
The Past of Phyre

The truth will come out. When? is the real question.

thephyregoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

8. home and probably a sleepless night

'enough, Children. Stop bickering and back to bed. It's late and the ball has ended.'

We heard Ciel, and we chuckled while heading back.

It was home, Dad always caught me and Nico bickering and fighting at night and he used to drag us back home. Nico had a house beside mine, he insisted on it being there.

His Father allowed since his brothers were at work and I don't remember it being Ciel but I sure he is one who was sent to his uncles. So Nico was alone when he was young. And his siblings were born, Lilac and Lily so even his Mother didn't have time. The poor mother has so many wild kids to look after. At Least she didn't give up, like mine.

'What are you thinking?'

'Just about home.' I look at Ciel.

'Just like how you came scolding us and telling us to go to bed just like that my Dad used to come whenever we fought a lot or made noise during the night.'

'My brother was quite mischievous wasn't he now?'

'Okay stop ganging up on me. I already hate it.'

We laughed at that.

I stopped in my tracks.

'Wait, I haven't written a letter. My mother is going to finish me.'

Nico just went ahead.

'I did and your father even sent a letter back saying you can be here as long as I like.'

'As long as YOU like. I don't believe that.'

'He loves me more so shut up.'

'Ha, You wish.'

'There you go again' said Ciel.

'Old habits do die hard, You better be asleep when I send Clyde for lookout.'

We nodded and headed back.

Once I changed so many questions wandered my brain.

Tomorrow I was going to meet Nico's Father, what would he say?

Why did he want to meet me?

Why did Ciel tell me that story?

Why was this happening to me?

I wanted answers but I was too tired to process. I just went off to sleep hoping I wouldn't wake up because of a nightmare.

I kind of have a nightmare issue.


I have sleeping and nightmare issues.

I have unknowingly shifted as well without knowing about shifting.



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