. "I take it you're not here for a pint, then."

Riona smirked. "Not this time, Elden. Just collecting a bounty."

Elden grunted and studied the head for a moment before nodding. "Seems like you've been busy."

Riona nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been taking care of business."

Elden scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Well, I do have another bounty that needs attention. The target's been giving us the slip for weeks. I believe you and your group are up to the task."

Riona raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "We will consider if it is interesting. What's the bounty?"

Elden leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "Word on the street is that it's a powerful thief who's been stealing from some powerful folks in the world. They've got a lot of resources and connections, so you'll have to be careful."

Riona nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "Give us the details."

Elden grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Let me get the paperwork, and I'll fill you in on everything you need to know."

Elden reached under the counter and pulled out a thick stack of papers, flipping through them until he found the one he was looking for. "Here's the bounty notice, and the reward is quite substantial. You'll be paid handsomely if you bring this thief alive or dead."

Elden handed the paper over to Riona, who quickly scanned it before tucking it away in her bag. "Thanks, Elden. We'll get started on this right away."

"Before you go, Riona," Elden said, "Can I ask where your group leader is? Haven't seen him around in a while."

Riona shook her head. "The Vendetta? Our leader is on another mission at the moment. But we're more than capable of handling this on our own."

"Very well then," Elden said with a smile. "I wish you the best of luck."

With a grin, Elden wished them luck and watched as they left the guild.

Riona gave him a nod of thanks before turning and leading her group out of the guild, "Change of plans, we're going after this thief after we return. The price is too good to pass up."

As Riona and her group left, another guild member approached Elden. "Do you think Riona and her group are capable of completing this bounty, Elden?"

Elden chuckled. "Of course, they're part of The Vendetta's Black Squad. They're one of the most skilled and efficient groups in the country. I have no doubt they'll succeed the bounty."

The guild member nodded in agreement. "I see. Well, I wish them luck then."

"Indeed. It'll be interesting to see what they can accomplish," Elden replied with a grin.

As Riona and her group departed from the guild, determined to pursue their next target after returning, the bustling sounds and the lively atmosphere began to fade behind them. Meanwhile, back at the guild, Elden resumed his duties, attending to the needs of other members and managing the affairs of the establishment.

In a different corner of the city, inside a dimly lit bar, A Gangster sat alone at a small table, nursing his drink. The air was heavy with the smell of alcohol and the murmurs of patrons engaged in their own conversations. The Bartender approached The Gangster, pouring another glass of beer and placing it before him.

"One more glass," said The Gangster

"Here," said The Bartender while pouring beer into the glass

The Gangster took a sip of the beer and immediately felt something was wrong. Before he could react, he heard a sudden thud and turned around to see The Vendetta dropping down from the ceiling, landing behind him.

The Gangster tried to draw his knife, but The Vendetta was too fast. She disarmed him in one swift motion, sending the knife flying across the room. The Gangster scrambled to his feet, but The Vendetta was already upon him.

With lightning-fast strikes, she pummeled him with a series of blows that left him reeling. The Gangster tried to fight back, but it was like trying to punch a wall. The Vendetta was too strong, too fast, and too skilled.

In a matter of seconds, The Vendetta had the Gangster pinned to the ground. "Where is your leader?" she demanded, her voice cold and unwavering.

The Gangster tried to speak, but all that came out was a garbled cry of pain. The Vendetta tightened her grip, and the Gangster felt his strength ebbing away.

"Speak now, or suffer the consequences," The Vendetta warned.

With one final effort, the Gangster managed to gasp out a location. The Vendetta nodded, satisfied. "I thought so," she said, and with one swift blow, she knocked the Gangster unconscious.

As she stood up, The Vendetta surveyed the bar. The other patrons had fled in terror, leaving her alone with the unconscious Gangster.

She sighed, The Vendetta turned on her heel and swiftly made her way out of the dimly lit bar. She maneuvered through the bustling streets, her presence commanding respect from those who recognized her.

As she reached the outskirts of the city, The Vendetta's pace quickened. Her steps were purposeful, each stride carrying her closer to the Black Squad base, where her loyal comrades awaited her return. The weight of her responsibilities bore heavily upon her, but she remained resolute.

Upon reaching the hidden entrance to the base, she entered the secret passageway and descended into the underground lair. The air was thick with anticipation as her presence was announced to the members of the Black Squad. They turned their attention toward their leader, their gazes filled with both admiration and curiosity.

