
The Path Of A Mage

During the first war between the Humans and the Werts, the Humans discovered magic and that helped turn the tide of the war in favour of the Humans. Seventy(70) years after the war ended abruptly for reasons unknown to the humans, Jake Cayden moved in with his father and step-brother due to the death of his mother. Acquiring a system while living in the house of his father, Jake is set on The Path Of A Mage which helps him grow in strength at a rapid rate and unlocks his alien bloodline which he never knew he had. On his path to become the greatest user of magic, Jake falls in love and must deal with the challenges which arise from having an alien bloodline while trying to protect the people he cares about. Join the discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Mh3Z4YUDKK

Gerzyk · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Quest Completed

Running towards the five-tailed wert, Jake had prepared himself for the worst case scenario of the fight he was about to get into. After all, he was going up against a five-tailed wert alone and he wasn't foolish enough to think there would not be any consequences.

Scrunching up his face as he saw Jake running towards him, the five-tailed wert, Fury, was brimming with anger and rage.

"You dare challenge me?!" Fury shouted, a large line of fire leaving his middle tail, burning everything in its path with a large scorch mark in its wake.

"Yes I do." Jake said, jumping up and intending to deliver the first strike by punching Fury right in the face.

Catching Jake's fist in the air, Fury skidded back a little due to the strength behind the fist but immediately after stopping the fist, he threw a punch of his own at Jake which hit Jake squarely on the chest, sending him back in the direction he came.

[Your blood has been drawn]

[Health points will now be used to heal wounds]


"So that's the strength of a five-tailed wert." Jake said, getting up from the ground and dusting his clothes, with blood dripping from his mouth. 'Shapeshifting magic can't really help me in this situation. The things I can shapeshift into are not strong enough to take on a five-tailed wert. So I'll just have to make do with Sky's time magic.'

Jake's chest had caved in a little after the punch from Fury but with his health points, it had healed up and he was ready to fight again. Not that the slightly caved in chest would have stopped him in the first place.

Evading the fist of the Fury that was being boosted by flames from the elbow, Jake grabbed onto the arm and simply held onto it, the heat from the flames almost touching his face.

'I'm gonna complete the long-term quest.' Jake thought, still holding onto the arm before he was hit in the midsection by all five tails of Fury which were all covered in a massive amount of fire.

'So close.' Jake thought as he flew away again, with bits of fire on his body.

[Body has received damage]

[Health points will now be used to heal wounds]


Getting up from the ground once again, Jake ran towards Fury while his body was still in the process of healing.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Fury shouted and out from his mouth, a large ball of fire was released, heading straight towards Jake.

After hurriedly swerving to the side, Jake was not expecting to see Fury closely following the fireball and was unprepared for the blast of fire Fury unleashed from his palms.

Jake was not fast enough to avoid the attack, resulting in his whole body being engulfed by flames.

Though Jake's endurance stat was pretty high, it was not high enough to protect him from the attack of a five-tailed wert.

[Body has received damage]

[Health points will now be used to heal wounds]


Jake's health points were repeatedly being used to heal the damage being done to his body but it still was not enough to protect him from the ensuing attack.

When Fury stopped the continuous blast of fire from both of his palms, Jake could be seen standing still, stark naked, all his clothes burnt.

There were burn marks all over his body and his skin was almost completely burnt off. A lot of his flesh could be seen, parts of his bones visible in some places and he had very little hair on his head.

He was completely unrecognisable with his face scrunched up in pain.

Not able to move a single muscle, Jake fell down flat on the ground, staring into space, not looking at Fury or anything else happening around him.

Images of his mother flashed through his mind. Her clear black eyes, vivid in his memory. Moments they both shared together, playing in his head, like a movie.

Those images suddenly changed to the day he came back from school to meet his house messed up and blood trailing up the stairs. His mother, lying in a pool of her blood. Lying in his arms. Lifeless. Her body cold and pale.

'Is this how I die?' Jake thought to himself, tears rolling down from his eyes to his still hot face. The tears vapourized immediately they touched his face, which was now in a slightly better condition than before due to his health points slowly healing his body.

'I haven't found out who killed my mother. I haven't avenged her death. I haven't gotten as strong as I want to yet. I'm sorry mom.'

Looking at Jake on the ground, Fury let out a very loud roar of victory and walked to Jake.

