

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

She should've died that night.

Celeana was a little girl again. Standing near the door, as she watched a man walking to her father, his steps slow and sure. Her dad was on the floor, trying to stay upright but failing. Because there, on his left leg was a wound. A bullet wound she now knew, but her younger self didn't. A few feet away from them a women restrained her mother and her mom was screaming, screaming so loud that it hurt to stay and listen. But celeana stayed behind the door, unseen.

"Stop" her mother screamed over and over. But the man kept walking towards her father, he had a slender knife in his hand. Slowly he brought the knife to her dad's throat.

"Any last words?" the man asked. Her father looked at her mom.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. Tears streamed down her mother's face. She had never seen her mother cry. Not even once. Her mom was strong. But celeana knew in that moment that no matter how strong her mom is it did not matter. Because, within a blink, the man slashed the knife across her dad's throat.

"No" her mom screamed. Blood, celeana thought dazedly, so much blood gushed out from her dad's neck. He fell forward with a thud. A gasp left her mouth. Celeana couldn't understand what she was seeing. She is still alive, that means her dad to be alive too. Because she didn't know how to live without her dad. So all of this couldn't be happening right? It can't be real, She turned when she heard another heart wrenching scream. The woman stabbed her mom in the chest. A strangled whimper left her as the life seeped out of her mother's eyes. She fell to the ground like a broken doll. Celeana wanted to rage, she wanted to scream at her parents, at the strangers who just killed her parents, at the world for her putting her in that kind of situation. Still she kept quiet. Her mind flashed back to her last moments with her mother.

"I need you to be quiet honey. quite like a mouse. okay? Can you do that for me? Just for some time and everything will be fine after that."

Celeana's eyes shuttered, because nothing was fine. She knew that. Sill she kept quiet. She heard it then. Foot steps. The strangers in the room looked around, alarmed.

"We need to leave" the man said. The women nodded and they walked over to the window and jumped through it.

This was a dream, celeana knew that. Still, she wanted to scream at her younger self to just show herself to them. Because dying in their hands is better than what was about to happen. Dying would be a blessing, but little celeana, oblivious to all of that, walked over to her parents, her steps silent and slow.

"Papa?" she called out. Silence.

"Mama?" a tear slid down the little girl's cheek.

"You said everything would be fine" she whispered, falling to her knees in the pool of her dad's blood.

"Looks like they missed the girl." said a gravelly voice which celeana knew would later become the voice of her nightmares.

Celeana woke with a start, wishing she'd died. wishing she should have just died that night. She looked around the room trying to get her bearings. She sighed. the room was spacious with a large bed in the middle, a closet and a dressing table to the left corner and a washroom spacious enough to be a spa to the right. But she felt alone and empty. Gods, it has been years since she had a dream about her parents. Everything is starting again, the nightmares, the headaches. She is stressed. she knew that. But she didn't have a choice.

Because she had to know if justin is really involved in all this or not. What if he is? a voice whispered in her mind. He isn't, she thought. He can't be. Because the justin she knew would never do such things. Gods, when they were discussing the mission back in china, when helen showed her justin's picture saying he might be the one behind all of this, she'd nearly lost it there. Back when she was with him, his company isn't called triumvirate, so she didn't know until she saw that photo. It felt like a slap to her senses. At first she was in denial. That justin can't be the one behind it. But she can't exactly say that can she? He's the CEO of the company after all and it's been so many years since she last saw him, since she left him bleeding and unconscious in the hotel room and never showed up again.

Her mind flashed back to the mails she saw earlier.

He was searching for her. After all these years, he was still searching for her. But confusion rose when she thought about the part where they spoke about her eyes.

He knew what she looks like, then why only the blue eyes? why not make a sketch of her face, it would make things easier. Why didn't he?

Her blood went cold suddenly. Did something happen to him after she left? Did he lose his memory?

But with the way things are now he must be fine. So is it a good thing that he can't remember anything about her except her eyes? But why did she feel sad? She sighed.

I'm such a selfish and lying bitch she thought. He should have just forgot her and moved on. Would he recognize her now if he looked at her? Since she left him she always wore brown lenses. She doubted even her team members remembered that she had blue eyes. She only ever took them off at night. Rose will know, but others..maybe not. She even went through a facial surgery after she left him. Her face didn't change the way it did in movies. But there is certainly a lot of difference before and after the surgery. She erased every trace of the girl he knew. Now he doesn't even remember her face, so even if they crossed paths, maybe he wouldn't recognize her? Hope blossomed in her chest.

Get to the bottom of this mission without getting recognized, kill whoever is behind this and leave.

Good. That sounded like a plan.

Except she didn't know what to do if it's really justin behind all of this.