

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

The commander grinned

After 5 minutes..

Ji zue gave a sidelong glance at Song lin. Within 5 minutes she changed in to her uniform and combed her hair in to bun. That bun somehow made her look more cold. Like she is a beauty that could only be appreciated from a far. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts not that there are any more thoughts he's having these days. Especially since the fight they had. He turned when a sound of approaching car is heard.

A nearly 5o years old man got out of the car. Everyone straightened as Ji zue as the major moved forward first to greet him. Then everyone behind bowed at once. The commander nodded slightly before turning his gaze to song lin. She stood straight, chin held up high. He merely said

"To your office Captain song" and walked forward. Song lin raised her brows but followed behind him.

In the office...

The four of them stood while the commander surveyed them taking in everything as if debating which human tastes better. Seriously , Song lin had no idea why this old man came all the way here in the middle of the night and his silence is only annoying her not that she could show it on her face. No one who wished to live dared make a face at the commander of the armed forces.

The commander suddenly laughed and that bought song lin back to her senses. He is looking at her and Ji zue faces which are filled with bandages. Why the hell should this happen just before he came Ji zue thought.

"2 suns really couldn't stay at one place I see.."he said nodding at them both. Lu chen and lin shiyu are trying very hard not to laugh. You don't just casually laugh at what the commander says..Joke or no.

"But I'm afraid both the suns have to stay together a very very long time" he said again grinning at them. What the fucking hell ? The commander is actually grinning at them? Shiyu thought bewildered.

"I'm afraid I didn't understand your point commander zhuang " both Ji zue and Song lin said at the same time. Both stilled and looked at each other. The commander laughed at them again and some tiny part of song lin felt like standing before a teacher for getting caught while silently talking in the class.

"Aren't I here to explain it all to you?" he said calmly and casually. Song lin's going to kill this man. can't he say it all at once? But still no one spoke. They waited patiently

"But before I explain that let me introduce you to each other first" he said smiling. They stared at each other. Song lin looked at him like he's an idiot. What is this old man talking about. They know each other. Song lin's enduring these bastards since so many days how can she not know them? but the commander seemingly not caring about their confusion walked towards them

"At ease " he said. They relaxed but still stood. He then walked towards Lu chen and draped his arm over him and turned him towards them.like they were friends who didn't see each other and the next words he uttered shaked lin shiyu to her core.

"Long time no see captain Wolf" he paused and then nodded towards Ji zue who went very very still like he couldn't believe the commander just spit out their little secret. Shiyu just stared at Lu chen, eyes wide.

Captain wolf????

All these days the one she spoke with is the Captain of team alpha????? Team alpha is the most secretive and powerful group in the whole of military. Not even a single detail about them is revealed to outsiders. No one knew how many of them are there in the team.They are famous for eliminating threats without revealing their presence. The alpha team is one who brought down many corrupt powerful politicians and executed many other threats for the country without once failing.

The silence in the room is then interrupted by Ji zue who stood rooted to the spot.

"Commander zhuang why did you reveal our identity?" he said coldly but not without respect. The commander just turned his gaze to Song lin who's silent from the start and now looking like she was assessing something. The commander smiled calmly and said

"Because you will be working with them"

"What?" both Ji zue and Lu chen said at the same time. never once in the past have they worked with another group.

"But isn't the alpha team supposed to be secret and shouldn't involve with others?" Ji zue asked again unable to hide his impatience. But the commander didn't feel the slightest bit offended, he looked like he was already used to this and that was when Song lin's expression changed from assessing to understanding like some sort of truth she couldn't decipher finally clicked in to place. The commander took in all of her expressions and smiled sweetly

"Well, lets see how much did you guys succeed in keeping your team a secret" he paused and turned to song lin "Tell me what you know about the alpha team to the date" he said. An order but a sweet one like he was enjoying this. She frowned but she looked at Ji zue who's giving her wary eyed glances and then at Lu chen who's smirking at her. She laughed slightly amused that even now he could be Shameless flirt, she then turned to the Commander and her face turned serious.

"Alpha team : The notorious weapon of the armed forces. There team consists of 6 members" she paused and looked at them who went pale

"4males and 2 females" she said after a moment. Their jaws dropped. "When in the team , receive direct orders from the commander and when they're just in their respective positions as in a major and his second, they receive orders normally like us"

"What the actual hell" lu chen breathed over and over again and Ji zue eyes scanned her from head to toe. Calculating whether she's a potential threat. She smirked at him indicating that she'd love to prove him right.

The commander smiled. A broad satisfied smile which song lin didn't understand at all. He turned to the boys and grinned at their shocked, pale faces. Song lin didn't really imagine the commander to be this friendly and funny. Lu chen bolted towards the commander and caught his sleeve

"Old man what games are you playing at ? how can she know all this?" he whined. If shiyu and song lin are surprised at lu chen's words they didn't let on. The commander crossed his arms and said flatly which gave the girls a heart attack

"What did you expect from the shadowsisters then?"