


Hunter closed his eyes briefly and winced like he was in pain. /"I came here to say goodbye/" He murmured.



You can't leave me.

Every one left me.

Mom. Megan.

Not you Hunter. Please.

I knew he could feel the pain he was causing me because he wouldn't meet my gaze.

/"I'm leaving. There's nothing for me here Scarlett. Nothing except pain. This place is just a reminder for what I've lost,/" His eyes met mine briefly /"And what I cannot have./"

/"Hunter-/" I choked out between sobs but he shook his head.

/"I'm sorry, but it's for the best./"

His gaze lingered on mine as he got up.

I watched as he turned around and left without another word.

I just sat there, dazed.

/"So, you just let him go?/" Jace's voice suddenly broke in.

/"You heard him./" I whispered. /"He said that he was leaving./"