The Vendetta strode into the heart of the base, the sound of her boots echoing through the cavernous space. She was greeted by her assistant, Riona, and the other skilled members of the Black Squad, their unwavering loyalty evident in their eyes.

Riona stepped forward, her voice filled with respect and admiration. "Welcome back, Laurent. We've been eagerly awaiting your return."

The Vendetta nodded, acknowledging the dedication of her team. "Thank you, Riona. I trust everything has been running smoothly in my absence?"

Riona's eyes gleamed with confidence. "Absolutely, Laurent. We've been handling operations efficiently and keeping a close eye on the city's activities. We're prepared for whatever comes our way."

The Vendetta's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each squad member. She maintained a stoic demeanor, her focus primarily on Riona. The rest of the team felt a sense of reverence and slight unease in her presence, aware of her unparalleled intellect and intense dedication.

"I have gathered crucial information regarding our next target, the Syndicate," The Vendetta declared with a calculated tone. "Their abuse of power and the extent of their illicit activities have spread far and wide, corrupting our city. It's time to put our plan into action."

The members of the Black Squad exchanged determined glances, their readiness evident. One of them spoke up, his voice resonating with resolve. "We're with you all the way, Vendetta. Just give us the word, and we'll strike."

The Vendetta nodded appreciatively. "I know I can rely on each of you. Our strengths lie in our knowledge and strategic approach."

Riona stepped forward once more, holding a stack of files containing additional intelligence. "Here are the latest findings, Laurent. The Syndicate's operations, key figures, and potential hideouts are detailed here. It's a comprehensive report."

The Vendetta took the files from Riona's outstretched hand, her eyes scanning the contents with remarkable speed and comprehension. "Thank you, Riona. You and the team have done excellent work. These files will guide us in our pursuit."

As she settled back onto her throne, The Vendetta delved into the files, her mind absorbing the information with ease. The room fell silent, the weight of her genius apparent in her focused demeanor. Each detail was analyzed, patterns were deciphered, and a master plan began to take shape.

After a moment of deep contemplation, the Vendetta looked up, her voice infused with purpose. "Black Squad, it's time to prepare. Gather your gear, study the files, and make the necessary arrangements. Our vigilante operation against the Syndicate starts now."

The members of the Black Squad stood tall, their commitment resolute. "We're ready, Vendetta," they declared in unison.

A surge of determination filled the air as the squad dispersed, each member preparing for the mission ahead. The Vendetta observed her team, acknowledging their loyalty while keeping an emotional distance. She knew that her brilliance, combined with the vigilante actions of the Black Squad, would be the city's only hope in the face of corruption and injustice. She knew that her exceptional abilities, bolstered by the unwavering support and vigilante actions of the Black Squad, would serve as humanity's last bastion against impending danger and threats.

A day had passed since Laurent, known as The Vendetta, had last gathered with her trusted Black Squad. With the weight of duty temporarily lifted from her shoulders, she decided to take a respite from her clandestine operations. Clad in simple attire, she walked through the city market, blending seamlessly among the throngs of ordinary people going about their daily lives.

The sun bathed the market in a warm glow, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the stalls and kiosks. The scent of fresh produce and the lively chatter of vendors filled the air, creating an ambiance of bustling activity. Laurent strolled leisurely, her keen eyes scanning the stalls for the finest fruits.

She carefully selected a variety of fruits, examining each one for ripeness and freshness. Approaching the vendor with a composed expression, she made her requests.

"I'll take a few of those juicy peaches," she stated, pointing to the plump fruits on display.

The shop owner nodded, a smile spreading across their face. "Excellent choice. These peaches are perfectly ripe and bursting with flavor."

Laurent acknowledged the vendor's words with a nod, her focus on the task at hand. She then turned her attention to a cluster of grapes.

"I'll have some of those grapes as well, please," she requested calmly.

The shop owner happily obliged, carefully plucking a handful of grapes. "These are some of the sweetest grapes you'll find in the market. Enjoy!"

Laurent's expression softened slightly as she accepted the grapes and added them to her basket. As she continued her shopping, she noticed a vibrant watermelon nestled among the other fruits.

"I must have that watermelon," she declared, her voice maintaining its composed tone.

