
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Chief

When the lady orc said that they saw Xiaoyi shudder. 

"Do you know something about that?" She asked Xiaoyi.

"Yes. The metal thing they are trapped in is called a car. It is supposed to help you get between cities faster. They wanted to hurt me and I managed to escape after it fell off the cliff. I was unconscious so I don't know why we fell. Maybe it was because of the snow." Xiaoyi said while shaking as she recalled what was happening before she got to the place she is now. 

The lady orc saw this and placed her hand on Xiaoyi's shoulder to help calm her down. 

"I am called Tharla and this is Thruk. We are siblings and offspring of Morgok. What is your name?" The lady orc Tharla said. 

Before Xiaoyi could respond she was cut off. 

"Car, Car, so is it alive? Like how a horse helps with travel is the car alive? If so, can I fight one?" The manly orc Thruk bombarded. 

"Hehe no it's not alive. My name is Xiaoyi it's nice to meet both of you." she replied while sticking her hand out to Tharla.

Tharla looked at the hand and finally realized how small Xiaoyi was in comparison. She extended 3 fingers to do the handshake. 

"Are you still a kid? Have you been eating well? I hear that most other races are smaller but aren't you a little too small?" Tharla asked confusingly. 

"No, I'm actually taller than most women from where I am from." Xiaoyi replied shyly. 

They continued to talk for a couple of hours with Xiaoyi and Tharla doing most of the talking while Thruk ate food. 

Eventually the old lady orc came running out of the cabin looking around in a panic. A few orcs pointed in the direction of Thruk and Tharlas cabin, giving her some relief. Had an orc that didn't want the human here in the first place gotten to her first she might not be in one piece. 

The orc lady eventually made it to the cabin and barged in without knocking. 

"You can't go wandering around like that. Some orcs only think of fighting and eating. You are new to them and new things excite them too much." The old lady orc said in a motherly tone. 

"It's ok, Thruk only liked hunting big things, not little things like Xiaoyi." Thruk said proudly while pushing out his chest. 

"Xiaoyi? What a unique name. My name is Gruulga. Offspring of the late Drogan." The old lady orc Gruulga said. 

Xiaoyi stood up and walked to her with her hand out for a handshake. 

"This is acceptable with me but don't try to do this to the chief or his offspring." Gruulga said while extending her arm.

Xiaoyi hesitates for a second before shaking Gruulga's hand. 

"Do I have to see the chief?" Xiaoyi asked sheepishly. 

"Everyone must meet the chief when entering and leaving the village as a sign of respect. You were unconscious when he first met you but he will still be expecting you to see him before you leave. Any idea where you are going?" Gruulga informed and asked. 

I was hoping to go back home wherever that may be." Xiaoyi said. 

"Alright rest here for a couple more days and I'll get the stuff you will need for your trip." Tharla said. "We can't have you leaving while in your condition." 


"My friend said you didn't but I have to hear for myself. Did you cause the box that's in my head?" A random orc man asked. 

"No, I didn't cause the box, the snow or the lights." Xiaoyi sighs and shakes her head as she replies. 

She had been asked similar questions about 50 times now. The first 10 she was happy to answer but then they kept coming. One orc even asked her once a day just to see if the answer would change. 

She was now on her way to the village hall where the chief would be. She was so nervous. This guy is probably 10 feet tall and probably stronger than a train.

'If he just flicked me I could die.' She thought to herslef.

A few orcs were following around as they wanted to see if anything would happen when the first human the world has seen for hundreds of years meets the chief. 

Once she got to the door she took a deep breath before Tharla opened the door for her. As soon as the door opened she was glad she took a deep breath. She could already feel his presence and she didn't even see him yet. She slowly walked in behind Tharla as they made their way to the main room. All the other orcs were sticking their heads in from the entrance room waiting in anticipation. 

Xiaoyi looked in shock. A giant orc that was about 10 feet tall while sitting was looking at her with glaring eyes. He had a giant sword that was about 10 feet long in his hand casually swinging it around. There was a door behind his throne that was about 15ft tall.

His face looked mean as though he had been frowning from the moment he was born. His tusks were slight pushed off his face and ended on both sides of his face.

Xiaoyi immediately looked down in order to spare herself from the scary sight and the chance at angering him from looking him in the eyes for too long. 

"What brings you to my village human girl?" The chief spoke with a deep profound voice that caused her hair to be blown back just from him speaking. 

"I-I-I fell from a mountain and was saved by one of your men. Thank you sir." Xiaoyi replied as she felt her hands get sweaty. 

"As I have seen. Do you wish to leave my village?" as he spoke he flicked his hand to the door. A gust of wind strong enough to dry out Xiaoyi's eyes rushed past her causing her to blink multiple times. 

Tharla quickly left the room and closed the door behind her. Xiaoyi could hear complaining from the other orcs that were looking in and also heard the door to the outside close as well. She was probably the only other person in this building besides the chief. 

The pressure on her grew stronger as the chief stood up causing her to kneel in front of the chief. Her vision gre blurry as though she had her eyes open in water.

"Yes, I am requesting to leave your village sir." Xiaoyi replied in a shaky voice. 

"Then I will ask this before I let you go. Do you have any correlation to the strange events that have happened recently? If I deem your answer unworthy, or think you are lying, your head will be rolling on the floor before you even get to scream." He said as he took two steps closer to her now standing over 13 feet tall.

"N-no sir. I-I have no correlation t-to them." She responded as sweat started to drop onto the floor. After a few agonizing seconds of not knowing if she will die he finally turned around and all the pressure that was on her disappeared, allowing her some room to breathe. 

"I will allow you to leave on the condition that you do not harbor any ill intent to my kind. I also want you to tell other humans that I will only fight to protect my people." He said as he waved his hand opening both the door to his throne room and outside from a distance. 

"T-Thank you sir, I will make sure to tell the others of your kindness." Xiaoyi said while breathing heavily.

Tharla came in and helped Xiaoyi to her feet and left the town hall.

Thank you for reading my first day of realeases. If you made it this far add it to your library.

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