
The First Date

Jake was on the sidewalk heading to the square where he had planned to meet Cat. 'I should probably walk faster just in case she's already there.' Jake thought 'But what if she isn't there yet? I don't wanna end up waiting for several minutes. I'm probably over thinking this, I'll just walk casually.' he concluded.


"Why are you rushing so much?" Cassie asked Cat as she saw her run across the room, "Relax. Guys are meant to wait for girls, it doesn't matter if you're a few minutes late". "No, I don't want to do that to Jake. He might be there waiting already and I'm just about to leave the house". "So what, it doesn't matter?" argued Cassie. "Whatever, okay. Drop it, I'll see you when I get back" Cat said while leaving the house. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!!!" Cassie yelled.


"Oh, there you are" said Jake after turning to his right and seeing Cat. "Sorry I'm late" Cat apologized. "No worries. I haven't been waiting for long, let's go?" "Sure".

On their way to the restaurant, Jake started a conversation, "Do you always put on this much makeup when going out?" "My makeup isn't too much." "Um, it kinda is. Did you go through all this trouble for me?" Jake asked adding a bit of twinkle in his eyes, "No I didn't go through this trouble for you." Cat responded, "Really? Then for who?" "I just wanted—" "I'm just kidding" Jake interrupted, "you look amazing as always." "Well that's better, instead of criticizing my makeup" Cat said with a little pout. "I was just pulling your legs a little. But really, I love how you look tonight" "Thanks" replied Cat, a little blush creeping to her cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by Jake.


"Thanks for the dinner tonight." Cat thanked Jake on their way home. "Anytime." "Though next time I'll prefer we split the bill" "Next time?" Jake asked, "What makes you think there's gonna be a next time?" "Of course there'll be a next time. Right?" asked Cat. "Yes there will be a next time. This is just our first date after all." "What makes you feel this is a date?" Cat asked teasingly. "Nothing in particular. I just feel if we're going out together, eating together, and I'm walking you home, it's a date isn't it?" Jake replied. "I guess you're right."

"Thanks for walking me home" Cat said when they reached the front of her house. "It's no problem. See you at school tomorrow." "Yeah, good night." She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hurried into the house blushing slightly.

Jake stood there rubbing the spot where she had kissed him, smiling, he began walking home.

While walking home and still smiling to himself, Jake saw three figures emerge from the corner of a building.

"Well well well, look who we have here." Jake recognized two of the figures as Duke and one of the people who attacked him. He figured that the third figure was probably one of Duke's cronies.