Picking Jake up from his head, Fury began hitting it on the ground, as if wanting it to pop from the sheer strength he was using.

Dropping Jake after hitting his head on the ground several times, Fury used all five of his tails to hit Jake again then burn him with an even more intense fire.

All the progress his body had made in his healing had gone down the drain. His already burnt body burning up even worse than before.

'Nooo! I WILL NOT DIE HERE!!!' Jake screamed in his head as Fury walked away from him to continue wreaking havoc.

Jake's eyes began slowly filling up with purple energy, his heartbeat rising exponentially, and his body beginning to slowly emit purple energy.

The purple energy was already seeping out of Jake's body, covering the entirety of his body, lighting him up like a beacon, before he suddenly heard the distant voice of someone talking to him.

Purple tears were coming out of Jake's energy-filled eyes and his healing had seemingly sped up after his body began emitting purple energy.

"Don't do it Jake." Jake heard distantly, barely conscious of his environs. He had wanted to use the last thing he had, his energy, not caring about the consequences or what the aftermath would be.

But hearing the distant voice still talking to him, Jake began to calm down, his heartbeat slowing down, and the purple energy retracting into his body.

As the purple energy went back into his body and his eyes cleared up, Jake slowly opened his eyes to see Sasha holding him and looking down at him.

"It's good you listened to me." Sasha said, seeing Jake open his eyes. She had used what was left of her jacket to cover Jake from the waist down. "Not everyone should know about the purple energy and what you can do."

Trying to speak but unable to due to his lips having burnt off, Jake closed his eyes and waited for his body to heal.

[Health: 19/600]

Running towards Sasha, Anna and Sky saw her holding what looked like a person who had been burnt very badly.

From the still regrowing black hair and the fact that Sasha was holding onto the person, Anna and Sky figured out that the person she was holding was Jake.

"Oh my god." Anna said, her eyes teary. "What happened to him?"

"That happened." Sasha answered, pointing at Fury who was now fighting against Commanders Lucy and Chase.

Looking down at the condition Jake was in, a little tear creeped into Sky's right eye and threatened to come out.

In a very abrupt and somewhat frightening manner, Jake opened his eyes and with great difficulty, he strained to get on his knees and was frantically looking around.

"What's the matter?" Sasha asked, looking at Jake in confusion.

"Jake you need to lie down." Anna said. "You're not well yet."

Jake kept looking around and finally found what he was looking for. He saw Fury fighting against Commanders Lucy and Chase and struggled valiantly to move closer to them.

"Jake, what are you doing?" Anna asked as she saw Jake trying with determination to go closer to the fight happening between Fury, Lucy and Chase.

Seeing Jake's strange actions, Sky watched him. Knowing Jake, he wouldn't do something so foolish and risk his life for no reason. There had to be a reason behind his actions.

"Let him go." Sky said to Anna who had been trying to stop Jake from moving.

"What?" Anna asked.

"I said let him go." Sky said to Anna and moved towards Jake, pulling him away from Anna and helping him to his burnt feet while supporting him.

With what could be called a slight smile of acknowledgement from Jake, Sky began leading Jake to the fight while Sasha and Anna followed.

At this point in time, the battle was over and the only wert remaining was Fury. The humans had fought as hard as they could and their hard work had payed off, leaving them the survivors and winners of the battle.

They had lost a lot more than half of their forces but they had managed to come out victorious.

Slowly, quietly and steadily approaching Fury while he fought against Commanders Lucy and Chase, Jake was stretching his hand out and Sky had gotten the bigger picture.

Jake was trying to mimic the fire magic of Fury, even in his current state.

'I must do it before they kill him.' Jake thought. 'I can't go through all this for nothing.'

"What are they doing?" Commander Chase asked, seeing Jake, Sky, Anna and Sasha inching towards Fury.

"I don't know but we have to kill this wert before we find out the answer to that question." Commander Lucy replied, swinging her great sword and cutting Fury on the head.

Finally right behind Fury, Jake was about to touch his back but without warning, Fury's tails swung and were about to hit Jake but instead of hitting Jake, they had hit Sasha.

Sasha had been prepared for something like that to happen and after noticing the slightest shift in the position of Fury's tails, she had run in front of Jake and ended up receiving the hit for him while Jake was able to touch Fury.

[Long-term Quest Completed: Obtain a magical element]

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