
The Past of Phyre

The truth will come out. When? is the real question.

thephyregoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

6. don't get on my nerves

'Unique indeed she is. And I always liked adventure more than calm. I do not recall liking nice girls. I do not recall liking others at all.'

I was speechless.

'So you never liked me? And where are you from? You don't look like a royal, some village girl Alex rescued.'

I looked straight into her eyes.

'Well, girls like me don't need to be protected by boys. That's what makes us fun. And No, Alexander didn't like you, he never had a thing for beautiful yet stupid girls. And as a matter of fact, I am not from a village. I scream trouble and that's the magnet that attracts people. People also tend to like Unique and Different things. So if you will excuse us now.'

I grab The young master's hand and walk towards the dance area leaving her speechless and I could hear Ciel chuckle.

We started dancing, I knew how to surprisingly.

'Well, that was something.'

'Never get on my nerves, that's something people should stop doing. And you left me with Ciel the angel, you have 5 minutes to explain yourself.'

'He is an angel and I am the demon. His company is better than mine. And my father is coming tomorrow, I don't have any information on why.'

'We have time. And I prefer demons over Angels, I am one myself so do me a favor and don't leave me like that again'

'Your wish my command. The broken tower?'

'The broken tower.'


This is shorter than I thought.



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