
Jake's Return

The highrise building the convicts had taken control of was on the outskirts of the Ansteria district. The convicts had locations in the other districts as well but Kyle, Smith and Kevin stayed within Ansteria. Going to the other districts would be far too inconvenient for them and they still had to fight the convicts in Ansteria.

They had been following the male convict for a while and he had gone further outside of Ansteria. He finally stopped walking and turned around.

"You kids can come out now." he said out loud with a very wide smile forming on his face. "The three of you have caused us a lot of problems and it's finally time we got rid of you."

"What do we do?" Smith asked in a hushed tone, a little bit frightened that the convict had known he was being followed all this time.

"Should we make a run for it?" Kevin asked, seriously contemplating the idea of running.

"We already know we can take him." Kyle whispered to Smith and Kevin. "We normally have the element of surprise on our side but so what? Doesn't mean we can't still take him."

Kyle went out from behind the large boulder he used to hide himself and stepped forward a little towards the convict.

"Michael Usoro." Kyle said to the convict. "You're a danger to society and we're taking you with us."

Kevin and Smith had also joined Kyle by his sides and looking at the three of them in front of him, Usoro laughed so hard that his eyes became teary.

"You... three kids... think you can... protect society." Usoro said between bursts of laughter.

"We don't have time for this." Kyle said. "You're coming with us."

Kyle got into a fighting stance and Kevin and Smith did the same as they got ready to fight Usoro together.

"You're all going to regret that." Usoro said to them and raised his fists up while still smiling.

"Remember, his magic is to create clones but the clones aren't real so we need to focus on the original." Kyle said.

"Good luck with that." Usoro said to them with a cackle and multiple bodies of himself began to come out from his body as if they were phasing out of him.

Now standing in front of Kevin, Smith and Kyle were eleven Usoros and predictably, they all assumed the original Usoro was the one in the middle because that is where the others had come out from.

"Focus on the original." Kyle said again as they all charged forward.

They all attacked the Usoro in the middle of the others with Kyle releasing poison from his fingers in very straight and fast streams as he ran forward.

As the three of them got closer, the Usoros scattered but they still knew which one was the one in the middle.

Smith tried using his magic to take the health of the Usoro that was in the middle. Realizing it wasn't working, Smith knew that Usoro was not the original.

"Kyle! That's not the original!" Smith shouted out. Kyle was already in front of the Usoro they thought was the original and when he hit the Usoro's head with the palm of his hand, he released poison again onto the Usoro's head and it vanished into black smoke.

From behind Kyle, three of the clones attacked him and as Kyle dodged the attacks repeatedly, a clone hit his knee which made him stumble back a bit and from his back another clone used a knife to stab into his shoulder but due to how big Kyle was and how strong his muscles are, the knife did not go too deep.

The other clones were keeping Kevin and Smith busy and none of them noticed when one of the Usoros separated into two more clones and one of them slipped away and went back to the highrise building the convicts were at.

"They keep increasing." Kyle said in annoyance as he released poison from both his hands and began using it to attack the clones, trying to find which one was the original.

He stopped moving and told Kevin and Smith to take cover before releasing more poison and throwing it in all directions.

As the poison touched the clones, it immediately had a burning effect and killed the clones. They all vanished into a puff of black smoke and there were no clones left. No Usoro. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Did we beat him?" Kevin asked. "He had been cut a couple of times with a knife all the clones held but Smith was already healing him and Kyle at the same time.

"I don't think it's over." Kyle said. "He gave us trouble but not enough and I feel like he could have done more."

"So what happened?" Smith asked. There wasn't anything that showed a fight had just occurred apart from the scuff marks on the ground and the blood that had come from Kevin and Kyle. Smith could heal himself while fighting so he didn't bleed much.

"What do we do now?" Kevin asked. "There's nothing for us to give the clinsers so we can't get the credits they normally give us."

"Let's just go home." Kyle said. "We'll try again tomorrow."

They had turned around and were about to head back into Ansteria when they saw about a dozen of the convicts moving towards them.

"Oh shit!" Kevin exclaimed. "What the fvck do we do? We're so fvcked right now."

"Calm down and let's think." Kyle said as he turned around and planned on heading in the opposite direction but saw more convicts coming towards them from there as well.

Most of them held weapons and a few had weapons made from beasts essence.

"Anyone got any ideas?" Kyle asked. Watching all the convicts moving towards them, he knew the three of them could not defeat all the convicts and the convict they were fighting earlier, Michael Usoro, was the one leading the way as he pointed in their direction.

"Shit." Kyle said as he looked around, trying to come up with a way to get them out of their situation.


The elders had once again apparated out of the enclosed space after Jake put on the enchanted armour. He had apparated with Rheya and they had appeared in the field where he had fought the beasts.

"It is time we sent you back to your planet." Serryl said.

"I would like to go with him." Rheya said, a bit scared of what their reaction would be.

The elders were somewhat surprised by Rheya volunteering to go back with Jake. They all turned towards her and Raistrel finally asked the question. "Why?"

"Because we would need someone to keep an eye on him and he now has in his possession two of our most priceless artifacts." Rheya replied. "We cannot let him go back alone."

"She is right." Zedron said. "Someone does need to keep an eye on the boy and since she volunteered, why not send her along."

A nod of unanimous approval was given by the elders and Rheya stepped into the circle the elders had made.

"Wait." Viesagol said and casted a quick spell. From the floor beside Rheya, a magic circle appeared on the ground and out of it, a staff that was just like the ones the elders used came out. "She will need all the help she can get over there. Just in case you run into any problems."

Rheya gave a smile of appreciation to Viesagol and grabbed the staff then walked over to Jake.

The elders began chanting a spell and strange symbols appeared in the air around Jake and Rheya and Jake instantly recognized the symbols from the time they took him from Veda.

"To be clear," Zedron said after they were done chanting and part of Jake and Rheya's body was disappearing, "we do not know where exactly you will end up but you will be on Veda."

"WHAT?" Jake shouted and was about to move but the remaining part of his body disappeared along with Rheya's.