
The Parasites City : Evolution Begins

In a world where science has advanced to unimaginable heights, the Oncothoraxin Savrocyte was a groundbreaking medical achievement. But when it falls into the wrong hands, turning into a weapon of destruction, chaos ensues. Mark, a young student with lost memories, uncovers the truth behind the organization, his mother's death, and the city's infestation with Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms. With the parasites threatening his mind, Mark sets out on a perilous quest with trusted allies to expose the conspiracy and seek justice. Along the way, he unravels his mother's secret, challenging everything he thought he knew. Will Mark survive the treacherous journey and thwart the organization's sinister plans, or become a pawn in their game?

Khian_Knight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Detective Jameson had already recovered from his wounds. Spectre had injected Jameson with a mysterious liquid called OrganismX, which not only acted as a temporary antidote for the Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms but also had remarkable healing properties.

For those uninfected, the effects of Organismx were slower to take hold, taking a full day to feel its restorative effects. But for Mark, who had been Infected by the Tiny Creatures, the liquid worked like a charm, healing him in just a minute.

As the sun began to set, Spectre, Mark, and the detective sat in the kitchen, enjoying a warm bowl of soup. Spectre finished her meal and excused herself, walking towards the room near the research lab. She pulled open the transparent door and disappeared inside.

The sound of rustling fabric and clattering metal filled the room as Spectre donned her black suit and gathered her weapons from a large case. The distinct sound of a rifle being loaded echoed through the room, as she carefully selected her equipment for the upcoming operation.

With her hair tied back and holding the weapon case, Spectre emerged from the room, dressed in her black suit. Detective and Mark watched in awe as she approached the table and placed the case down.

"Detective, I will go to the Secret Research facility tonight. Stay with Mark and make sure he doesn't get too agitated, or else the parasites inside him will be triggered," Spectre declared.

Mark stood up, "No, I must come with you! I want to avenge my mom's death and kill those bastards!"

The detective gave Mark a reassuring look, then turned to Spectre. "Just stay here, Mark. You need to chill for now," he said with a wink.

Mark sighed and resumed sipping his soup, while Spectre and the detective shared a momentary glance.

"I'm the one who will come with her," the detective announced with a blush and a smile.

Spectre swiftly turned to face the detective, gun in hand. "If you leave him here, I'll kill you. Is that clear?" she said with a stern voice.

The detective grinned. "Okay, fine," he said, chuckling nervously. He resumed eating his soup as Spectre and he shared a silent understanding.

Spectre quickly put the weapon case over her shoulder and made her way up to the garage. As she approached her prized possession, a sleek, black motorcycle, she uncovered it and grabbed the black helmet from the handlebar. The sound of the metal clinking against the hard plastic of the helmet echoed through the quiet garage.

Securing the helmet on her head, Spectre's heartbeat pounded in her ears. She pulled on a pair of black gloves, the sound of the fabric stretching and snapping as she tugged them into place. The satisfying thud of her boots against the pavement filled the space as she swung her leg over the seat of the motorcycle.

Inserting the key into the ignition, Spectre turned it with a satisfying click. The engine roared to life with a deep, throaty growl that reverberated through the garage, bouncing off the walls and filling the space with a sense of power and energy.

Revving the engine, Spectre felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins. The sound of the motor pulsing through her body as she approached the broken garage door. With a swift kick, she burst through the door and made her way toward the secret research facility that connected to the Midlight tower underground.

Detective Jameson abruptly stops eating as he realizes Spectre has already left. He sets down his utensils and strides purposefully toward the armory, where a variety of guns and equipment are neatly arranged. His eyes widened in amazement at the advanced rifles on display. A sharp glint appears in his eyes as he spots the MRAD MK22 sniper rifle and its deadly bullets.

"Whoa, it's time to shine," he mutters to himself with a grin. He deftly retrieves the sniper rifle from its case and carefully loads it with ammunition. Satisfied with his preparation, he heads out of the room and towards the kitchen.

