
The Path Of A Hero

In a world filled with, heroes, villains, and evil, can heroes last long? When apparent friends can be enemies and the hunt begins, who can they trust?

_SCX_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Long day

"Damn I seriously hate going to the store," Fabian thought as he walked across the street hoping to blend in, even a bit. "Darling, what exactly did you mean when you said that last night?" Elizabeth's savior asked Fabian. "Ava, I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about," Fabian said as he turned to her and gave a slight smile, he wasn't lying he honestly could not remember.

"You said and I quote, 'Damn god, 2 angels just for me?' Care to explain?" Ava asked him again, causing Fabian to duck instinctively, and the second after he ducked she threw a punch, aimed at his face. "Bit violent, don't ya think?" Fabian muttered as he backed off the sidewalk and into a lamppost. "Ah shit," Fabian muttered as his back hit the cold steel of the post. 

"I have absolutely zero recollection of why I would have said that, perhaps I was out of it?" Fabian said, a futile attempt to defend the actions he was accused of doing. *BOOM* Out of nowhere a loud boom rang out, shattering the windows of all the town stores around. "Well this couldn't have happened at neither a better, or worse time," Fabian thought as he started sprinting toward the sound. 

"No heroes will save you now you worthless pissant," a woman in red leather clothing said as she stood over a terrified pedestrian. The street was cracked around them and the buildings around had collapsed, a water main squirting out onto the ruined street. "A-All I did was bump into you!" the man she was standing over yelled out. "Doesn't matter!" She yelled out as she picked him up, her hands glowing a faint orange.

"Expl- AH" the woman had started using her ability to explode the man, before Fabian kicked her in the chest, sending her body flying into the store she destroyed. "Now that wasn't such a smart idea miss, didn't your father ever teach you some manners?" Ava said to her as she shook her finger, standing right next to Fabian. "YOU BAS-" *BAM* She had started to shout at them, but Ava used the wind around her to slam her into another building. 

"You can't use either of your powers, remember?" Fabian whispered to her, reminding her they were still on the run. "My bad darling," she responded, but Fabian just shook his head, clearly annoyed. "EXPLODE!" the woman screamed as the ground around Ava and Fabian collapsed sending them down into a pit. "Idiots, now you are trapped in my trap!" she yelled out.

"Are we?" Ava asked her from behind. "HOW? MMHPH" she had started screaming before Fabian grabbed her mouth and slammed her into the ground. *BOOM* The immense strength he used, literally seemed to shake the earth. "Unfortunately for you, my darling has the ability to shake the heavens themselves," Ava told her laughing in pure bliss at her despair. "Ava, we're getting close to villain territory like that..." Fabian muttered, this had clearly happened before.

"T-This isn't possible, the police should have eradicated you! He promised heroes were done for!" the woman screamed out at them, a mark on her neck lighting up like the fourth of July. "N-No wait! WA-" she started to yell before her entire body was blown to bits, blood splattering everywhere. "What the hell?" Fabian muttered as he looked around at the now blood-stained road, the water main still spewing out water, but even it couldn't clean the blood up.

"Now we at least know what happens when we break the marks code," Fabian thought inside his head, his neck hurting at just the thought. "Shocker," Ava muttered, getting a very obvious 'what the hell?' face from Fabian. "Let's go, it's not safe to stand around!" Fabian yelled out, as sirens rang out in the distance. "Oh, a mouse was caught," a cloaked stranger said from behind them. "Transport!" he yelled out and the world spun around the pair before it went black.

They're vision came back to them as a rush, they were in a large shipping yard, and it was obvious no cleaning had taken place in a while as it was riddled with dust and filth. "Fan-freaking-tastic," Fabian muttered in annoyance. "This is bad isn't it?" Ava asked, she seemed... shaken. Her breathing became ragged and she seemed to be shaking very quietly. "It's just a shipping yard, don't freak out yet," Fabian told her as he went to the small iron door in the corner.

"Idiots," he murmured as he ripped the door straight off its hinges. "Let's go," he said to her as he stepped through the door and threw an armed guard into some crates. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks and looked back at the crates, his blood turning cold. "H-How?" he muttered, obviously shaken. There in the crates was a stack of guns, not just any guns, but guns capable of temporarily getting rid of people's abilities. "This isn't possible, they shouldn't have made those at least for another 2 years," Fabian thought surprised. 

"Begone," Fabian muttered and the crates full of guns exploded in a bright flash of blue, leaving nothing behind but dust. "You made a mistake creating those weapons Veruk," Fabian said to himself, anger in his red eyes. "What's wrong?" Ava asked him as she finally got control of her anxiety. "Just some slight issues related to part of my power," Fabian muttered back to her. 

"KILL THEM!" soldiers yelled as they ran down the hall with the same type of guns that Fabian had just destroyed. *Snap* The moment Fabian snapped the weapons turned to ash in their hands. "H-How the?-" the soldiers started speaking, but Fabian dashed through and killed them all in the span of a single second. "I hate using my power this much, but it looks like I can't let you live," he muttered, he was pissed.

"You know what, this will take much too long, eradication," Fabian thought, annoyed by all the unexpected variables. "Wait isn't this safehouse 50?" he suddenly thought, he had remembered it because it was the only shipping yard. "No matter, if they ask it just disappeared," Fabian decided. Almost as quickly as he decided the entirety of the area turned to ashes, leaving nothing behind except a crater in the ground. 

"Now, let's go get some groceries, shall we?" Fabian asked as he turned around to see Ava's shocked face. "Oh yeah, this is your first time seeing me use so much of my power," Fabian realized, feeling kinda stupid the way he had forgotten like that. "How strong are you?" Ava asked him. "Strong enough to destroy anyone in my way, should I want to," Fabian answered, perhaps to avoid the subject as much as possible. 

*A couple hours later, around midday, at the mountain.*

"We're back," Fabian muttered as he walked in, he was greeted by the sight of Joshua standing by the table alone. "Joshua?" Fabian asked confused. "I heard you called Elena an angel," Joshua muttered to him, his eyes gleaming with anger.

"W-Well now I wasn't in the right mind," Fabian said, sweat dripping from his forehead. "I know since you expended all your energy to keep my body alive," Joshua mumbled. "So... does that mean I'm off the hook?" Fabian asked hopefully. "Not so fast," Joshua said, crossing his arms.

"When is your birthday?" Joshua asked him. "August 10th, about 14 days before Elena's," Fabian answered. "Oh, happy late birth- I mean, what's your age?" Joshua asked again. "Well I've been 17 since then," Fabian answered, making Joshua sigh in relief. "You are now off the hook, but, NO MORE FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER!" Joshua yelled out, before putting away the groceries.

"Haha, yeah I'll try," Fabian responded, as he helped. "You guys are such idiots," Ava muttered to herself as she went to get Elena. "Heard that, but can't disagree," Joshua said as she walked off, she responded very kindly, with a middle finger.

"Hey, Fabian?" Joshua suddenly called out, making Fabian freeze. "What's up?" Fabian asked. "I need you to oversee a fight between me and Owen tomorrow," Joshua told him, he and Owen had agreed to have a sparring match earlier that day. "Sure, may I ask why?" Fabian agreed, but responded with a question of his own. "Sparring," Joshua answered, as he started on Elena's cake.