The shop owner chuckled, appreciating her determination. "That's a great choice! This watermelon is perfectly ripe and incredibly refreshing. You won't be disappointed."

Laurent acknowledged the vendor's words with a slight nod, her lips curving into a subtle smile. With a sense of satisfaction, she placed the watermelon in her basket, completing her selection of fruits. Expressing a brief word of thanks, she bid the shop owner farewell, her demeanor reserved yet courteous.

Carrying the basket filled with the bountiful fruits, Laurent made her way to her teacher's house. She approached the door and knocked gently, her heart filled with anticipation.

The door swung open, revealing her teacher, Aria, a respected figure who has changed her life. Aria's expression remained calm and composed, his demeanor reflecting the professional nature of their relationship.

"Laurent," Aria greeted, his tone polite yet distant. "What brings you here today?"

Laurent straightened her posture, determined to address the matter at hand. She respected Aria's knowledge and wisdom but understood that their relationship was primarily focused on her Star power development.

"I hope you're doing well, Aria," Laurent replied, her voice carrying a hint of formality. "I have a request if you don't mind."

Aria raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued by her directness. He gestured for her to continue, his gaze fixed on her.

"I would like you to measure my power again," Laurent stated, her voice unwavering. "I've been dedicating myself to training, and I believe I have made significant strides."

"Laurent," Aria acknowledged, his curiosity evident in his eyes. He recognized the determination in her voice and the earnestness in her request.

"Very well," Aria replied, his tone softening slightly. "If you believe you have made progress, I shall assess your power once again."

With a gesture, Aria retrieved a small, intricately crafted orb from a nearby shelf. The Mind's Eye Orb, as it was known, possessed the ability to measure and analyze one's power with great precision.

Laurent extended her hand, palm facing upward, as Aria placed the orb gently in her grasp. The orb emitted a faint glow as it activated, surrounded by a subtle aura of energy.

Aria's eyes focused intently on Laurent, his own powers of observation and analysis coming into play. He concentrated, his mind attuned to the subtle fluctuations of energy emanating from the young prodigy before him.

Suddenly, a surge of power surged through Laurent's hand, causing her form to shimmer and her fingertips to glow with an otherworldly light. Aria watched in astonishment as her hand transformed, taking on an ethereal quality.

Laurent's palm erupted in a torrent of swirling flames, their intense heat contained within her grasp. She manipulated the flames effortlessly, shaping them into intricate patterns that danced and flickered across her skin. Aria's own excitement blended with awe as he witnessed the sheer control she exhibited.

With a swift motion, the flames dissipated, leaving behind a glistening liquid-like substance on her palm. It shimmered and rippled like molten silver, flowing and reforming at her command. Aria marveled at the liquid mimicry, recognizing the precision and finesse required.

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Aria withdrew the orb from Laurent's hand, his expression one of intrigue mixed with a hint of surprise.

"Laurent," Aria spoke, his voice laced with a newfound warmth. "Your power has indeed grown. It appears that your dedication and training have not been in vain."

Aria nodded, his eyes gleaming with pride for his student's achievements. He understood the magnitude of Laurent's progress and the potential she possessed.

"You've surpassed the limitations of a mere mortal, Laurent," Aria said, his voice filled with admiration. "Your physical abilities now extend far beyond what ordinary humans can achieve. You have truly embraced the essence of your power."

Laurent's heart swelled with a mix of pride and relief. The validation from her teacher meant the world to her, affirming her progress and affirming her path.

"Thank you, Aria," Laurent expressed, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "Your guidance and support have been invaluable to me."

"I will continue to push myself, Aria," Laurent affirmed, her voice resolute. "I want to harness this power to its fullest potential. I have my own path to follow, and I won't let anyone stand in my way."

Aria's eyes softened, a glimmer of understanding shining through. He nodded, acknowledging the determination in Laurent's words. "I trust in your abilities, Laurent. May your path lead you to the strength and purpose you seek."

With unwavering determination etched on their faces, the scene shifted to a different district of the city, where Riona and her Black Squad group focused their efforts on tracking down the elusive thief. Their footsteps echoed through the quiet streets as they moved with a purposeful stride, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of their target.

As they rounded a corner, one of the Black Squad members spotted the thief in an alley, eyeing his stolen loot with a sly grin. Riona's gaze locked onto the scene, her mind calculating the best course of action. She held up her hand, signaling the squad member to wait, and then motioned for them to fall back.

