

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Your mom.

They walked behind her, silently. Cassian would've admired the sheer size and beauty of the estate, if the situation was different. As helen opened the main door and strolled inside the house leisurely, he was once again struck by the enormousness of the house. It looked like a palace. His gaze gradually fell on the man sitting on the sectional sofa that occupied most of the living room. He had a mask on--For what cassian didn't know and he subconsciously looked at helen, her face grew more cold with each passing second as she stared at the man. The man was probably his father's age, cassian thought as he considered the man.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence" helen crooned, as she walked over to the sofa and sat atop it, crossing her legs. The man just looked pained. Everything about her screamed arrogance. Helen turned and gestured them to go upstairs, they mov---

"You must be her friends" the man said, smiling behind his mask. They froze.

"Oh don't bother" helen said, with enough edge in her voice that cassian looked at her, but she was staring at the man, her eyes hard.

"Go and relax, we have to head out later, if we're late we'll miss the show" she reminded, her eyes still on the man. cassian couldn't make out much of his expression behind the mask but he sure looked uncomfortable now. They just walked past him, and climbed the stairs. cristina took them to the master bedroom on the first floor, her every step tense.

"It's locked" she said trying to open the door. zayne looked pissed as hell, he doesn't like these changes in the plan, 'more variables, more ways for a plan to go wrong' he always used to say. cristina looked up at zayne and said gesturing to the lawson sofa behind the stairs.

"Let's sit over their and wait" they walked over without a word and sat, but cristina walked over to the railing that overlooked the living room below. After a second, he joined her there and he was surprised when zayne came and stood beside him. He was not the type to care about other's business. With the house as silent as a library they could hear every word as helen asked the man,

"What are you doing here?" but she went on before the man could respond. "Another affair?" she whispered, her face held a mock surprise.

"Song lin!" he yelled. Helen flinched, and covered her ears with her hands.

"What are you shouting for? I'm just asking'" was all she said, as she examined her nails.

"I'm here to see you song lin. I heard you were visiting." helen looked around, as if expecting someone to pop out suddenly, then she faced the man and blinked.

"Me?" she asked, like she didn't hear him right. when he nodded, she laughed, clutching her stomach.

"That was a really nice joke" she commented.

"I know you're angry song lin but let me ex--" but helen snarled at him

"Explain what? As if I don't know why you are here" she shut her eyes, and said calmly

"Get out"

"I know I wasn't there for you when you needed me, but I had my reasons song lin, please try to understand. Your mo--"

"Enough" she growled "I--" she turned as the dining room doors opened, and the man they met at the gate appeared, a woman following closely behind him.

Damn it, cassian thought as he looked at the woman dressed in maid's clothes. No one are supposed to know that they're here but the two men already saw them and now this women. This just got so much worse, noting the change in helen's expression he knew she was thinking the same thing too.

The women put the tea on the table infront of helen and stood to the side beside the old man.

"I was told that you would be staying here for a few months, so I arranged for a maid to help you." the man said, sitting down and taking the cup. Helen looked at the man for a long time, then she smirked and stood up.

"A maid to help me?" she said, walking over to the women, her steps slow and unhurried. The woman bowed and didn't look up until helen placed her fingers on her chin and lifted her face up gently. Though helen did nothing to harm her, the woman's face still held fear. Helen smiled sweetly as she asked

"What's your name?" she gulped and answered

"lee eun a"

"What a beautiful name" helen said and tilted her head.

"Will you do anything I say?" helen asked and the women nodded "Anything?" helen asked again, her voice sweet and gentle. She gave a nod again. Helen patted her cheek gently and then slapped the women so hard she stumbled back.

"Song lin!" the man shouted. Cassian was so shocked, he could do nothing but stare as helen pulled the woman forward.

"Don't take your anger out on her, she did nothing to you." and another slap rang through the house.

"Stop i-" the man was saying, helen slapped her again, the maid whimpered, a broken sound coming out of her.

"Fine I'll leave!" the man yelled as she raised her hand once more. helen stopped but didn't turn around. She stood still as the man gestured the maid to go out and she ran from helen, whimpering and wiping her tears as she bolted out of the door.

"Do you know who used to behave like this song lin?" the man asked, he sounded helpless. Slowly helen turned and faced him, zayne's heart twisted at the bleak and lifeless look in her eyes.

"Your mom" helen's eyes blazed with molten rage and the man realized he went too far. The sound of glass breaking, echoed through the estate as she flipped the table over and stalked towards him, catching his shirt in her fists, gritting her teeth, she said

"My patience only extends so far, so the next time you intend to take pity on me, and try to visit me, remember this" she pushed him back-- He caught himself before he could fall and added "Because the next time, I will be worse. I'm her daughter after all, I should atleast be a fraction like her." she jerked her chin to the main door

"Get out and don't you dare step foot in this estate again" the man looked at her for a long moment and finally turned around and walked to the door. When the door closed, helen stood there unmoving like a rock and only then did cassian notice that she left her shoes at the door and she was now standing on glass shards, and that was indeed blood leaking from her heel. The three of them stood there, watching helen, not moving until cristina called out, her voice hard

"Helen" she looked up , there was not an ounce of change in her expression as she noted the three of them standing there.

"The door is locked" cristina said, her tone harsh enough that both zayne and cassian looked at her, but her face was unreadable.

"I'm coming" helen said, her voice empty.