Mark is still at the table, looking fully satisfied and holding his tummy. "Hey detective, where are you going?" he asks.

Jameson hands him a black backpack. "Take this, you'll need it. Let's go help Specter on this damn pretty night," he adds with a sense of urgency.

Mark looks at the backpack in confusion. "Are you sure about this?"

As he opens the backpack, he sees a collection of devices and an Antidote inside. Suddenly understanding the gravity of the situation, they both quickly ascend to the garage.

Mark examines the inside of the Detective's broken car, his face twisted in a skeptical expression. "Are you sure we're gonna use this? All the glass is already shattered," he comments, his fingers testing the broken door.

"It seems like the door is already broken," he adds, moving to the front of the car. "And the headlight is completely busted." With a sudden outburst of frustration, Mark kicks the front bumper, causing it to fall off with a resounding crash.

"Ahh, Detective...it looks like a bad idea if we use it," he concludes, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Just then, the sound of a revving engine interrupts him. A sleek red sports car pulls up outside the garage, its engine growling menacingly. Despite the dim light of the street lamps, the car's metal body catches his eye, glinting in the darkness and shimmering like a jewel. Mark can feel his heart racing with excitement as he takes a step closer to get a better look at the magnificent machine.

"Wow," he murmurs, impressed. "Now that's a car."

As Mark watched, however, his eyes were drawn to the debris strewn about the area. The abandoned building nearby lay in ruins, with chunks of concrete and twisted metal littering the ground. It looked as if a disaster had struck the area only recently.

"Did all of this happen yesterday?" Mark wondered aloud to himself, taking in the destruction with a mixture of shock and awe.

"Hey kid! We don't have time for this," Detective Jameson barks impatiently from inside the car, his voice sharp with urgency.

Mark snaps out of his reverie and hurries to open the door, quickly climbing into the passenger seat. His hand's fumble for the seatbelt as the detective revs the engine and pulls out of the garage, the car screeching to a halt on the street.

Spectre parked her motorcycle behind a bush, about a thousand meters away from the Research Facility. She carefully walked through the woods towards the facility, which was surrounded by hills. As she reached the top of one of the hills, she used her scope to survey the area and saw many guards patrolling the perimeter. She also saw some students being chained and forced to enter the facility.

Spectre put down her weapon case on the ground and took out her pistol, attaching the silencer tube to it. She then assembled her rifle, attaching a silencer to it as well. After securing all the items she needed, she carefully descended toward the facility, staying close to the wall.

As she walked, she saw a guard standing by the side of the wall. With a swift and silent movement, Spectre approached the guard and stabbed him in the neck, the sound of the blade piercing flesh barely audible. The guard fell to the ground without a sound.

Spectre continued to walk along the wall, keeping an eye out for any other guards. She soon spotted a guard stationed in a watchtower overlooking the facility. She aimed with her rifle, the sound of the safety clicking off barely audible. With a precise shot, she hit the guard in the head, the sound of the gunshot muffled by the silencer.

Spectre reached for her grappling hook, which was attached to her belt. She swung it in a wide arc and launched it towards the rooftop of the building. The hook caught onto the edge of the roof, and she silently ascended, her movements smooth and calculated.

As she reached the top of the roof, she saw two guards standing guard at the entrance. Without hesitation, she moved towards them, her training taking over. She swiftly took them out using her combat moves, their bodies falling silently to the ground.

Spectre then made her way toward the door, careful not to make any noise that could alert any other guards in the vicinity. As she descended the stairs, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She quickly found a hiding spot and waited for the two guards to pass by.

Once the coast was clear, Spectre made her way toward the door that led to the underground facility. She descended the stairs, each step taking her closer to her objective. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the dark stairwell, the only sound in an otherwise silent building.

Spectre's heart raced as the alarm blared through the facility, signaling her presence had been detected. She pushed open the door and saw people running frantically down the hallway. With her back to the wall, she moved quickly and quietly towards her objective, the research room. But as she approached, she saw five guards stepping out of the elevator, their weapons at the ready.