Riona stepped forward, her footsteps light as she stealthily closed the distance between herself and the thief. The alley was shrouded in darkness, providing the perfect cover for her approach. She moved like a shadow, her senses attuned to every sound and movement.

The thief continued to admire his ill-gotten gains, unaware of the impending danger. Riona's heart raced with anticipation as she closed in, her grip tightening around the handle of her weapon. She knew that timing was crucial.

Just as the thief began to turn, a mischievous smile still playing on his lips, Riona struck. Her hand shot out, grabbing his wrist with a firm grip, effectively immobilizing him. Surprise flickered across his face, quickly replaced by defiance.

"You've been caught," Riona stated, her voice laced with authority.

The thief laughed, his laughter filled with arrogance and mockery. "You think you can catch me, little girl? You're nothing compared to my power!"

With a sudden surge of energy, the thief activated his power, causing the world around them to blur. In an instant, he disappeared, leaving Riona momentarily stunned.

But Riona was no ordinary person. She had honed her instincts and reflexes to a razor-sharp edge. As the thief reappeared on the roof of a nearby house, taunting her with his escape, Riona's eyes locked onto him.

With a burst of speed and agility, Riona leaped into the air, defying gravity itself. Her body moved with precision and grace, propelled by sheer determination. In a breathtaking display of skill, she closed the distance between them, her hand reaching out to grasp the thief's ankle.

"You're not getting away that easily," Riona declared, her voice filled with unwavering determination.

The thief smirked, his eyes gleaming with a mix of arrogance and amusement. "You're just a pesky little fly, trying to catch a glimpse of greatness," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "But you'll never catch me."

Riona's grip tightened around his ankle, her resolve unwavering. "We'll see about that," she retorted, her voice laced with confidence. "You can run, but you can't hide forever."

However, just as she was about to capture him, the thief vanished once again, leaving Riona momentarily frustrated. She observed his pattern, realizing that he could only teleport to places within his line of sight. A cunning plan formulated in her mind.

Quickly, Riona extended her hand, releasing a black, viscous liquid from her body. The inky substance spread rapidly, engulfing the area and creating a thick cloud of darkness. The thief's vision was obscured, and his teleportation was hindered.

As the darkness swirled around them, Riona's voice echoed through the thick shroud. "No more vanishing acts," she declared, her tone commanding. "You're not going anywhere."

The thief's confidence wavered as he stumbled through the darkness, unable to teleport effectively. Riona's calculated strategy had disrupted his advantage, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

"You may have a few tricks up your sleeve," Riona taunted, her voice dripping with triumph. "But I've got the upper hand now."

With each failed teleportation attempt, the thief grew increasingly desperate. Panic tinged his voice as he realized his options were running out. "This isn't over," he hissed, his words laced with defiance. "I'll find a way to escape."

Riona's gaze remained unyielding, her grip on the thief unrelenting. "Not this time," she stated, her voice resolute. "You're coming with us."

Finally, she seized the opportunity. As the thief materialized on the edge of a rooftop, Riona was already there, her grip firm and unyielding. The thief's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized he had been outsmarted.

"No more tricks," Riona declared, her voice laced with authority. She swiftly incapacitated the thief, rendering him unconscious and ensuring his capture.

Time passed, and when the thief eventually regained consciousness, he found himself in a place that felt cold and quiet. He was blindfolded, disoriented, and unable to comprehend his surroundings. Involuntarily, he let out a sound of surprise.

"You're finally awake," a voice spoke, the tone calm and composed. The thief's senses heightened, and he struggled against his restraints, demanding to be set free.

Laurent, known as The Vendetta, stepped forward, her presence commanding. "Calm down," she said firmly.

The thief's eyes darted behind the blindfold, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with fear.

Laurent approached him, her footsteps purposeful and measured. "I am The Vendetta, a vigilante dedicated to bringing justice to those who abuse their powers," she explained.

The thief's fear deepened as he realized he had fallen into the hands of someone who targeted humans with powers. His mind raced, contemplating the consequences of his actions.

"Please, let me go," he begged desperation lacing his words. "I won't cause any trouble. I promise."

Laurent's gaze intensified as she listened to the thief's desperate plea. She understood his fear, but she also knew that justice demanded accountability. Her own determination surged within her, fueled by the desire to protect others from those who abused their powers.

