
The Path: My Path (HIATUS)

Zonah Ashwell was a talented assassin in the modern world, he has decided to retire but was betrayed by his organization on his last job. He was captured and experimented on for 2 years, and finally set free on his birthday, with the relief of death. He makes a deal with an unknown being to reincarnate and get a chance at revenge, follow Zonah or now Kuroshi as she walks the path of revenge.

Java_Plays · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Spizard & Paralyzed

In the morning, the radiant sun shone upon me causing me to wake up.

After escaping from the wolf tide yesterday, I went to sleep in a tree and luckily nothing attacked me in the middle of the night.

I still have 15 Unallocated Stat Points left from my 3 consecutive level-ups but I decided that I am going to save it just in case I need it on a rainy day.

My plan yesterday was to find traces of civilization and maybe go to a town, gather info and then plan out from there but unfortunately, I was interrupted by the wolf tide.

Now my plan is to find a merchant caravan on the road and then 'kindly persuade' the merchant for some supplies so that I can disguise myself better since my current appearance is very conspicuous.

I went in one direction just like before but I made sure not to go back to the wolf's area and instead I went away from it, just for safety.




I have been travelling for a while now and finally found something useful, a road to be exact, it isn't a road like in modern earth but older, to be precise, it is basically just a piece of land that has been flattened from being stepped on too much.

I picked one direction and kept on heading that way, I didn't walk exactly on the road but rather on the side of the road so that it is harder to spot me from afar.

I hope that I can encounter a merchant so that I can get some disguise before I go to a town, otherwise, I will have to either sneak into town and steal some or just wait for a merchant cart a bit away from the town.




I have been following along the side of the road for about 4 days since I found it and there has been nothing so far, no merchants passing by or even a town in site, there have been some monsters on the side of the road, for example, one that I am fighting now.

It has the strength somewhere close to the wolf that I killed, although it is a bit weaker and I am also stronger now, it has both a weird body and weird attacks.


No Name

Species : 8 Eye Spizard

Level 16






Its body is a mixture between something of a lizard and a spider and its massive. It has the head of a lizard but with 8 eyes, on its head, it has 2 fangs pointing outwards like a spider along with the Pedipalps (a type of jaw) to help pin down prey, it has the body like a spider (Cephalothorax) and then it also has a long tail in place of the abdomen that is able to spin webs and to be able to move all this, it has 8 long hairy spider legs.

Its body size alone is as big as a Volkswagen T6 SWB, and then you get the legs...

Fighting something like this can't be more troublesome, I have to watch for the sticky webs on the ground, and occasionally it will also shoot webs at me, and it's not just this, sometimes it even shoots out its tongue that is laced with a highly-corrosive mucus to catch me. When the mucus on its tongue touches the ground, you can hear a sizzling sound from how it melts the ground.

Currently, I am fighting this, I have to dodge most of the time and barely have time to strike back, so I came up with a genius idea.

I willed my wings to appear and flew into the sky directly above it so that it can no longer shoot at me with its tongue, although I still have to dodge the occasional webs, I am way more relaxed now.

Although I can't attack it from my position, I wasn't planning to, I am gonna wait in the air until it gives up on me, and when it let its guard down, I will directly swoop down at full force and strike it at the weak point between the body and tail called the pedicel.

After waiting around 8 minutes, I felt my wings getting a bit exhausted and started to gasp for air, luckily for me though, it eventually gave up on me, turned and started walking away, too bad for it that I wasn't going to let it go that easily.

As soon as it turned its back on me, I immediately dived down at full force and prepared to use [Claw Strike] on the pedicel.


The spider seemed to sense something and turned around, unfortunately for it, all it saw was a flashing shadow and felt a sharp pain!


I struck with all my power on the pedicel and blood splashed everywhere, unlike common blood, this blood is blue!

After the pedicel broke and it's body split into two halves, its respiratory system quickly failed and it also bled out causing it to die in a matter of seconds, as soon as it died, I got a barrage of system notifications that I will leave to check in a bit.

Before doing anything else, I will check if the blood is consumable, the skills that this spider used is pretty attractive and I want them, the blood doesn't have the usual sweet smell that normal red blood has and I'm also not attracted to it but luckily I'm not repulsed.

I used [Inspect] on it to see if there is any useful information and I got this:


Spizard blood

Type : Consumable


Well, since it doesn't say anything other than that, I will play it safe and only take in a little bit first before making a judgement.

Along with that thought, I swiped my finger in the blood and then shoved it into my mouth.



Blood type compatible

Using blood to upgrade fangs


As soon as it entered my mouth, my body was instantly paralyzed and I couldn't move, along with paralyzation there was a sharp pain from where my fangs appear, it felt as if my fangs was getting pulled out and then forcibly pushed back in with a lot of heat, along with this there was a bloating sensation in my gums.

This lasted for around 2-3 minutes before the pain subsided and I got a system notification telling me something nice.



Venom Sac added

Fangs modified to work with venom

Venom added : Heavenly Paralyzing Venom


It seems that my fangs evolved and that I have venom sacs now so I can inject venom through my fangs now, although I don't really know what 'Heavenly Paralyzing Venom' is so I grew my fangs out and pressed it with my fingers so that I can get a bit of venom and then used [Inspect] on it.


Heavenly Paralyzing Venom

Description : Delivers a heavenly sensation alongside paralyzation to anyone bitten with this venom, venom is quickly dissolved by immune systems so it needs a continuous injection to work, as soon as venom input is stopped, then the venom will no longer have an effect.


So basically as long as I have my fangs in someone or something and keeps on injecting them with the venom, then they will be paralyzed and feel really good, and the venom stops working as soon as I pull my fangs out.

The other notifications I got from the system includes


Killed a Spizard, EXP Received

Level Up!!!

Level Up!!!

Level 7 Reached.

[Poison Resistance 1] Obtained


Since I determined that the blue spider blood is safe to consume, I hesitated no longer and directly put my little mouth over where the blood is gushing out from and sucked to my heart's content and I did not get paralyzed like before, I assume this perk comes from the [Poison Resistance 1] skill.

After I sucked enough blood, I got up, cleaned myself and started moving further along the road and decided I am going to check what I gained from the blood but then I realized that the [Poison Resistance 1] skill only blocked some toxicity from the blood and not all of it, it only delayed the paralyzation.

I am now stuck on the side of the road paralyzed and in the corner of my eye I slowly see a caravan approaching...

Also sorry if this chapter is bad, I was bit rushed and lacked motivation ;)

Honestly, the update schedule doesn't exist.

Also most of the time I have no idea what to write.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Java_Playscreators' thoughts