Thinking on her feet, she ducked into a nearby room where three people in lab coats were monitoring the surveillance cameras. One of them noticed her and opened their mouth to yell, but before they could make a sound, Spectre took them down with lightning-fast moves. With the lab technicians out of the way, she approached the computer screen and saw footage of a wild and dangerous creature rampaging through the outside research area. Guards were trying to take it down, but it seemed to be invincible.

Spectre quickly switched to another camera feed and saw a group of students chained up in an unknown room. She knew she had to find a way to reach them, so she began scanning through the computer for a way out.

Spectre Heard the sound of gunshots echoing through the hallway. She knew that she had to move quickly if she was going to save those students. As she rounded the corner, she saw the guards aiming at her, their weapons firing wildly in her direction. She ducked behind the wall, the sound of bullets whizzing past her ear.

Taking a deep breath, Spectre emerged from cover, her weapon firing in short bursts as she took out the guards one by one. As the smoke cleared, she continued down the hallway, the sound of her boots echoing through the otherwise silent corridor.

Finally, she arrived at the room where the students were chained up. Their cries and sobs filled the air as she entered, but they fell silent as they saw her. Spectre offered a reassuring smile and a gesture to be quiet, as she approached and used the cutter to free them from their chains.

The clanging of the metal links hitting the ground was the only sound as the students hugged each other and began to follow Spectre toward the exit.

Spectre quickly guided the students toward the exit, but as they were running, a guard was suddenly thrown in front of them. She looked to her right and saw the man with visible veins and an eerie face approaching them. Spectre immediately guarded the students and urged them to run toward the elevator. However, as they reached the exit door, they encountered another creature blocking their path.

The man infected with the Cephaloneuroplasm microorganisms stood before them, his naked body covered in a sheen of sweat. The veins on his arms and chest were visibly swollen, pulsing in unison with the movement of something beneath his skin. His wide open mouth revealed teeth that seemed sharper and more pointed than they should be, and his long tongue snaked out of his mouth like a serpent, flicking back and forth in an erratic manner. His eyes were dilated and bloodshot, and he appeared to be in a state of constant agitation as if he were fighting an inner battle against an unseen force. Overall, the man's appearance was a frightening sight to behold, a testament to the terrifying power of the microorganisms that had taken over his body.

Thinking quickly, Spectre guided the students toward the elevator and quickly entered the code to open the door. The students managed to enter the elevator, but as Spectre was about to enter, she saw one of the female students fall to the ground because of a dead guard's body. She went back to help the girl, who was unable to walk properly due to her injury.

As the man approached, Spectre lifted the girl and took her to the elevator. All the students were now inside, but just as the elevator doors were closing, the man punched the door with great force, leaving a dent. The students screamed in terror as the elevator started to ascend to the top.

As the elevator doors opened, Spectre saw the guards standing in front of them. The guards immediately pointed their weapons at her, causing the students to look on in fear. Spectre raised her hands in surrender and stepped out of the elevator. One of the guards attempted to grab her, but she swiftly dodged his grasp and began to fight back.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Spectre used her combat training to take down the five guards. But as she was fighting, one of the guards managed to land a punch to her face, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. She quickly retrieved a knife from her shoe and used it to fend off the remaining guards, stabbing one in the heart.

After guiding the students toward the exit, they were met with a barrage of gunfire from the guards. Spectre quickly realized that they needed to find another way out and led the group toward the emergency exit. As they ran towards the back of the facility, Spectre placed a bomb in the wall, blowing a hole that they could escape through.

As they ascended the hills, the guards continued to shoot at them. But suddenly, the sound of gunshots rang out from above them, and a sniper took out the guards, protecting Spectre and the students. With the sniper's help, they managed to reach the top of the hill, where they were met by Mark and Detective Jameson.

Spectre helped the injured student to safety as Mark and Jameson approached them. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air as they made their escape, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline. But Spectre knew that they couldn't rest yet - they had to keep moving if they were going to survive.

I may be a new author, but my dedication to crafting a satisfying story for my readers is unwavering.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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