"I'm afraid I can't simply let you go," Laurent stated firmly, her voice tinged with resolve. "But there may be a way for you to make amends."

She turned to Riona, her trusted ally, and nodded. Riona stepped forward and carefully removed the blindfold, allowing the thief to see Laurent's eyes, which burned with an intense focus.

"What do you see in my eyes?" Laurent asked, her tone steady yet curious.

The thief's gaze met Laurent's, and a moment of uncertainty passed over him. He studied her eyes, searching for any sign of mercy or understanding. But what he found was something different. In the depths of her gaze, he saw a flicker of vengeance, an unyielding determination to right the wrongs inflicted upon the innocent.

"I see vengeance," the thief admitted, his voice trembling with both fear and recognition.

Laurent's expression remained unreadable, a mix of complexity and purpose. She had embraced her role as The Vendetta, understanding that sometimes justice required a relentless pursuit of those who had caused harm.

"You're not wrong," she responded, her voice filled with conviction. "But it's not vengeance for vengeance's sake. It's about restoring balance and protecting the powerless from those who would exploit their gifts."

The thief's fear began to mingle with a sense of understanding. He realized that perhaps his capture by The Vendetta was not purely an act of punishment but an opportunity for redemption.

Laurent placed her hands gently on the thief's head, her palms glowing with radiant light. Energy surged through her, intertwining with the essence of the thief's power. As the transfer occurred, the thief's eyes widened in terror, feeling a force pulling something vital from within him. He trembled, his body growing weak as the process unfolded.

Riona watched with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Is he... dead?" she cautiously asked, her voice filled with unease.

Laurent withdrew her hands, her expression calm but solemn. "No, he's not dead," she reassured Riona. "His power has been absorbed, he won't be able to access it again."

Riona nodded, understanding the situation. She swiftly moved to secure the unconscious thief, knowing what needed to be done next. As she hoisted his body over her shoulder, a determined look crossed her face.

"Finally, our vengeance is one step closer," one of the Black Squad members declared, his voice resolute. "This world deserves to be protected from those who would abuse their powers."

Laurent nodded in agreement, her eyes glinting with unwavering resolve. "We will bring them to justice, one by one," she affirmed. "No one is above the law, no matter their abilities."

The members of the Black Squad exchanged determined glances, ready to continue their mission. As they faded into the shadows, the city remained unaware of the vigilantes working tirelessly to ensure its safety, their actions driven by a deep sense of justice and the desire to protect the powerless from the corrupt.

Their vendetta had begun, and it would not rest until balance and righteousness were restored.

As the Black Squad disappeared into the night, an unsettling realization began to dawn upon the higher-ups of the Syndicate. One of their own members had vanished, unaccounted for and out of contact. The absence of their comrade's signal raised red flags and triggered a growing sense of concern and suspicion among the leaders of the criminal organization.

Inside the heavily fortified headquarters of the Syndicate, the top brass convened in a dimly lit chamber. The air was thick with tension as the Syndicate's leaders exchanged wary glances, their features shrouded in shadows.

"We have a problem," a voice spoke, its tone laden with authority. "One of our members has disappeared without a trace. There has been no communication or indication of their whereabouts. This is highly unusual."

A palpable unease settled over the room as the weight of the situation sank in. The Syndicate was known for its swift and ruthless response to any signs of weakness or betrayal. The sudden disappearance of one of their own was a breach that demanded immediate attention.

"Prepare for the worst," another voice commanded, cutting through the silence. "We cannot afford to underestimate this situation. Assume that we have been infiltrated and compromised. Strengthen our defenses, heighten surveillance, and ready our enforcers. We will not tolerate any threats to our organization."

A somber atmosphere engulfed the chamber as the Syndicate's leaders acknowledged the imminent danger. They were determined to protect their criminal empire at any cost.

"Notify our allies," a voice ordered, a mixture of anger and caution in its tone. "Inform them to be on high alert. If anyone dares to challenge our authority, they will face the full force of our retribution."

With steely resolve, the higher-ups of the Syndicate prepared for the impending confrontation. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to maintain their control and dominance.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting city, a storm was brewing in the shadows. The clash between the Black Squad, driven by their unwavering sense of justice, and the Syndicate, a criminal powerhouse fighting to maintain its stranglehold, was on the horizon. The battle for the city's future was about to erupt, and the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.