

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

You asked him out?

"What's the time?" sam asked. They all sighed at him.

"That's the third time you asked in the last 15 min." celeana said. Helen supposed anyone would find waiting irritating, but to her it was almost natural. After going on so many missions in the past years, it became a habit.

She looked around. They are currently sitting in a cafe right across the company. They have been here for nearly an hour and if she's correct zayne nearly drank 4 cups of coffee. He looked irritated too, just like sam but at least he's keeping it in. She looked over at the exit again. She had to admit that triumvirate was an intimidating building. The branch back in china was nothing compared to this gigantic building. She had some thoughts of getting inside the building and finding justin's office. But looking at it now, she had to admit she was a bit scared. She to be patient and very, very careful.

There's a question that's been nagging in the back of her head for sometime now. Looking at the exit, she asked herself the same question again. Why this exit? okay, granted there are many pics of justin and william exiting the building from this exit, but who's to say they will be doing the same everyday.

She stood up sighing. Maybe she should check out the building once.

"Where are you going?" zayne asked. She debated telling him to fuck off. But that would mean sitting here and fighting with him and she had enough of that in the meeting earlier.

So instead she said, "There's gotta be more than one exit. I don't want to sit here for hours only to find out that he's already gone."

"I'll go with her." celeana said. Zayne raised his brows at them obviously wondering the same thing she was. The demoness along with her?

But she said nothing as the demoness followed her, and they exited the cafe together. They walked over to the company and fortunately no one stopped them. Maybe they didn't care who roamed the outer grounds of the company so long as they didn't go inside.

"There are 2 other exits in the back" she said, looking at the venue board. No response, she looked over at the other girl and found her staring at the display screen which is showing justin advertising some of their company products.

"Hello?" she said again. Celeana blinked.

"You seem awfully distracted today" she remarked, observing her expressions. Her face revealed nothing.

"I'm just wondering if he's really behind this. He seems sophisticated enough."

"Well no good criminal looks like one, I guess."

"Yeah" celeana said, an unusual edge to her voice. Helen looked back at the cafe they just came from and said

"Tell zayne to come and find me at the back exit, you two watch the front one and inform us if you spot justin." she said, walking away. The demoness looked like she wanted to say something but in the end she just said


After a few minutes, zayne found her near the back exit, talking to a male employee and secretly swiping his ID card. The Employee walked away smiling, unaware of his missing ID.

"You seem awfully good at stealing." he said, walking over to her.

"Worried I'll steal something from you?"

"You can't steal from me" he added "Nobody steals from me"

Helen just rolled her eyes.

"What'd you say to him anyway, he seemed really happy" helen's lips curved up.

"I told him he had a beautiful smile, and that I'm not really that straight forward but he was so cute I couldn't miss the chance of asking him out."

Zayne raised his brows. "You asked him out?"


"Why?" the question seemed abrupt, she looked over at him.

"Well, I was stealing his ID card, but then he said he was in justin's department, so I asked him out."

"So if he rings you up, you're really gonna meet him?"

She gave a nod.

"You do realize that going on a date requires smiling and talking nicely right?"

"I think I already told you that my smile depends on the person I'm smiling at right?"

He glared at her, she smirked at him. A muscle feathered in his jaw and just when she thought he was go to say something, his phone rang. He picked up and looked over at her, eyes serious.

"Justin's out"

"And william too" she said looking over his shoulder, williams car zoomed past them.

"Follow justin for now, we'll take care of william" he said in to the phone and hung up.

Helen was already going for their car. Zayne climbed in.

"Go," he said "Fast"

She sped up the car, william's car is almost out of their sight.

"Careful helen, don't let them notice us."

"I know how to do this, you don't have to remind me every single thing." she said, annoyed. She sped past a couple of cars, sighing when she spotted william's car again.

"I was cautioning you."

"I'm not a newbie, I don't need warnings."

"God, everything has to be a fight with you." he gritted out.

"You think you're different?" she shot back.

"Fine, just drive."

"I am driving." she slowed down when the car ahead stopped. She sped past, looking over at them.

A bar? she stopped the car. zayne is already opening the door.

'Wait" she hissed. "They're not gonna allow you in there with those clothes."

He frowned, looking down at his formal wear. She rolled her eyes.

"Remove your coat, and untuck your shirt" she said. He removed them, still frowning a bit.

She removed her long coat and pulled her shirt sleeves down her shoulders, so it would look more like an off shoulder top rather an a formal shirt. She looked down and sighed. Thank god she was wearing a skirt or she would've looked like an idiot going in there in a suit. She looked over at zayne and found him staring.

"What?" she said, the way he stared at her made her a little breathless. He reached a hand out, and she sat perfectly still as he touched her hair and pulled the band loose. He ruffled her hair and tucked a few strands behind her ear, his fingers lingered there for a few seconds.

He pulled back and she exhaled a breath.

"That's better" he said, voice coming out a little uneven. She gulped and turned away. Opening the door, she got down. She didn't look at him as they walked over to the bar. Once they are inside, she felt his demeanor change instantly. He stiffened, frowning at the crowd. She said nothing, instead searching for william among the crowd. She found him just as he entered a cabin and the door closed behind him.

"There" she said. "1st floor, 3rd cabin."

Giving her a nod, he started walking.

"You're going to stand guard there without even a drink in your hand?" she asked, her voice coming out loud.

He turned around. "You can get the drinks" he shouted over the music.

"You're not really a gentleman, are you?"

He smirked and walked back towards her. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear

"I'm a gentleman helen, just not to you"

Bastard, she thought watching him walk away.