

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Song jun ho

Cassian felt a headache coming on as he stared at the demosness's and sam's stone hard faces. He walked over to the kitchen and stood infront of cristina who's busy doing something with the fruits beside her. She asked without looking up at him.

"Apple?" when he didn't respond she looked up. He crossed his arms and demanded

"Where's helen?" she turned around walked over to the stove, she opened the lid and the smell of pasta wafted over to him. When did she cook that? She came in to the living room after they all settled around the dining table. She walked over to the kitchen, without so much as a glance toward them and started cutting the fruits but he didn't see her cooking anything else. Also, didn't she say she didn't know how to cook?

"She just finished cooking pasta and went to take a bath. she'll be here within 10 min" she said arranging the plates. Helen was already here? he craned his head and looked at the clock on the wall.


She woke up before them? so early? Rose came and took the plates from cristina

"Let me help with that." cristina smiled handed and them over to her, nodding her thanks. When rose walked away from them to set the plates on the dining table, he whispered, his voice low

"They're thinking to ask helen about yesterday." her hand stilled on the knife. She looked up slowly

"About the man?" she asked, her voice even. He gave a nod and she didn't say anything. He turned when he felt someone touch his shoulder and found rose standing beside him

"Go sit. You're not helping her anyway" he just shrugged and walked over to the table, but he prayed cristina would do something to stop celeana from asking helen anything about yesterday. Taking a seat beside zayne, he watched him. Zayne was unusually silent today. He didn't say a word to them from the moment they sat around the table. Even when sam asked if zayne's going to talk to helen about yesterday, he just shrugged and said celeana can do it and then he kept silent. Cassain turned and watched sam who still looked angry. Sam was already uncomfortable in working with helen and cristina but after yesterday, its even more unlikely that he would like working with them. Not because of that man but because of how helen behaved with that girl. But they didn't see how helen looked after that man left, they only heard what helen and the man said to each other and the sound that echoed through the house when helen slapped that girl. but he knew how much it killed helen to do that, just as he knew that is why zayne kept silent. Because zayne saw her too but zayne wasn't the type to spare anyone because of personal reasons, especially if they have something to do with their mission then why is he not saying anything?

Cristina walked over to them and passed the fruits around, he tried to catch her eye but she didn't look at him.

"They'll serve themselves, you sit down" az said and pulled her to sit beside him. cassian stared at the closed doors, wondering when helen's going to show up. The kitchen in this estate is bigger than the one they had in their mansion back home. The dining table occupied most of the space in the kitchen, more than 10 members can sit around it. Cassian froze when he heard footsteps out in the hall, he looked at cristina, his eyes frantic. Wasn't she going to do anything? the footsteps sounded a lot closer now, and just when cassian thought cristina is not going to talk anything, she said looking around

"Don't ask her anything." celeana flicked her eyes to cristina, her expresssion hard and unyeilding.

"Why"? she asked her voice cold. "Don't we have a right to know who that man is? what if they track us through him? Didn't she originally say that the mansion's going to be empty?"

"There's no way in hell helen would've imagined that man is going to visit her here, besides they can't track him" she said, her voice pained.

"Why?" celeana asked, her voice like steel. "Do you think triumvirate is some joke?"

"It's not that but that man is not someone you could track easily" she said . "Please don't ask her about him" she pleaded looking at celeana. Sam sighed, leaning forward he asked calmly

"You make it sound as if its something personal between us and helen. If you don't atleast tell us who he is then how can we believe you when you say that he can't be tracked easily?" when cristina didn't reply, celeana crossed her hands and snapped

"Besides, its not like we are some lifelong friends, this is our first time working together, how do you expect us to trust you?"

cristina squeezed her eyes shut while the others except celeana and sam looked like they'd prefer to jump of a cliff rather than have this conversation on their first day of working together, but when the steps sounded just outside the door, cristina said her voice desperate

"Why do you think he wore a mask when we came inside? He wants no one to know that he's here to visit her. You can check the passenger's list later if you want to know, You won't find his name there." she paused and looked at zayne "Please" she said again. Celeana opened her mouth but the doors opened, zayne cut celeana off with a warning glance and helen walked inside, carrying a file in her hands, no hint of that broken eyes or the lifeless look from yesterday, she looked as good as she did daily. Helen, to cassian's surprise sat beside him. She passed the file to zayne.

"What's this?" he asked opening the file. She looked like she was debating whether she should really do this or not. Then she sighed and said indifferently

"That's the passenger's list of every flight to china dated back to a week, and you'll find the details of the man who was here yesterday on the first page" she paused and they all looked at her stunned beyond words, but out of them all, cristina looked like she just saw a ghost.

"I can't tell you all his identity" she said looking at all of them and then once again her gaze returned to zayne "I don't wish to share my personal info, but since you are the one leading this mission, I'm assuming telling you is enough and I'm trusting you to keep it confidential from everyone" zayne blinked, he didn't expect it, that she would trust him enough to keep it a secret from his team. He looked through the file and he had to fall back on years of training to keep his face neutral when he saw that man's face on the paper.


The man who visited her yesterday was song jun ho? The Director of NIS?( National intelligence service). And she actually behaved that way with him? His eyes suddenly stopped on another name on the paper.


This time he coudn't keep the shock from his face. He jerked his head up at her but found her and rose near the stove, fiddling with th pasta. He gulped and looked at the file again, making sure what he saw was correct. colonel liang is that man's wife?? Suddenly all the meetings where colonel liang is present came back to him. Helen being stiff, colonel saying something to her, and helen looking as if she just lost the will to live. Then it hit him.

Song jun ho....song lin..

The man who was here yesterday is actually helen's father?!!