
The Path Of A Mage

During the first war between the Humans and the Werts, the Humans discovered magic and that helped turn the tide of the war in favour of the Humans. Seventy(70) years after the war ended abruptly for reasons unknown to the humans, Jake Cayden moved in with his father and step-brother due to the death of his mother. Acquiring a system while living in the house of his father, Jake is set on The Path Of A Mage which helps him grow in strength at a rapid rate and unlocks his alien bloodline which he never knew he had. On his path to become the greatest user of magic, Jake falls in love and must deal with the challenges which arise from having an alien bloodline while trying to protect the people he cares about. Join the discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Mh3Z4YUDKK

Gerzyk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
200 Chs

Pure Magic

Running out of the building, Jake hurried towards the hotel room where Sky was staying, paying no attention to anything going on around him.

Everybody was panicking, running left and right, trying to get far away from the walls of the haven. The werts had surrounded the haven from all sides and were slowly getting in by killing the soldiers on the walls.

Generals and other soldiers were trying to coordinate the people to the middle of the haven. They were being teleported by four generals the world council were able to send but it was not enough.

The werts that had gotten in were already wreaking havoc and killing anybody they saw.

"Jake." Sasha called as she stopped super speeding around the place.

"Sasha. Where's Sky?" Jake asked.

"Come on." Sasha said, grabbing his hand and super speeding away with him, not bothering if he could keep up or not.

When Sasha and Jake got to where Sky and Isabel were, they saw both of them fighting against two three-tailed werts.

On reaching them, Jake grabbed one of the werts by its wings and slammed it into the other one, incinerating both of them on the spot with his fire magic.

Having mimicked Anna's shapeshifting magic and the fire magic of a five-tailed wert, with the magical strength combined together in Jake's hands, he was now capable of using a monstrous amount of magic.

"Wow." Isabel said. "You have gotten so much stronger than when last I saw you."

"Isabel, baby." Jake said while walking to meet her then kiss her. "I've missed you."

"It's good to see you too Jake." Isabel said with her cheeks becoming slightly redder.

"Only good?" Jake asked. "You're sure its not amazing?"

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Sky asked. "Who's this?"

"I'll explain on the way. Right now we have to get to the center of the haven." Jake said. "That's where everyone's leaving Soran from."

While running towards the center of the haven, while Jake occasionally killed werts, Jake explained to Sky who Isabel was.

"So when Sasha and I went 'missing' a month ago, we ran into Isabel here while we were just wandering about. It turned out that she and a friend of hers got separated from their group when a beast attacked and another beast also killed her friend, she barely escaped."

"We met her with wounds all over her body and we began moving together. Two days before you and Anna found Sasha and I, she decided to leave us. I'm still upset about that." Jake said to Isabel. "She left us to try and find her way back to the haven and as we can all see, she made it."

"Why didn't you just ping the haven with the watch they gave you guys before you went on the expedition?" Sky asked Isabel.

"How do you know about that? Jake asked.

" I was looking for you with Anna and she..."

Hearing a very loud bang in the distance that was strong enough to send shockwaves that reached the center of the haven, silence fell in the haven and everybody became disoriented for a moment or two.

Suddenly, screams of agony and pain was being heard and the sound was getting closer to the haven. Bodies were being thrown in all directions and whatever was causing all the mayhem was heading towards the center of the haven. And it was moving fast.

"Everyone go!" Jake shouted, already turning to go in the direction of whatever was coming towards them. "Get to Veda."

"What are you gonna do?" Sky asked.

"Save your lives." Jake said then turned to Isabel and kissed her again, longer this time. "I'll see you all in Veda."

Running away from them and to whatever was approaching, Jake ran far away and climbed onto the top of one of dome-like buildings, which was not very high but high enough for him to see what was coming.

"Seriously!?" Jake said in frustration, clearly watching as the five-tailed wert stopped the destruction and flew into the sky, staring straight at Jake. "Another five-tailed wert."

[Five-tailed Wert encountered]

[System Quest: Kill the five-tailed Wert]

[Reward: +5 Stat points, +5000exp]

"I definitely need to kill that thing." Jake said. "I can't pass up a chance to receive this much exp."

Looking around, Jake saw that most of the haven had been destroyed and not everybody had succeeded in reaching the center of the haven on time.

A lot had been killed and some were still struggling to make it to the center. A magical barrier had been created to surround the people who were at the center to prevent more people from dying but Jake knew that it could not be strong enough to stop a five-tailed wert from getting in.

Lifting his hands up and smiling as usual, Jake began to create a fireball with both of his hands.

"Let this be a stepping stone in my quest to become the greatest in the world."

Constantly increasing the size of the fireball, Jake was still able to send fireballs out from other parts of his body, aiming at the five-tailed wert that still hovered in place in the sky.

What he was doing was drawing attention and more werts began attacking him. He tried to kill them before they reached him but even with all the magical strength he had, it was not enough to fend them all off.

'Damn it.' Jake thought as a five-tailed wert scratched him across the face making a lot of blood flow. "I need more power."

Facing his still growing fireball in the sky and shouting while laughing in a maniacal manner, fire began pouring out of Jake's mouth, entering the fireball. Flames engulfed his body and not even a single piece of skin could be seen on him, except for the outline of his eyes which were filled with fire as well.

Everyone that was still on Soran could see the spectacle that was being displayed by Jake. A show of pure magic.

The commanders and generals moving round the haven, killing werts and ensuring that people made it to the center safely, could see what Jake was doing.

"How is he able to use so much magic?" Commander Lucy asked. "And he hasn't even reached his limit."

"I think he's the one." Commander Chase said as he punched the chest of a three-tailed wert.

"Who?" Commander Lucy asked.

"The student with magic mimicry." Commander Chase replied. "That's the only reasonable explanation as to how he is able to use so much magic."

The fireball now looked like a sun in the hands of a man and was already half as large as the whole planet. The heat on the planet was excruciating and the whole planet was being lit up by the fireball. The magic barrier in the center of the haven could not shield the people from the intense heat on the planet.

'This should do it.' Jake thought. "DIE BASTARDS!!!"