
The Party of Three

3 young heroes on a journey, Keit(pronounced Kite) wishing to find adventure and prove strength, Leon his honor, whilst Ren is only in it for the money, what dubious tasks will these 3 face you might ponder? well read the story and find out

NotColby · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1- Keit's Hometown

Before our heroes journey begins we must star with their tales of youth, their upbringing, and so we begin...

Chapter 1-Keit's hometown

Since birth Keit had gotten into mischievous trouble, he was born on a small island, known as Coleson's Cove, that has a single town, Lilith. As Keit grew up he only found a deeper love for adventure,and he soon memorized every nook and cranny of the island, he knew it like he knew the back of his hand. As he grew and grew, he only felt as if something was missing in his life, he was now 8 years old and thriving for adventure. One day he ran into a man, carrying quite a large backpack, our young protagonist asked what it was for, and the man simply replied with "It's rude to ask about others luggage, but since you must know, it's filled with spell books" the 8 year old boy stood there puzzled "spell?" He asked, "Yes" the man replied, "As in, magic" he continued. Keit only looked at him, confused, and then asked for him to demonstrate, the man simply put out his palm and created fire, Keit was so amazed, he couldn't believe his eyes, and what he was seeing, he quickly asked if he could do it, and the man pondered, and looked at the boy, and on a whimsical thought, replied with a "Yes" to the boy, he soon learned the man's name, sit was Dorian, but Keit will address him as Master Dorian. Dorian supplied young Keit with many books on magic, and with Dorian coming and going, to and from the island, Keit had plenty of time to practice, by the age of 10, Keit had learned to control his mana better than most sorcerers. Dorian had just come back to the island, and was now able to see what magic type Keit would be compatible with, and they learned that Keit was a rarity in the magic community, for he was compatible with lightning and wind, lightning is already one of the most rare, if not the most rare, and on top of that he's not just compatible with a single element, young Keit and Master Dorian cheered and danced in amazement of Keit's abilities, Dorian than left Keit with as many wind and lightning type spell books he had, he knew Keit was special when the first met, but he never knew Keit would be this incredible, "He might be the next greatest sorcerer" Dorian thought to himself. Later on in Keit's life, when he was no longer a boy, but now a teenager, he had been walking alongside the docks, and overheard a fisherman say there was a new tournament called the " Arena of Gods" Keit was immediately intrigued, and instantly asked his grandmother and master if he could partake. In which, both were cautious, but eventually said yes, his master gifted him armor, and his mother gave him a coat and gloves, the following week he soon headed to the Arena of Gods.