

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

He hated everything

Zayne brought the car to a halt infront of a manor house that is twice as big than Cassian's mansion. He was about to head inside when he heard butler yuan's voice.

"Master, you're back" zayne turned around and saw the butler walking towards him. Zayne nodded, the butler moved forward and opened the door indicating zayne to go inside.

"Is he home?" zayne asked, his tone flat. The butler looked at him sideways and shook his head.

"Are you home to visit him master ? Should I inform his secretary?" the butler asked carefully. Zayne shook his head.

"I don't want to spoil my mood by seeing him" he said nonchalantly. Butler yuan sighed and followed him inside quietly. As zayne walked in to the living room, he could see that they chaged the curtains again. This time it was glittering gold. He cringed inside. He hated such colors. He couldn't remember the last time this house looked good. From the teepoy to the crystal glass chandelier everything in the house screamed wealth though none of it ever looked nice to zayne. He hated everything here, the colors, the things, the rooms, its like they decorated this house for others to know that they are wealthy and not because they wanted to. It never felt like home to him anyway.

"Ji zue, my son..when did you come!?" This he thought, this was what he hated the most in this house. But his posture changed the moment he heard that voice. His face grew stony. Butler could see death in zayne's eyes. He shuddered and moved a little farther from him. There was sound of footsteps and then she was infront of zayne. A women in her mid 40's dressed in a finest silk qipao. Zayne looked up at her, his face devoid of any emotion.She would've looked pretty he thought if not for her stupid way of talking and walking. Old habits do die hard. Its not easy for a mere secretary to become a millionaires wife.

She spread her hands as if to hug him but zayne held up his hand. She lowered her hands awkwardly.

"Its so good to see you! why don't you call often ah zue?" she asked like a caring mother she thought she was. Zayne slowly removed his coat and tossed it to the butler. He didn't even look at her as he said

"You can stop pretending now. I heard he's not home" that stupid smile vanished from her face replaced by hurt. Wow she's really playing it hard he thought as he walked to the stairs.

"Ah zue your dad being home has got nothing to do with me talking to you" she said walking past him. Damn it. Can't she leave him alone?He tried walking past her, but she moved yet again.

"Can't you talk to me nicely for once?" he dragged his gaze on her from toe to head slowly.

"Move while I'm being patient" he growled. She crossed her hands over her chest, her face set in a stubborn line.

"What if I don't?" she said angrily. That creepy little smile spread across his face. The women broke out in cold sweat. Zayne leaned in and whispered

"I'm going to take back everything that belongs to me" he leaned back in time to note all her expressions. The anger, the greed, the resentment, he could see them as clearly as the sky in her face. Now, this is the real face he thought. The face that is hungry for power and money. He walked past her and was about to head upstairs when he heard her say

"You're despicable" he opened his mouth to shut her up when he heard a soft voice.

"Brother!?" he looked up and saw Ji ran standing at the top of stairs, a surprised yet pleasant smile spread across her face. She was dressed in a black striped suit and her hair was pulled back in to a ponytail, she looked striking. Zayne's face softened a little. She's already walking down the stairs, her steps swift and graceful. She gave him a quick hug and asked

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would've cleared my schedule" he smiled

"I came to pick somethings. I'm not going to stay that long" he said. She gave a nod.

"Busy?" she asked.

"Mmm...you could say that" she laughed.

"Alright go on" she said and moved aside. Hao mei spoke as soon as he disappeared.

"You should be careful with him." ji ran turned around and faced her mother.

"He's not a monster, he's my brother. why would I be careful with him?" hao mei gave an exasperated sigh and said angrily

"You think he takes you as his sister? Don't be delusional ranran" ji ran glared at her and walked towards the kitchen, hao mei followed her in.

"Ji ran if he turns against you, none of this luxury will be yours" she said. Ji ran didn't pay attention to her as she asked the maids something. Hao mei raised her voice when she saw ranran making juice.

"Are you crazy ? why are you making juice for him?" ji ran politely ignored her and continued the work. She signaled her to be quite when she got a call.

"Yeah secretary kim, Clear my schedule for an hour and delay the meeting" she said in to the phone, her tone dominant.

"I have something I need to take care of"

"No you don't need to come just head straight to the office" she then hung up the phone. She took the plate of fruits from the maid and the juice glass and walked out of the kitchen. Just as she was about to head up she heard her mother shout again

"What if he steals your position? what are you gonna do then?" Ji ran paused, she didn't turn her head as she said

"Then let him take everything. It was his position to begin with" she then went upstairs.