

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

I'm used to it..

That night...Ji zue lay on his bed thinking how it might look when Song lin tries to impress someone. She'll obviously look weird and stupid he thought and laughed slightly.

"Oh my god!!! Is this some miracle...my bro Ji zue is actually smiling??!!" the door opened and Lu chen came in screaming. Ji zue Stopped smiling and sat up.

"Where were you from morning?? You didn't reply my calls also?"

"I was busy with some work....I brought chicken wings, wanna take a bite?" he asked as he opened the parcel he bought. As they sat down and ate Ji zue gave a detailed version of things that happened that day.

"Captain song trying to impress someone???" Lu chen laughed like it's some kind of joke. Ji zue nodded his head indicating that he also thought it was weird.

"But that's obviously a military shield...who do you think gave her??" Lu chen pondered. Ji zue shook his head. "I don't have any idea who it is.."he said.

"The next morning...Lin shiyu found Song lin at the gates. She sat the bench near the gates, staring at her phone. she seemed gloomy like she's lost all the reasons to smile. Shiyu sighed and walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Here..have some" she said handing her a food plate. Song lin didn't even glance at the plate "I don't want to eat " she said her tone cold. "Just how many days will you be like this Song lin? You didn't eat anything from yesterday. Be silent all you want and don't talk to anyone but eat something. You shouldn't show your anger on food" shiyu tried convincing her. Song lin didn't even so much as blink at her words. she just stayed silent that way.

"Sitting like this will not bring back the broken shield Song lin..." shiyu said softly.

"And eating would?" Song lin asked her voice sharp. Shiyu was slightly taken aback at the sharpness in her voice. But she didn't say anything. "Nothing can bring back the thing that's broken Song lin..You would only hurt yourself by being like this" she said. Song lin laughed bitterly "hurt myself?" she asked her voice still sharp. "I'm used to it now...its been so many years..so I'll have to get used to it by now" she said. But she didnt know whether she was telling this to Lin shiyu or telling herself. that it's been long. that she has to get used to it. Shiyu sensed the sadness in her voice.

"Life is not always about one thing Song lin. Happiness comes from a million things. everything has a good side as well as bad..choice is yours to pick which side you want your thoughts to get influenced by." shiyu said softly. Her eyes pleading Song lin to let go of the guilt she has been carrying from many years.

"yes..happiness can come from million things but shiyu..Everything seems meaning less to me no matter how good it is, now matter how many beautiful things life offered me." Song lin said her voice unusually sad. One more word and she may as well cry. But she won't shiyu thought. she would never show her weakness to the world not even to me. she thought. Song lin sighed and got up

"I'm going out for the morning patrols..see you in the afternoon" she said without looking at shiyu. Afraid that once she will see the concern in her eyes she will get used it and one day when she'll leave she will become empty again.

Shiyu sat there for long time staring at the food plate she had bought. Thinking how many days will it take this time for Song lin to be normal Or as normal as shiyu thought she could be. A cheerful voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I'm going out for some work..you look bored. wanna come with me?" Lu chen asked smiling. His face looked beautiful under the morning sunlight. But shiyu isn't in the mood to admire his beauty now nor is she in the mood to go out. She shook her head and prepared to leave. "Why? Are you afraid you can't stand my handsomeness for so much time?" he teased her.

hmmphh!! stand your handsomeness my face she thought. But ofcourse she wouldn't say it out loud since she doesn't want her military service to end because she offended some so called second in command of a major. she turned around and said sweetly "Ofcourse normal people can't stand the charm of a prince..." He raised his brows. This girl is so much better at brownnosing others he thought. "Mmm..in that case I'll try decreasing my charm for you...since you are a sweet little women" she tried hard not to roll her eyes at him.

Little women!! who are you calling little you dummy she thought. "Well won't that be troublesome for you?" she asked smiling. "Ofcourse its not..now come let's go" he said and went off. Ugh!! this guy's driving me crazy.