
The path of cultivating immortality, with a hundred times cultivation。

In the year 2025 AD, when Country A was mining the underground mineral veins, it accidentally dug open the passage to the abyss, and the global spiritual energy recovered, and the top ten golden lists descended......

Lovelybox · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 44 My broadsword is ready to try.

Chapter 44 My broadsword is ready to try.

In this place, there were originally no A-level warriors among the various ethnic warriors who came.

Just like that middle-aged male elf Anderson.

He also disguised himself as a B-level warrior.

In the Abyss, an A-level warrior is not a common commodity.

It is considered the backbone of various forces.

After reaching the ninth stage of Transcendent Spirit, they can be regarded as elites.

They are the reserve forces of super A-level.

Every death of them will also make them feel distressed.

During this period, there were also earth demons coming to give lectures.

Chu Feng also learned that the leading demon guards were Demon Six and Demon Nine respectively.

The strengths were the second stage of Transcendent Spirit and the first stage of Transcendent Spirit.

There were a total of nine demon guards beside the Third Demon Son.

Four of them had already been lost successively before.

But they were all the weakest first stage of Transcendent Spirit.

Demon Nine was already the last first stage of Transcendent Spirit.

So during this time, he has been extremely restless.

He didn't even have much mood to lecture Chu Feng and others, just kept hurrying on.

It was Demon Six who had a cold face and gave a warning.

"Later, if we encounter the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King, everyone immediately crush the positioning device. Then surround the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King for me and hold on until the arrival of the Demon Son. Whoever runs away at the critical moment, I will tear him apart personally."

The crowd was silent.

No one would be happy if they were forced to do such a life-threatening thing.

It's just that they can't resist.

Demon Six was still about to say something.

But Demon Nine beside him suddenly stopped his body and his face looked very ugly.

"Sixth brother, did you feel it? It seems that something is approaching us."

Demon Six's face changed drastically immediately.

"Is it the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King?!"

"No, it's not. I'm afraid we have encountered the danger of the Corpse Soul Ridge itself..."

Demon Nine paused.

"It's the Corpse Soul! And it seems there are quite a few. Bad luck!"

As soon as Demon Nine finished speaking.

The air around suddenly became cold.

A chilly wind blew.

The torches in the team were directly extinguished.

Pairs of eyes with empty and glowing red rays slowly approached from the darkness.

At this moment, Demon Six also sensed it and his face distorted.

Damn it, this is too unlucky.

Just after setting off, they encountered a tough one.

"Luckily, there are four A-level Corpse Souls, and there is no such level as the Corpse Soul King."

After Demon Nine probed for a while, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now he was about to let Chu Feng and others take the brunt, and the two of them would run away.

Although he might be punished by the Demon Son, at least he wouldn't lose his life, right?

He was originally afraid of death. This trip to the Corpse Soul Ridge, he watched several stronger ones than him die at the hands of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King with his own eyes.

He was really scared, like a frightened bird.

"You, go up and contain these Corpse Souls. I and brother Six will kill them as soon as possible."

Demon Nine directly let the cannon fodder go up.

In this way, it would be easier for the two of them.

Although everyone was reluctant, they still surrounded.

Chu Feng also followed the crowd and just went along.

He was originally just a C-level warrior.

No one paid much attention to him either.

He turned his head to look.

Those few rebels were also just going along.

The performance was mediocre.

For a while, the roar started everywhere.

The battle was still quite fierce. With so many B-level warriors besieging together.

Even if there were four ordinary A-level Corpse Souls, they couldn't

stand it.

They had no intelligence, just being bombarded stupidly.

Seeing that the Corpse Souls were almost consumed.

Demon Six and Demon Nine looked at each other.

Pressed forward and solved these monsters with one punch each.

Seeing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but curl his lips.

These earth demons are too cowardly.

This battle ended quickly.

Fortunately, no one died, but several unlucky ones were injured.

Before a group of people could catch their breath.

Suddenly, a signal flare came from the distant sky not far away.

Demon Six hurriedly shouted.

"Quick! There is a team that encountered the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King. Let's hurry over there to support! The Third Demon Son will also arrive soon!"

For the sake of insurance.

In addition to the positioning device, each earth demon leading the team was also equipped with a signal flare.

The whole team immediately started to run at full speed.

Chu Feng was at the very end of the team.

Looking at the signal flare not far away, his mind moved.

Because the distance was too far before, he couldn't communicate with the little Corrosion Nightmare Beast all the time.

Now it seems that the distance is not far from him.

I don't know if I can communicate directly with my mind?

If I can really communicate, some plans can be started to be implemented.

Without delay, Chu Feng immediately started to call the little Corrosion Nightmare Beast in his heart.

At first there was no response.

But as they gradually approached.

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded in the bottom of Chu Feng's heart.

"Master, you're here?!"

Hearing the voice, Chu Feng's face showed joy.

"Little guy, what's the situation now?"

Hearing Chu Feng's inquiry, the little Corrosion Nightmare Beast's mood suddenly became depressed.

"The king is seriously injured. Several of us Corrosion Nightmare Beasts have temporarily merged with the king, so that the king can hold on for a while longer, but that earth demon keeps tracking us, and we have been discovered again!"

Chu Feng thought for a moment.

"How much strength can your king probably exert now?"

"Probably around the fourth or fifth stage of Transcendent Spirit. The king is seriously injured and its strength has dropped significantly."

"What's the strength of your opponent?"

"One at the second stage of Transcendent Spirit, and dozens of B-level warriors. But it won't be long before the reinforcements of the earth demons will come, and the king has already planned to escape."

The little Corrosion Nightmare Beast told everything it knew.

Hearing this, Chu Feng suddenly had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Don't be in a hurry to escape all the time. Sooner or later, you will be exhausted.

I am now mixed in the reinforcements of them, and I should be one of the earliest batches to arrive. Talk to your king and say that we will work together from the inside and outside to find a chance to kill those few demon guards and eliminate the viable forces of the pursuers."

"Master...Can you do it?"

The little Corrosion Nightmare Beast was a little hard to believe.

Its master seemed to be just a C-level warrior. Although he could easily kill B-level ferocious beasts, now he was so arrogant as to want to kill Transcendent Spirit powerhouses?

This is completely unrealistic!

"You little brat, don't you even believe your master anymore? How I say, how you do it!"

"Okay, I'll convey it."

Then, after a period of silence.

The voice of the little Corrosion Nightmare Beast sounded again.

"Master, the king agreed. The king is also annoyed by being chased. He said that as long as the master provides the location of you guys, he will do the killing. He said that you don't have to worry about it."

In fact, the original words of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King were that a little C-level warrior still wants to sneak attack a Transcendent Spirit powerhouse?

Even if a Transcendent Spirit warrior stood there and let him chop, he couldn't chop to death. Don't worry about the killing thing.

But this was too despising the master. The little Corrosion Nightmare Beast had to change the way of saying it.

Although Chu Feng didn't hear the voice of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King.

But from the tone of the little Corrosion Nightmare Beast, he also heard it.

People simply didn't believe him at all.

Well, if a C-level warrior came to Chu Feng and said that he could kill a Transcendent Spirit powerhouse.

Chu Feng would also think that the other party was a fool.

However, after buying so many good things from the "Miscellaneous Goods Golden List", Chu Feng really wanted to sacrifice a few Transcendent Spirit powerhouses with his saber. Then let's see the real chapter on the hand.

Chu Feng raised the corner of his mouth with a smile.

It seems that my big saber is a little eager to try.