
Chapter 3- the three rules of soul wolf guild.

Submitting the five wolf heads got me 500 credits. 450 to them 50 to me. I got a wooden badge with my name written on it, I couldn't understand how it could be used as an identification device, when I asked they said it is a guild secret. I am curious but many times my curiosity remains unsolved. I am now officially a temporary member of the soul wolf guild.

The thoughts in my mind started making various suggestions, but most of all was to understand the present condition of the kingdom.

After all, information is strength.

I could see Macro brothers sitting with old men bragging about their various deeds. From the way they are sitting I could conclude they are old pals.

Macro was already waving at me, when I went near him, with a bad smile he said " Brother, do you need information?"

Bulls eye, my face betrayed me, and now he is stroking his bald head.

"Hey Brother, we are hungry."

I know if I want information I have to feed these hungry mouths, and maintaining good relationships with these old men is better.

I ordered them bread and plain water, I may be considered stingy, nobody bothered about it, Everyone already knows I am from a far away village and my shabby clothes are brightly telling them I am poor.

"we can save few bucks this year"

I perked my ear, as matters related to money started from the very beginning of the conversation. They grinned at me but I ignored them.

"I heard rumours of monster subjugation being difficult around red stone city, those royal pigs will naturally commission us"

Red stone city, Only place my father wants me to go, if I am in any danger.

"isn't it too dangerous" I asked

"heh, it is but if you want to earn much, you have to risk much"

"I want to participate," I said excitedly. 

"oh, you can, but if you want to save your neck better you equip yourself"

I heeded their advice, and said my goodbye with them. 

Soul wolf guild has its own weapon storage and first time members can choose a weapon from it with 20% discount, but without any money it is all an illusion. Gathering information  of armour can be the best decision I can take, and I think the receptionist aunty could be best for those regards.

"Aunty, tell me what weapon should I choose"

"Blade, don't go straight to the point, it's rude"

"My bad, tell me"

"Since you have asked, I will first recommend you to choose a combat suit; it is costly, you can choose whether to buy or not"

 "Why is that so?"

"Safety comes first"

"Most of the mercenaries die early cause they couldn't control their hot-bloodiness"

"How much is it"

"900 credit"

"you can slaughter me"

 I do not want to agree to her yet at the same time, I want a suit of armour, in the end I agreed to buy an armour my first goal.

I know buying cheap armour could be the ideal situation here, but I can't even afford it, so it is better to choose the best armour as my goal.

I  always want to be bright as sunshine yet what I get is always dark, the suit she said is whole charcoal lack, it covers my whole body, it comes with its own pair of gloves and boots. With a cloak covering my head.

Though I am not happy, for a better start, I will gladly accept it as my first goal.

"You should look into the information I gave you"

I diverged the attention from her to the card she gave me. It is a memory card, one of the tools of this modern world.

I concentrated on it to find many details of weapons; in my mind I noted down some of the noteworthy weapons I find interesting.

•    S2 gauntlet

•    Automatic knife release box

•    K2 Flying Jacket

•    Tracking bug

•    Elemental jewelled Sword

I envisioned one day wearing the K2 flying jacket along with my combat suit, with S2 gauntlet in my hands, elemental jewelled Sword in my back, rescuing a beauty, tracking the enemy with tracking bugs and kicking his ass. She will right away fall in love with me.

Yet a distant dream.

As I am preparing to go out to find some missions, Macro 's brother entered the receptionist hall.

"Hey Baldy, why don't you take Blade to the scrap shop?, it is better, if he can find some defensive armour"

"come with me"

Before I could say anything I was held by him. It seems he respects the receptionist well.

My brain churned searching for the key word " Scrap Shop"

"Scrap shop?" I asked

"you can think of used weapon counter, Much better than a black market"

 I looked for an explanation as he continued

"Black Market, in many cases you cannot see and buy, either you have to go through an agent or by communication channel, risking offending somebody is higher, mostly you could be cheated. Must have strength to enter the turf"

He is saying I am weak.

"for now scrap shop is way better for you"

I could see many counters in the backyard of the tavern.

One thing I noticed is many people like me are surrounding the shop, and they are mainly buying transparent daggers. It is one inch in size and is in very high demand, cost effective but fragile.

I can see many metallic gloves having different functions, mostly having magnetism. They all are out of my range.

I bought a worn bone armour costing 20 credit, I regretted a bit when I saw it though when Macro explained its durability. I got assured of my right choice.

There are many weapons I wanted to buy yet the limitation of credit limited me. One day I will buy the combat suit which seems impossible for me right now.

"now, you can do some mission"

Saying so he turned around but-

"Right, you should remember the three rules of soul wolf mercenary"


"those who have followed have survived for a long time"

•    "never fight when you know you can't win"

•    "never do anything for free"

•    "never fully give your back to somebody."

"It depends whether you can accept it or not, see you around Boy"

I had many objections to these ridiculous rules, but listening to them doesn't hurt.

Following his advice I went to look out for the missions I could do.