
The Path of Demonic Cultivation

In a world where the strong reign supreme and the weak cower. Some are demons. Some are righteous. But in the end, both would succumb to nature's laws. Only by achieving true immortality can one break the shackles of heaven! Whether it was the demons or the righteous, in the end, they would become the true rulers. And thus a great being was born. One that would create stories that the world will never forget. This was a legend of the "Demon".

Lonsne · Eastern
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2 Chs

Zhu Yuan

After being ambushed along their way home, the Zhu clan continues to move after resting for a few hours.

During the journey, the mood was ominous, despite winning the battle, they had lost over 200 clan members in a short period of time.

There were still people crying for their loved ones. The majority were injured and thus left in the wagons, letting the horses carry them.

The others, who were in better condition, walked alongside the wagons with their guards up, making sure another incident wouldn't happen.

At this sight, Zhu Yichen couldn't help but sigh. He wanted his clan members to rest after the long fight, but, he knew this wasn't possible. The others knew this and smiled when he looked at them.

With such a long road ahead, they had no other choice but to endure. After all, everyone who embarked on the path of cultivation knew a day like this would come sooner or later.

'All mortals looked up to cultivators as gods... Yet, why is the life of a god so cruel and difficult?' Zhu Yichen thought to himself.

Soon, they were able to see the front gate of the mansion. The front door of the mansion was a grand, imposing structure, with a pair of massive double doors made of heavy, carved wood. The doors were adorned with intricate patterns and symbols and were framed by a pair of towering stone columns. Above them, a grand archway was decorated with sweeping, intricate carvings.

The stairway leading up to the front door was a graceful, curved structure, with delicate, carved railings and steps made of gleaming, polished wood. The stairway was surrounded by a garden filled with flowers and trees and was shaded by a pair of elegant, sweeping eaves. At the top of the stairs, the entrance was marked by a pair of ornate, carved doors.

"Were home..."


15 years later...

The scene shifts to a lush and vibrant garden, filled with vibrant and colorful flowers and plants. The sun shines down, creating a soft and gentle atmosphere. A light breeze blows, rustling the leaves of the trees and shrubbery. A variety of birds are singing, creating a beautiful and peaceful chorus. The scent of freshly cut grass and flowers fill the air, creating a pleasant and calming atmosphere. The sound of a nearby stream trickles in the background, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

This was the courtyard of the Zhu clan. Inside the garden, two figures could be seen in the middle of it, enjoying the scenery.

"Seems like this might be our last time seeing this kind of view..."

"Why are you saying it like an old man? We're only going to leave for a few ye-"


"Don't interrupt my moments!"

"Screw that! You wanna fight!?"

"Both of you, shut it!" A fierce and domineering voice sounds out. Soon, a middle-aged man was seen emerging from the doors.

The two troublemakers instantly became silent and lowered their heads. When the middle-aged man came closer, his facial features slowly became more apparent.

He was a tall, handsome man with jet-black hair that was starting to show hints of silver at the temples. He had piercing, dark eyes that seemed to see right through you, and a strong, chiseled jawline that gave him a rugged, masculine appearance. Despite his middle-aged years, he was still in excellent shape, with a toned and fit body that was the result of years of dedicated workouts.

Zhu Yichen.

He stood there and observed the two young men in front of him. On the left was his son, Zhu Yifan, and on the right was Zhu Yuan, the baby that he'd picked up.

Zhu Yifan, was a young man with a slender, athletic build. He wore an elegant white robe that flowed around him like a cloud, and his long, dark hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. His outfit spelled out the words "royalty" and "prosperity."

Meanwhile, Zhu Yuan wore a messy black robe that was the complete opposite of Zhu Yifan. His long, dark, disheveled hair flowed down, almost reaching his waist.

Zhu Yichen reached out and pinch Zhu Yuan's cheeks.

"Oww! Fathe-"

"You little rascal, how many times have I told you to at least dress properly? Even if you don't act like someone of high status, at least be mindful!"

At this sight, Zhu Yifan covered his mouth with one hand and his belly with the other, trying not to burst out laughing.

Seeing this, Zhu Yichen didn't spare his blooded son either and pinched him with his other hand. After some time of 'teaching' the two, he was satisfied.

"Remember, you two are going to represent the Zhu Clan in the upcoming event. Start preparing what you need and set off already, don't cause me more trouble, Zhu Yuan." He left after reminding them.

'This old dog! Why did he only mention me?!'

The two's fighting spirit from before was no longer there. After being tormented, they decided to pack their things and meet up again the next day.

In the Zhu clan's main hall.

The main hall of the clan was a grand, imposing structure, with towering, carved pillars and a sweeping, curved roof. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting the clan's history and achievements, and the floor was made of gleaming, polished marble. At the front of the hall was a raised platform where the clan's leaders sat on ornate, carved thrones.

The hall was filled with the sound of chanting and the aroma of incense, as the clan's members gathered for ceremonies and meetings. Despite its grandeur, there was a sense of warmth and belonging in the hall, as the clan's members came together as a family. Overall, the main hall was a symbol of the clan's power and unity, and a place of great importance and reverence.

Seated was the clan leader, and beside him was his wife, Bai Ning.

She was a slender, delicate woman, with a slender, willowy figure and delicate features. Her skin was smooth and porcelain-like, and her dark hair was styled in a sleek, sophisticated cut that framed her face. She had large, expressive eyes that seemed to see right through you, and a gentle, compassionate demeanor that put those around her at ease.

"Those two rascals are finally leaving..."

"You say that, but aren't you worried about the two?" Bai Ning calmly said while smiling.

"Hmph, all those two does is cause me trouble."

The more Zhu Yichen complain the more Bai Ning laughed and just restated his own mind. His wife knew him too well that he couldn't even hide his thoughts from her.

"So are you gonna give them our family treasure?"

Zhu Yichen pondered for a bit before answering, "They're not strong enough to handle them. Once they finish their first task, I'll have someone deliver it to them."

Bai Ning hummed sweetly after hearing this, "So you do care about them after all."


The bright moon shines in the midst of the dark night.

In Zhu Yuan's room, there were a bunch of things he'd prepared for the trip. Weapons, clothes, food, and wines were all stored in a little pouch.

The room was a grand and opulent space, with high ceilings adorned with intricate carvings and patterns. The walls were covered in colorful tapestries depicting scenes from ancient mythology, and the floor was tiled with gleaming white marble.

At the center of the room stood a large, comfortable bed, its canopy, and curtains made of rich, shimmering silk. The bed was surrounded by a number of other pieces of furniture, including tables, chairs, and cabinets, all made of fine wood and adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious stones and metals.

Of course, since it was Zhu Yuan's room, everything was out of order. The blanket was lying on the ground; his clothes lay on the floor; many jars of his wines were lying around.

Looking at this familiar scene, he suddenly felt kind of sad.

'So this is my last day here...'

After being taken in when he was just a little baby. 15 years of living in this mansion had made him grown attached to it.

Growing up alongside Zhu Yifan, the two were like blooded brothers. Now, the time has come for the two to leave their nest and explore the world.