

Her life was simple but not anymore. Being strong is not her choice, it's her only option.

daphne247 · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

My Love

Rithu's mind kept on echoing" I should go! I should go! I must escape ,he is a ripper".She ran to the front door. "Oh,it's locked" he said from behind.Rithu had no other way ,she was trembling with fear. She saw a vase on a table near to her.She grabbed it , "Rian don't you dare come near to me, I swear I will kill you"she said with tears of fear rolling down her cheeks." Are you sure that you can take down a werewolf with a tiny flower vase?" Rian asked by giving a surprising look.Rithu already knew that she could never defeat him and escape .She dropped the vase and looked at him with helpless eyes. "Hey, Rithu.." Rian started speaking while he walked near to her. " Calm down love, I will never hurt you.After 152 years,after Esther ,the only person I loved is you.The moment I saw you I fell for you."

"Oh god ,I am done with these twists.I already had enough for today Rian.I came here to live a peaceful life and TADAAA just see what the fate brought! I am living in a house that someone suicided , I found a freaking ,weird ,old diary ,one of my student turned out to be a one hundred something year old werewolf and last but not the least , that werewolf guy is in love with me.What a wonderful peaceful life ,right?" Rithu shouted back. Yes ,she was so scared but as a human there are limitations for the stress level and Rithu's stress was way beyond the level that she could control.

"I can understand your feelings Rithu.I"ll give you some time to heal by yourself. " Rian replied with kindness and faith in his eyes.He unlocked the door and said "Rithu I"ll walk you to your house" . " Oh sir ,are you done acting like you care?" Rithu asked in full rage. "Rithu it's dark outside and I am not leaving you alone in the streets of NYC." The truth is that ,Rithu was actually scared to go alone but she was even more scared to walk with a werewolf who has murdered a town.Without replying to Rian,she walked out of his house .She started walking and could hear Rian's footsteps behind her. After walking a few miles she said"Will you leave me alone for once!! I told you that I don't need your escort to reach my home." and then she turned back and saw a man wearing a black t-shirt behind her. Her eyes scanned the man and she noticed a pocket knife in his hands. She turned and started to run.That's when she heard a loud thud from behind.She turned back only to see the most frightening thing that she has ever witnessed in her life.It was a werewolf ripping that man's bones out. " No one will hurt my love as long as I breathe" said the werewolf (Rian). Within the next second he turned back to human. "What in the world was that???!!" Rithu asked in full shock. "I told you I will walk you home" Rian said with a soft smile.Now Rithu was impressed with his acts to save her. They walked together so close.Rithu could feel that Rian wanted to hold her hands so badly.Their hands touched each other and Rian holded it tightly.

Soon they reached Rithu's home.She walked into her house and waved her hands at Rian who was standing outside the gate. Her face still looked angry. She closed the doors and tightly closed the windows.She changed into her night wears and washed her face.She sat on the bed and recalled the whole day.She didn't even knew where to start from.With all the stress , she dozed off within the next few seconds.The next day she woke up.Her mind was so blank.She didn't want to think about anything else.After reaching the university she saw Rian who was sitting on the chair with all his books ready.She tried her best to act normal.At the time of questionnaire she had to call each student and ask a question. " Rian ,please stand up and answer the 11th question " Rithu asked. Everybody in the class looked each other in confusion. "Oh I am sorry ,I meant Ivan " Rithu corrected herself.She could see him smiling at her.

After the bell rang the class was empty. Rithu was the only person in the room.She hear a sound from the door "Rithu ,can I come in?" . No you may not said Rithu ,without even looking at him. "You know what , I will report this.You are dangerous for the whole city" Rithu spoke. " No , don't. It can mean harm to many people. Please don't tell this to anybody " Rian spoke from the door. " Then,will you please leave me alone, Rian I am scared." she said with helplessness in her eyes. " You may hate me Rithika but I beg you to trust me ,I will never hurt anyone". he said. Rithu asked in surprise " So who killed a man last night?" . Rian said that he killed the man to protect Rithu. " Just give me some time " she said at last and left the class.He followed her down the stairs without uttering a word. " Hey Rian " said a guy who was walking up the stairs. "Oh Max,my old dear friend .Where have you been?" Rian said and hugged him. Rithu didn't know what was going on. "Hey,Rithu this is my old friend Max" Rian introduced Max to Rithu. "Is he some kind of werewolf?" Rithu asked as that was the only thing she wanted to know.

"Yes he is."said Rian.